

Description The Great War of the Holy Grail, it was a war fought by 14 servants. Another servant was called to this battle, and he will be the one to speak of. What will become of the war and what changes this heroic spirit will bring. That’s what this story is about. Warning This is fiction as you could understand from Fate/Apocrypha. This is my first work, and yet, I ask you to judge strictly. So I can fix all the flaws, the mistakes and the history. I also want to note that English, my third language, and I still learn it ;), in writing, I have a lot of help of an interpreter. So if there are mistakes, feel free to say it. I hope you appreciate this fiction as it deserves (if even it is full sh*t). Everyone, enough words, just enjoy this fantasy.

eternalStudent · Anime et bandes dessinées
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20 Chs

Chapter 18: Desire(2)

On a rock, near a huge crater, sat two people... Two servants. The young girl, was so beautiful that even in the midst of this scorched, and bloody place, she looked like a goddess. Ciel stared at her without tearing her eyes away.

- Will you tell me a little... about your past? - she asked tentatively, - If you don't want to, don't.

She spoke, waving her hands, so that I wouldn't force myself. But for some reason I wanted to tell her... tell her my story. She'd just listen... I'm sure she would.

A nostalgic expression appeared on Ciel's face:

- I was homeless... living on the streets since I was a kid. - It was like his eyes went back in time, - The town I lived in was very poor. Old houses, dirt, people who died either from hunger or from being beaten...

Jeanne listened to his story, with a sad face, but she was ready to hear it.

- Every day, someone was stealing, killing... I was the same way. Stealing, so as not to die of hunger... But, to kill a man I didn't have the courage. So, I had food taken away from me all the time.

Surprisingly, Ciel's face was not sad... he was smiling, as if remembering his beautiful childhood.

- One day, when at last the magnificent blue sky appeared... And the sun, shone like never before... I was captured, by the slave traders. - Avenger said with a chuckle,- I don't know where I was, or where they were taking me... All I remember is removing the sack from my head, and a tall, handsome man standing in front of me. He said he was buying me off him, and that I would soon be in my new home. His eyes... his smile, made me trust his words, and I followed him.

Ruler didn't know what to think about what Ciel had said, and she only continued to listen to him...

- We arrived at a beautiful mansion, we were greeted by the servants of that house. They all looked the same... white skin that looked like porcelain dolls, and emotionless faces, - Jeanne knew at once from his description that they were homunculus, - The days in the mansion went well. This man, he told me only one thing, I would be his successor. Every day, he repeated the same phrase to me... We could talk about anything, but he would definitely tell me about it, and I was proud of it... I believed in it, and I tried for it, studying magic every day...

Suddenly, Ciel's face became a little sad, his eyes took on a slight chill...

- One day, he said to me, "You want to be my successor, and inherit all this." He asked me if I wanted it, but I was ready for it, all the time I spent there. I tried for that day, to repay him for saving me... And he took me, to the underground laboratory, - Avenger's face filled with pain, - I was never allowed in, but that day, I went there with him... What I saw shocked me. There were a lot of people there, dead and alive. He was engaged in some experiments, and to be his successor, I too had to go through one.

Jeanne only looked, at him, her heart bleeding. He was a child, but how badly traumatized he had been by all he had seen that day...

- The experiment I had to go through was to have my magical chains transplanted into me, another man... a magician. I still remember his words: "You're talented, I haven't seen magic circuits like yours even with talents, the Association of Mages... No one in this world!" Ha-ha! That's quite a laugh. I was scared, but I agreed. And every day, I was transplanted magical mage circuits, a very hard thing to do. Two mages must be in the same state to be able to do this... Transplanting circuits was very painful, it was like a struggle against another mage, because after the magical circuits were transplanted to me, the mage from whom they were taken, died. Every single day, it happened over and over again. I could no longer see the color of the sun, only feel the pain. This went on for several years until it was over. To tell you the truth, I'm even surprised myself how the whole experiment was a success. I guess I have to thank this genius magician.

Ciel's face returned to normal, and with a smile he said:

- Here, my story, - he continued, looking into her eyes, - is it interesting?

- What happened to that magician?

- I killed him, on the day of the last transplant, and it was successful... But when he was rejoicing that he could create someone so unique, there was an explosion in the lab that allowed me to get out. And I chopped him up with this sword. - Pointing to the sword on his belt, he continued, - ...after killing him, I freed all the people who were there. And then I continued killing mages, often finding their laboratories where I freed people. That's how I became a heroic spirit.

Avenger's story was a sad one... But he wasn't sad about those days. He remembered them with a smile... Jeanne went into herself, thinking over what Ciel had said. A light breeze blew refreshingly on her face, and the sun shone brightly... As if to say that today was a peaceful day. The silence lasted for about a minute before Jeanne emerged from her thought:

- You've had a sad past... - she continued with a soft smile, - the fact that you were able to become a heroic spirit after all you've been through. It only proves that you really are a hero.

Jeanne was glad that all the horrors he had gone through had not made him a horrible person. And after going through all the pain... he began to save people who were in the same situation, instead of becoming like his torturers...

- You're wrong about something, Ruler... - he got up from the rock and walked toward the crater... and stood in front of it and continued his words, - you see, I'm not a hero. I'm just a vengeful spirit... I'm not the hero I was...

Ciel was calm, but at the same time, it was as if his whole being was burning, a flame of rage, and hatred...

- Don't you want revenge, Jeanne D'Arc? Doesn't the fact that they burned you and called you a witch make you angry? Don't you want revenge on them all?

- ...No, I don't wish for that, - Jeanne answered confidently, - It did hurt at first... But I don't blame them, nor do I blame the Lord.

Jeanne was unwavering, she believed that God had not abandoned her, that he did not abandon any man. And perhaps it was that faith... pure faith,that made her a saint.

- ...you really are a saint, aren't you ruler...

- No, no, no, - she said, waving her hands, - I am not worthy of such a high title... Ciel... what do you wish for?

The last words sounded uncertain. It was as if she knew the answer, but she just couldn't accept it...

- I wish for death...

His head was turned toward heaven. He said this from his heart. Jeanne's eyes expressed sadness... she knew it was all to ruin him, and perhaps because of her powerlessness in this, she was so saddened...

- I wish for death, all mages. - His words were full of rage, and his eyes burned with anger, - As soon as I obtain the Grail... I will have a genocide of mages!

A storm cloud covered the bright sun. The former battlefield between the factions had regained its dark and cold hue... Ciel's whole countenance expressed a hatred that bordered on madness.


Outside, the rain was pouring down from the sky... through the black clouds, there was no moon to illuminate these dark nights. Only the young girl who stood looking up at the sky was thinking about something.

- What were the rulers thinking about?

From the sudden question, the ruler went out of her mind, and turning around, she saw a man who was dressed in Greek armor. With long hair that was tied in a ponytail.

- You're Chiron... - she continued with a nod of greeting, - what kind of man do you think Ciel is?

- You, of Avenger?

- Yes, the man himself.

Chiron took hold of his chin and began to think about his answer...

- I guess you could call him a hero... though I don't know his past, there's something heroic about him. I think his not the alter version, was a great hero.

- Really, I think so too.

- He helped us a lot, so I'm grateful to him.

- Oh, you mean Darnic and Fiore.

- Yes, about them, - Chiron went on with a smile, - all his questions at the talks, as if they were aimed at Fiore's development, and really beginning to think like the head of the clan. After she was able to form an alliance with him and the other servants, it was as if she'd become fired up and more confident in herself. Now she and Darnic are thinking about how to distribute the forces in the battle against Amakusa.

- That's good to hear...

- And yet, you haven't answered me, why are you sad?

After Chiron's question, there was silence. Jeanne went deep into herself, looking for an answer to his question...

- He and Amakusa have something in common... I fear that Ciel, obsessed with his unreality, will... only hurt himself...

Hearing Jeanne's words, Archer thought about her words...

- You're definitely right, in all the years I've lived, and seen all kinds of people, from slaves to great heroes and gods. Never, hate and anger, have they ever led to a good result... Mostly to the man himself, who was stuck in that swamp called Hate.

Jeanne sank back into her thoughts, filled with sadness. That she couldn't help him... after five minutes of pondering, she came sharply to her joy:

- Then maybe I should ask him out on a date.


If you don't mind I will write my thoughts here, as I don't know if anyone reads the "author's thoughts" section. Well, there's no romance in this fanfic (if anyone cares... though who am I lying to, no one gives a fuck).

Also, you're waiting for Fate/ Strange Fake, I'm fucking waiting! Write what you think about it, I wonder how many people are waiting for this anime (I think there are a lot of you).


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

eternalStudentcreators' thoughts