
Chapter 2:Start:Fate/Grand order

??? POV

In a....particular land, you can see a young man,no more than 18 year old wearing blue hoodie with a cat ears on it...though,who wear that thing if not the MC of this series.....

Steve POV

Steve:"Fuck...I think I know where this is...wonder why I hate that freaking god thing,ughh"steve says in frustrated tone"So,this is....singularity i guess?well,better start preparing for a battle then."as soon as he said that,skeleton start appearing out of nowhere.(dont ask why).Then,quickly as he saw them,he proceed to open the inventory.

Steve:"Hmm.What should I take out first...aha!warden sword do the job I guess!"but as the he take the sword out of the black portal that slighly glitches,he had a confused look.

Steve:"Wait,wtf is this...ouh,its the stat of the sword! Woaa! This is so cool!"

<Weapon Stat>

Warden Sword(unenchanted)


SPECIAL:Can shoot out a sonic beam that deal 56 amount of DMG each second.This beam last 4~6 second.Can deal AOE DMG to the nearby mobs and area


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Steve:"Wow!18 DMG! I can basically one shot these mobs!,but what is this special?Should I try it out?Meh,I'm just gonna use it"thinking"But how am I gonna use it though?...Oh,SONIC BEAM!!!"Steve say it out loud while pointing his sword at the army of skeleton and weird animal.

Steve:"Huh,why its not worki-"suddenly a sonic beam shot out of the sword making a loud noises.Steve cover his ear and eye because the loud noise and blinding light that coming out of it.The beam vaporising the area and the mobs/skeleton that Steve point at.Then,there is a silent for a few second until steve spoke.

Steve:"What the hell?!!.that was awesome!and destructive to say the least.But,sheesh man,

how can this shit be so overpower!"unknown to steve,there certain archer watching this weird encounter that he accidently got into.

Archer POV

Archer/EMIYA:"What the hell was that!."Archer say'Its certainly not weird if that guy a servant

but no,he not have a tiniest bit of mana and the whatever thing that guy did is certainly not a magecraft! it is his weapon that do that thing?.'Archer thought and want to copy the sword l,but cant'What! why I cant copy his weapon?!'Archer tries again multiple time but

he fail'Who is this guy?'Archer thought but suddenly hear what the guy saying at the moment.

Steve:"Good thing I got fuckton of this shit that Im not gonna use to often"the guy said and archer hearing this,shocked but to simple term to say.And the guy proceed to open up a portal that similar to gilgamesh gate of babylon but black and has a glitches full of symbols and number and store his weapon in there.And continued to say.

Steve:"Hmm...If I think a bit,dont I have excalibur or two in there that I can use?meh,not like I dont have Ea that gil have or something!"Archer hearing this shocked to the very core and say in his mind'I need to eliminate him before he use that thing for bad!

and how can he have excalibur?!! and two of them!!how?And Ea too, isnt gilgamesh the only one whoes had that thing?'Archer says and proceed to tell his master about this guy!!.

Steve POV

Steve(mind):'Hah!! Fuck you Archer!you think I doesnt notice you?!Haha...but I do have gil spawn egg....maybe I dont have to spawn him*shiver*(the arrogant that cant be handle)but,goetia huh?...maybe I spawn him in final fight in time temple...hehe' Steve say in his mind"But I do spawn right next to the mc of fgo huh.....shit."