
Fate/ Beginning with Type Moon

The fourth Holy Grail War battle just end, and the second uncle just died... Just after the end of the Fourth Holy Grail War, a boy named Shinji Matou began to awaken and travel through the memories before his reincarnation. I still remember the jokes on the Internet in my previous life, what was the first thing I did when I traveled to Fuyuki City? Insect Master, save Sakura! Shinji looked at himself in the mirror... Well, wash and sleep. Ding! 【Your system is online! 】 ...wait, something is wrong. Why does this system smell like Siri?

koijiro21 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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340 Chs

Chapter 327

Under the full moon, atop a rocky reef.

The sound of waves crashing against the shore was constant. Obito stood alone, gazing up at the bright moon above. If one were to look closely, they would notice four identical photos or rather, portraits, laid out beside Obito. Each depicted the same person.

A man with dark blue hair and eyes, marked as extremely dangerous.

Hearing rustling behind him, Obito asked indifferently, "What have you found?"

"The name is Angra Mainyu."

Black Zetsu responded, followed by White Zetsu taking over the explanation.

"He seems to be an evil god, related to the Fire Worship Cult that has emerged in recent years. Konoha seems to know some details."

"It doesn't conflict with our plans..."

Black Zetsu added, genuinely hoping Obito would avoid provoking this so-called 'evil of this world.'

From the information his other entity had obtained from the reputation system, Angra Mainyu, bearing the title 'evil of this world,' was invincible!

He couldn't be killed by normal means or sealed away. He also possessed an unmatched ability against humans, making him the supreme killer.

Furthermore, he had unique abilities. For instance, being a collection of calamities and evils, he could see the evil in human nature.

For someone like Obito, one glance and he would be seen through; his motives and thoughts would be laid bare.

Once Angra Mainyu understood Obito's intentions, his unpredictable actions could not be foreseen.

Such a being should be avoided if possible. Black Zetsu believed it would be better to deal with him after rescuing his mother, whom he believed to be the strongest.

"Evil god?"

Obito scoffed, his tone dripping with disdain.

Black Zetsu sighed internally, knowing Obito might rashly make a foolish move again, and then calmly explained everything...


Evil of this world? A man-made evil god from six thousand years ago?

Unpredictable, invincible abilities, no weaknesses, desires to kill everyone?

Ha, just a zombie, isn't he?

Obito dismissed Black Zetsu's explanation with contempt. He didn't take the title 'evil god' seriously. After all, Akatsuki already had a similar being.

Born from people's excessive desires, that demon sounded impressive but, in Obito's observation, wasn't all that powerful.

Angra Mainyu probably wasn't much different, just overhyped.

However, such a being could be a useful subordinate, given nothing better to do.

"Conduct a thorough investigation on this person."


Late night, at the hot spring inn.

Shinji descended to the first floor, observing the immaculately clean lobby, even the floorboards were gleaming, and the table set with steaming dishes, silently praising Minato for his diligence.

Minato, holding a pot of fish soup, hesitated before speaking as Shinji slowly walked towards the dining table.

"Mr. Anli, she is..."

"She should be fine now. Just wait for her to wake up and pay the price."

Shinji waved dismissively and sat down at the table. Hearing this, Minato felt both relieved and troubled.

What a mess!

As Shinji ate, he mumbled, "Naivety should have its limits. How could there be something gained without a price in this world?

Moreover, I always leave the choice to them. If they don't want it, they can return what I gave. I'm quite fair, don't you think?"

Thinking it over, although Minato agreed it was reasonable, he still felt something was off, or rather, uncomfortable.

In a sense, it was an equal trade, but it felt like coercion. Especially the part about returning what was given if they refused...

It sounded like a threat, forcing compliance with their lives on the line!

"Don't get it wrong. Her life was saved by me, so it isn't truly hers right now."

Minato silently sat down, and after a few moments, looked up earnestly at Shinji.

"Mr. Anli, I think finding a nice girl and settling down wouldn't be a bad idea."

"Sure, I'll find a suitable girl for you first. If it works out, I'll consider it."

Caught off guard, Minato awkwardly laughed and quickly declined, affirming that he would only love Kushina in this lifetime and would not get involved with other women!


No, not unless!


Watching Yūhi Kurenai slowly wake up, her eyelashes fluttering as she opened her eyes, Shinji resisted the urge to say, "Ultraman, I am Zoffy," and got down to business.

Waking up to an unfamiliar ceiling, Kurenai was confused.

She had been mortally wounded, so how was she alive?

Did Tsunade arrive to save her?


Hearing a man's deliberate cough, Kurenai sat up, noticing the blue-haired man sitting casually by her bed. He looked familiar.

A picture!

The dangerous man in the secret portraits distributed in the village!

Tsunade had warned that if encountered during a mission, it was best to ignore him. If spoken to, go along and look for an escape.

It was best not to be enemies with him!



Shinji cut her off with a snap of his fingers, "Okay, knowing my name is fine, but let's get to the point. Your life was saved by me."

"Oh... Oh, thank you."

"No need for verbal thanks. I saved you because there's something about you that interests me. Now, let's talk about a deal..."

Using the same approach he had with Konan, Shinji watched as Kurenai's initial confusion turned to realization, then finally to an expression of anger and humiliation.

"Absolutely not!"

"Okay, I understand. Then I'll take back the life I saved."

Shinji showed no reluctance or displeasure, as he had expected this outcome.

Even though the original story didn't show much, the official materials mentioned Kurenai and Asuma being childhood sweethearts.

If their bond was that strong, it would be hard to interfere.

Still, people's feelings can change. After reviving her in a few days, he could ask again. If she still refused, he would wait for the next time.

Repeat the process. If after a hundred times the answer was the same, he would give up on her. Shinji respected true love deeply.


Seeing Kurenai suddenly stop him, Shinji paused. What was she thinking?

"No need to force yourself. I'm not like those who force deals. It's just a failed negotiation."

Watching the blue-haired young man, who showed no shame in his words, Kurenai clenched her fists, cursing internally.

Who's forcing who here? Isn't it you who forced the two choices? How can you even say that?

It's reasonable to pay a price for saving my life, but why this price? Can't money do?

As a ninja, she had prepared to die one day, but this kind of death felt particularly wrong.

Why save her only to make her choose? Couldn't he have left her to die?

Wait! There's a flaw in his logic!

"You saving me was your decision, not mine. You changed my fate of dying there without my consent!"

"So I'm sending you back to die now. Don't worry, it won't hurt, and you'll look just like you did then."

Giving a thumbs-up and winking, the blue-haired youth made Kurenai feel utterly defeated.

"Fine, but I want to leave some messages for my comrades before I go, as compensation for your unauthorized interference in my fate..."

"The payment remains the same."

"Why!" Kurenai shouted, "Why is leaving messages the same price as letting me live? That's completely unfair!"

Shinji shrugged, "That's just how my deals work. I'm not forcing you."

Kurenai: ...

Is this guy obsessed with that?


Yūhi Kurenai was quite a filial child.

"Dear daughter, as a ninja, you may die young, but before that, make sure to pass on the Will of Fire to your descendants..."

Her father had told her this during the Nine-Tails' attack, and she had promised.

Though loyalty and filial piety are hard to balance, she had promised her father and couldn't break it!

So, realizing she couldn't beat or escape from Shinji, Kurenai chose to endure for her father's sake!

She couldn't let her father be disappointed in her from the afterlife for not leaving descendants.


Shinji knew Yūhi Kurenai possessed an incredibly firm Will of Fire!

To counter fire, he used water!

Water Release: Flowing Stream, Flooding the Mountain, High-Pressure Water Gun, Boiling Frog (Hot Spring)…

Using every Water Release he knew, Shinji barely fought Kurenai's Will of Fire to a draw.

Finally, as dawn broke, Kurenai temporarily retreated.

"Two days and 18 hours left."

Hearing this, Shinji could only admire the determination of a Konoha ninja and their Will of Fire.

Meanwhile, in the men's hot spring next door, Minato had barely spent ten minutes before leaving with a dark expression.

Because... the mixed bath was right next door.

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