
Fate/ Beginning with Type Moon

The fourth Holy Grail War battle just end, and the second uncle just died... Just after the end of the Fourth Holy Grail War, a boy named Shinji Matou began to awaken and travel through the memories before his reincarnation. I still remember the jokes on the Internet in my previous life, what was the first thing I did when I traveled to Fuyuki City? Insect Master, save Sakura! Shinji looked at himself in the mirror... Well, wash and sleep. Ding! 【Your system is online! 】 ...wait, something is wrong. Why does this system smell like Siri?

koijiro21 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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340 Chs

Chapter 238

"Hey... Bazett, are you... okay?"

At the moment they met, the half-dead, severely injured Lancer, being dragged on the ground by Berserker, stumbled over his words and then fell silent as his head slumped to the side.

"Is Lancer dead!?" Archer's expression was grave.

Seeing Lancer, who showed no signs of life or even the faintest breath, Saber turned away out of pity. Following her knightly principles, she gently patted Bazett's shoulder.


"He's not dead!"

Lancer, who had seemed on the brink of death, suddenly sat up, yelling angrily, "I was just resting! Resting!"

"He's alive again!" Archer was astonished.

"I was never dead! You did that on purpose, didn't you?"


With two new additions to their combat strength, the group revised their rescue plan. Regardless of the situation, they had to rescue their comrades first.

At three in the morning, with the assault plan finalized and Lancer's injuries mostly healed, they moved under the cover of darkness to the crater.

The group exchanged glances and nodded.

Illya was the first to move. She closed her eyes, raised her small hand, and began chanting the incantation for her spell.

Since it was early morning and the enemy likely didn't expect an attack at this time, Illya, giving it her all, managed to catch a slight ripple in the Enzworth workshop's barrier!

Seeing the fist-sized spatial ripple, Lancer smiled.

He gripped his spear tightly, ran a short distance, then leapt high into the air!

The crimson spear in his hand burst into a brilliant red light!

"Gáe Bolg!!"

With all his strength, the Lancer hurled his spear towards the center of the crater!

Archer was not to be outdone, releasing his Caladbolg at the same time!

Both projectiles hit the barrier ripple Illya had identified with full force!


After the explosion, a two-meter diameter hole was blown into the barrier!


The explosion and the shaking of furniture woke Beatrice, who had been hugging her Julian pillow... or rather, it knocked her out of her sweet dream onto the floor!

Rubbing her bruised head, Beatrice cursed, "What was that? An earthquake? Really, interrupting my dream…"

Suddenly, her expression changed to a lovesick smile as she hugged her pillow tighter.

"Julian-sama, it's okay, Beatrice will protect you~~"

"Beatrice, it's an enemy attack. Prepare for battle."

Julian's cold voice echoed in her ears, making Beatrice shiver with delight.

Meanwhile, Angelica, who didn't wear sleepwear, stood at her room's floor-to-ceiling window, looking indifferently at the scene in the courtyard below.

Of course, there was no worry of being seen because the Enzworth house had displacement magic on even the windows!

"Yes, I understand, Darius-sama."

"Don't kill them, just drive them away."

Unlike the voice in Beatrice's ears, Angelica heard Darius's voice directly. This meant Darius's consciousness had fully stabilized in Julian's body.

Few knew what Angelica was thinking at that moment. Not even Darius knew that this doll, who had lost more than 90% of her emotions, felt sorrow and pain for Julian being replaced by Darius.

In the space between worlds, Shinji was cursing at the perfectly positioned moonlight.

Photographer, go to hell! Don't come back tomorrow!


After entering the barrier, although Illya and the others noticed the climate inside was different, they didn't pay much attention.

They split into their designated teams: the rescue team led by Illya and Saber, and the frontline fighters, with Berserker for melee and Archer for ranged support.

The support team consisted of Bazett and Lancer, ready to intercept any enemies targeting the rescue team or support the frontline.

Without any communication, the teams dispersed quickly, each starting their tasks.

Guided by her ahoge and the faint connection with Shirou, Saber led Illya towards one side of the large castle.

Berserker, following Illya's orders, strode towards the castle's front, leaving deep footprints with each step!


Archer stood at a distance, ready to provide cover fire. He didn't join Berserker in melee to avoid being accidentally injured by the mindless giant.

Bazett and Lancer trailed Illya and Saber, carefully watching for enemies. Their job was to intercept any threats to the rescue team and support the frontline.


The castle's central tower was where Miyu was imprisoned.

Miyu, forced into a black evening gown by a disheveled man with stubble, froze when she heard Berserker's roar.

"Is that..."

"It seems to be someone you know..."

The voice of a middle-aged man echoed, and Darius, unkempt and scruffy, appeared at the window through displacement magic.


Seeing Darius lazily sitting on the windowsill, looking down at the scene below, Miyu buried her head in her knees again, remaining silent.


Illya and the others' operation was a success!

With the enemy's two main forces tied up, Illya and Saber had enough time to search and find the imprisoned Shirou. They broke through the magically locked door and rushed in!

"You guys…" Shirou was surprised to see them, but before he could finish, Illya stepped forward, her face full of concern.

"Shirou, don't talk."

Illya gestured for silence and stepped aside for Saber.

Saber, unable to hide her concern, raised her Excalibur.


The magical handcuffs on Shirou shattered.

Feeling his hands free, Shirou thanked them and immediately ran out of the cell!

"Calm down, Shirou! We don't have much time. I sense a terrifying presence in this mansion. We need to leave before it intervenes!"

"I have to save Miyu!"

"I said calm down!"

Illya tried to stop him, but it was useless. She sighed and extended her hand towards Shirou.



Seeing Saber carrying Shirou and Illya by her side as they emerged from the castle, Bazett, assisting Berserker and Archer against Beatrice, announced the mission's success and ordered a retreat!

Illya didn't hesitate to order Berserker to cover their retreat.

"Berserker, cover us!"


Berserker, with the Thunder Hammer pressing on his blade, roared, his aura surging!

Using all his strength, he pushed back the hammer and retreated quickly!

The others also retreated while fighting. The surprise attack was a great success!

Apart from Shirou's odd appearance, as if he had exhausted himself, everything was perfect!

Seeing the intruders escaping, Beatrice was furious and began gathering purple lightning with her Thunder Hammer!

But then, Darius's voice rang out.

"Stop, Beatrice."

Beatrice clicked her tongue, reluctantly lowering her hammer.

"You mustn't stop a little lady from going home."

With that, Beatrice and Angelica turned around, ceasing their pursuit.

Illya's expression grew serious at the sound of the man's voice. If she wasn't mistaken, he was the powerful presence she had sensed earlier!

"I forgot to introduce myself. I am Darius Enzworth, head of the Enzworth family. My servants were indeed rude, but they meant no harm. Please forgive them. Farewell, Illyasviel."


Morning, in the abandoned school's infirmary.

Though they had rescued Shirou, Illya couldn't shake an ominous feeling, especially concerning the man who introduced himself as Darius Enzworth...

His voice gave her chills.

Looking at Shirou lying on the bed, clearly exhausted from using Unlimited Blade Works, Illya sighed. It was evident he had been through a brutal battle recently.


Saber, sitting by the bed, couldn't bear to look, filled with sorrow and guilt. Just days ago, he was fine! It was her failure to protect him that led to this!

It was all her fault!

"He's not the Shirou you know!"

At this point, Shinji couldn't hold back, taking a deep breath and shouting. In his mind, he added,

Please, open your eyes!

You saved the wrong person!

Yes, he's also named Shirou, but he's not the one you know! And why didn't you let him finish speaking before putting him to sleep?!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

koijiro21creators' thoughts