
Fate/ Beginning with Type Moon

The fourth Holy Grail War battle just end, and the second uncle just died... Just after the end of the Fourth Holy Grail War, a boy named Shinji Matou began to awaken and travel through the memories before his reincarnation. I still remember the jokes on the Internet in my previous life, what was the first thing I did when I traveled to Fuyuki City? Insect Master, save Sakura! Shinji looked at himself in the mirror... Well, wash and sleep. Ding! 【Your system is online! 】 ...wait, something is wrong. Why does this system smell like Siri?

koijiro21 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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340 Chs

Chapter 200

Looking at the familiar but still-under-repair gate of Konoha, Tsunade felt a pang of melancholy. She hesitated for a long time without stepping in. She had thought she would never return here, but unexpectedly...

The fate of that small fishing village on the border of the Land of Hot Water will one day spread across the entire world—when he tires of playing in this world.

He said it, and Tsunade was sure he would do it and could absolutely accomplish it! She had an inexplicable instinct, a strange belief that he could achieve it.

Suddenly, Tsunade laughed softly to herself. If that was the case, why had she returned? If humanity's extinction was inevitable, why come back?

"Damn it…!"

She cursed under her breath, clutching the necklace at her chest tightly.

There must be something at work!

Something hidden deep in her subconscious, something she had abandoned long ago (faith), was at work!




What should I do...?

As Tsunade stood there, conflicted and torn, slow footsteps and a man's heavy breathing suddenly came from behind her.


Turning around, Tsunade saw a dust-covered, medium-built man clutching a letter, collapsing to the ground. His current weakened state was due to long days of travel.

"Hey, what's wrong?"


With his last bit of strength, the man raised the letter, then his eyes rolled back, and he passed out completely.

"Hey! Hang in there!"

Realizing something was wrong, Tsunade hurriedly knelt to check his condition, but... it was too late!

The man, traveling who knows how many days on foot, judging by his face, hadn't eaten or drunk anything for at least a week!

"Good grief, it's like you're forcing me to see that old man."

Feeling a pang of pity, Tsunade took the commission letter the man was supposed to deliver to Konoha but didn't open it to see the task details. She just took out the ten thousand ryo mission fee.


Since the night of the Nine-Tails attack, nearly two months had passed.

Due to the chaos caused by the Nine-Tails attack, many issues needed immediate attention. Hence, the higher-ups had temporarily allowed Hiruzen Sarutobi, who was most familiar with Konoha's affairs, to handle matters to help the village through this tough period!

Currently, although the effects of the Nine-Tails attack on the village were still present, the situation had stabilized considerably. Thus, regarding the next Hokage, the four senior officials of Konoha convened a meeting with all the Jonin.

The meeting's agenda was to discuss, nominate, vote, and appoint the next Hokage.

The gathered Jonin below were murmuring, none taking the lead to suggest a candidate, especially the Jonin from the Uchiha clan.

Led by the current head, Fugaku Uchiha, they stood with their arms crossed, saying nothing, clearly indicating they had no interest in this matter—just showing up to make up the numbers.

On the high platform stood Hiruzen Sarutobi and the three advisors, including Danzo Shimura.

Danzo, although expressionless, felt confident and well-prepared. He had arranged everything meticulously, and many Jonin were on his side!

As long as he nominated himself, with the support of his arranged Jonin, the others would follow suit!

With his qualifications, other than Hiruzen, Jiraiya, or Tsunade, who weren't in the village, who else could be the next Hokage? He was certain he would win!

As he thought about it, a slight smile crept onto Danzo's lips. Noticing this slip, he quickly masked his face with a serious expression.

But this small moment of joy was caught by Hiruzen Sarutobi. He knew his old friend's ambitions all too well.

Hiruzen felt a bit helpless. Today's meeting, pushed by Danzo, felt like a power grab.

Who could be chosen? In this situation, it had to be someone whose reputation could match Danzo's! While there were capable ninja from the Fourth Hokage's era and later, their experience and reputation were insufficient.

Currently, the only one whose reputation matched Danzo's, apart from himself and the other advisors, was Orochimaru.

Thinking it over, Hiruzen decided if worse came to worst, he'd delay his retirement for a few more years. He couldn't let Danzo or his supporters take over!

Koharu Utatane spoke up first, addressing the Jonin below: "Ahem, let's quiet down. We'll now start the nominations for the Fifth Hokage. Feel free to speak your mind."

A Jonin behind Fugaku Uchiha wanted to nominate him, but a glance from Fugaku stopped him.

The Nine-Tails attack had just ended, and people were still suspicious of them. Nominating him now was insane.

The Uchiha Jonin remained silent, while the other Jonin looked at each other, unsure of whom to nominate. Usually, the higher-ups already had a few candidates, and the Jonin just voted. This extra step seemed pointless.

Seeing the silent Jonin, Danzo knew it was time for the second phase of the meeting. He stepped forward, clearing his throat, ready to speak.

Unexpectedly, Hiruzen stepped forward first, looking like he was about to speak!

Damn it! Danzo cursed internally but remained calm. If Hiruzen suggested he take up the Hokage role again, Danzo would argue that Hiruzen had already stepped down once and couldn't do it again.

"Due to the emergency situation, we must..."

As he spoke, Hiruzen noticed a familiar figure at the side entrance of the hallway—a figure he hadn't seen in a long time.

"...nominate one of the Sannin for the Fifth Hokage."

Hearing this, Danzo relaxed, thinking Hiruzen would suggest Orochimaru, which wouldn't be much different from him becoming Hokage.


Everyone present was stunned, not just the Jonin who hadn't heard of Tsunade's return, but also Danzo and the other advisors.

Koharu Utatane and Homura Mitokado looked at Hiruzen in disbelief.

This wasn't part of the plan they discussed earlier!

Tsunade, who had only intended to hand over the commission and leave, stepped out, frowning as she heard this.

It was sheer coincidence that she stumbled upon this meeting and was spotted and named.

Before Tsunade could speak, Koharu Utatane quickly took the floor.

"Next, we'll have the Jonin vote."

"Don't decide on your own!"

Tsunade snapped, annoyed by the obvious attempt to force the Hokage title on her.

"I just came to..."

Hiruzen, knowing Tsunade needed some convincing, interrupted her, smiling at the Jonin who were eagerly watching.

"Well then, today's nomination is concluded. The formal selection will be held in three days. Danzo, do you agree?"

Seeing his old friend looking at him for his opinion, Danzo could only nod, hiding his frustration.

"Yes..." Danzo nodded, trying to maintain his composure.

Watching the old foxes, Tsunade felt a mix of disgust and disdain but said nothing.

Though surprised, she wouldn't publicly oppose them. She would handle it privately.

After the Jonin left, Tsunade revealed her purpose, holding out the envelope but noticed it slipped to the floor.

"I didn't come back for something so boring. I just came to pick someone up and brought this along..."

As she bent to pick up the commission letter, her eyes caught a few words that made her stop in her tracks.

Assassination Request—

Target: Danzo Shimura

Height: 170 cm

Weight: 52.7 kg

Position: Leader of Konoha's Root

Abilities: Elite Jonin level, suspected Sharingan in right eye

Likes: Children of both genders

Reward: 100,000 ryo (10,000 ryo deposit, remaining upon completion)

"What's the matter, Tsunade?"

Hiruzen, with a kind expression, walked over, knowing she still cared about Konoha.

Tsunade's return was a good sign. She had come back a few times before but never willingly spoke to him. This time, there was hope she'd stay!

"I met a client at the village entrance and brought this in..."

Tsunade didn't know how to explain, so she handed the commission to Hiruzen.

"Just the commission? What about the money?"

Hiruzen joked lightly but then froze when he read the letter. His expression turned serious.

Koharu Utatane and Homura Mitokado, who had just arrived, saw the contents too, especially noting the suspected Sharingan in Danzo's right eye!

"Danzo, wait a moment!"

Koharu called out, stopping Danzo as he was about to leave.

"May we see your right eye?"

Danzo's heart skipped a beat. Had his men betrayed him? Impossible! His loyal followers would never betray him!

Homura's serious tone followed: "Danzo! Where were you during the Nine-Tails attack?!"

Hearing this, Tsunade was confused but uninterested in their affairs.

"You deal with your issues. I'm leaving. By the way, is the orphanage still under Root? If so, I suggest you change departments."

With that, Tsunade turned to leave, but Hiruzen stopped her, asking, "Wait, Tsunade. Did you encounter anything unusual on your way back?"

Hearing this, Tsunade thought of a certain man, feeling a mix of shame and anger. She replied, "Other than being attacked by well-trained rogue ninjas twice, no. Goodbye, old man."

Hearing Tsunade's response, Hiruzen and the other advisors began to piece together a possible plan by Danzo to become Hokage.

First, frame the Uchiha for the Nine-Tails attack, then eliminate Tsunade, who could threaten his position...


Danzo turned back, his face stern. "What do you mean?"

"Stop dodging. Show us your right eye, Danzo!"

Koharu's tone was firm, her gaze filled with suspicion. This information, though unconfirmed, couldn't be ignored.

"I was at Root during the Nine-Tails attack. My men can vouch for me."

"Who doesn't know Root is your domain!" Koharu retorted. "Once more, show us your right eye, Danzo!"

Furious, Danzo slammed his cane on the ground. "Hiruzen!"

Years of camaraderie told Hiruzen that Danzo's right eye was indeed a Sharingan, but whether he was behind the Nine-Tails attack remained uncertain.

Would Danzo really destroy half the village to become Hokage?

As the tension grew, Hiruzen smiled and said, "Let's all calm down. Danzo, you've been looking tired. Take a rest at home. I'll have someone take care of your needs, and I'll oversee Root with my Anbu."

"Hiruzen! You're not Hokage now! What right do you have..."

"Do you think I don't?"

Hiruzen's eyes bore into Danzo's, his face stern.

He had tolerated Danzo long enough, but this crossed the line.

Even if Danzo had targeted him, he might have forgiven him, but targeting the village and the younger generation for the Hokage position was unforgivable!

Seeing the resolve in his old friend's eyes, Danzo knew he was caught. He could only mutter, "Hiruzen, I had nothing to do with the Fourth Hokage's death!"

"Don't worry. Rest well. Zero, One, escort Danzo home."

"Yes!" ×2

Seeing the two Anbu appear before him, Danzo knew he was trapped. It would be a long time before he saw the light of day again...

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