
Fate/ Beginning with Type Moon

The fourth Holy Grail War battle just end, and the second uncle just died... Just after the end of the Fourth Holy Grail War, a boy named Shinji Matou began to awaken and travel through the memories before his reincarnation. I still remember the jokes on the Internet in my previous life, what was the first thing I did when I traveled to Fuyuki City? Insect Master, save Sakura! Shinji looked at himself in the mirror... Well, wash and sleep. Ding! 【Your system is online! 】 ...wait, something is wrong. Why does this system smell like Siri?

koijiro21 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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340 Chs

Chapter 169

"Ahhh, so tired~"

Shinji stretched his body with a big yawn as soon as he returned to the hotel. It had been a week since the end of the Holy Grail War.

During this week, he hadn't had a moment's rest. Every time he stepped out, he inevitably encountered some locked-room murder case!

Shinji suspected this might be due to the influence of the Counter Force, which seemed to have cursed him with the same kind of "wherever I go, people die" curse as that famous elementary school detective.

Although he had never seen the Counter Force, Shinji knew it existed. At the last moment of the Holy Grail War, it had indeed intervened.

Even though he had entered the gate, he hadn't been able to reach the world beyond but was stuck in the space between.

All he had gained was nearly infinite magical energy from the seven servants.

He had tried to break through the barrier with brute force but had failed, no matter what he tried.

It was undoubtedly the Counter Force's intervention.

But as long as his goal was achieved, that was enough. He was only curious about the world beyond; it didn't matter if he couldn't go there.

He used nearly half of the infinite magical energy to repair his soul, and the remaining majority, with his permission, was absorbed by the system as an energy source for future world travels.

He had gained the ability to travel between worlds eight times, plus the success of this mission, totaling nine opportunities.

Using one of these opportunities, he exchanged with the system for various needed items, including some insect-repellent popsicles.

He also took advantage of Diarmuid's absence to remove all the crest worms from Kariya's body and restore his depleted life force to normal levels.

Damaged and dysfunctional nerves were also healed by Shinji's immense life force. Except for his stylish white hair, Kariya had completely recovered.

Kariya's experience of being female had ended. It was said that he suddenly changed back while helping two children bathe, causing a very awkward scene, and Kariya didn't dare face Sakura for two days.

Just yesterday, Kariya had safely returned another little girl to her parents, who had fainted from crying when they reunited. That scene would probably stay with Kariya for the rest of his life.

On the day the Holy Grail War ended, Emiya Kiritsugu went to the Matou residence to pick up the dying Maiya. He only mentioned Shinji's alias and said nothing else.

After sending Maiya to the hospital, he immediately went to find the doll maker in Japan who had saved Kenneth's hands.

Whether he found them or not, Shinji didn't know, but with Kiritsugu's skills, it shouldn't be too difficult.

The moment Alice gets a new body and Maiya recovers will probably be when Kiritsugu goes to... pick up his daughter.

Of course, knowing the Holy Grail was corrupted, Ahad might voluntarily return Illya to them. Who knows?

But Shinji had no intention of following up, nor of helping. Besides, Kiritsugu now avoided him like the plague and probably never wanted to see him again.

To put it in terms of a common FPS game, he had been so mind-broken by a camper that he quit gaming altogether.

"It's time to go back…"

Lying on the sofa, Shinji murmured softly, then turned to look out the window—towards the Matou residence.


That evening, at dinner.

Diarmuid, who had solved a locked-room murder case with Shinji during the day, seemed to notice Shinji's hesitant expression.

"Is there something you need my help with, Kotomine?"

"Diarmuid, I'm returning to my country. I wanted to take you with me, but there's something I can't let go of…"

Upon hearing this, Diarmuid immediately expressed his loyalty: "Kotomine, just say the word! I, Diarmuid, will not fail you!"

"Lancer…" Shinji felt touched and then organized his thoughts before slowly speaking: "Diarmuid, do you remember the magician I told you about who helped me understand the Holy Grail War?"

"Yes, I remember."

"He's in trouble. I want to help him, but my power is insufficient."

Shinji hesitated as he explained Kariya's current predicament—how the head of the family had suddenly died, leaving the second-generation successor too weak to protect the third-generation heir with excellent potential, possibly leading to a tragic escape.

"So, can you stay and help him? Although he didn't help me much, I... can't just ignore it."

After hearing Shinji's request, Diarmuid was deeply moved by his master's sense of gratitude and reluctant to part with him.

After much inner conflict, Diarmuid agreed. This was the first command given by his master as a friend and companion! Even though it was a request, he treated it as a command to be executed!

"Don't worry, we are bonded." Shinji showed his left wrist to Diarmuid with a smile and then looked out the window, "Also, for some reason, I can't help but worry about this city that just experienced a tragedy. So, I entrust its justice to you, Diarmuid."

Seeing the trust and expectations in Shinji's eyes, Diarmuid was deeply moved, immediately agreeing while holding back tears.

He assured his master not to worry. He would be the embodiment of justice in Fuyuki City while his master was away and would not betray his trust!

Moreover, even separated by distance, he could still feel their connection and rush to his master's aid if needed!

It's said that if two hearts are united... cough!

In short! Master, Diarmuid promises to fulfill your entrusted mission! The justice you hold dear, I, Diarmuid, will fight for it to the end!


Standing before Lancer, who had introduced himself, Kariya was bewildered. Although Shinji had informed him in advance, he hadn't expected such a powerful servant to be left with him!

Was it because Shinji doubted his capabilities?

Kariya quickly understood this and felt deeply moved and at a loss for words.

Just as Shinji had guided him, Kariya realized how hard it was to manage the Matou family after his elder brother moved out.

Since revealing the death of Zouken, Kariya had been swamped with endless tasks, often working until 3 a.m., almost resorting to drinking like his brother!

He struggled to handle even minor tasks, let alone help the headless Tohsaka family.

It was a foolish dream!

He couldn't keep up with his own tasks, and the Mage's Association called daily, almost eight times a day!

He was on the verge of collapsing and wanted to run away with Sakura.

But Kariya knew running away wouldn't solve anything after Shinji's explanation.

Shinji had said that as long as Sakura possessed such magical potential, she would always be drawn into conflicts.

Only a strong magical family could protect her. That wasn't a joke!

So Kariya had to maintain the Matou family, following Shinji's instructions to deal with the Mage's Association's inquiries and visits about succession while hoping he could help Aoi, who was left alone.

"Kariya, no need to thank me. After all, you helped me too. You're different from other magicians; I consider you a friend."

Seeing Shinji's sincere expression, Kariya praised his acting skills in his heart, then silently expressed his gratitude.

Of course, this gratitude might turn into resentment someday if he saw Aoi looking at Lancer in a way that made him jealous, but that's another story.


At the port.

Shinji ruffled Sakura's hair, who had come with Kariya to see him off, then bid them farewell and boarded the ship with his suitcase as the horn sounded.

"Lancer! I'm leaving Fuyuki to you!"

On the ship, leaning on the railing, Shinji waved and shouted.

"Leave it to me, Kotomine!"

Diarmuid responded with a raised arm, silently adding: I will guard your justice with all my might!


In his room, Kariya found a thick stack of documents Shinji had left for him, mostly outlining future development plans for the Matou family, even detailing monthly tasks.

Seeing Shinji's ten-year plan in his handwriting, Kariya felt a mix of wanting to laugh and cry. His nephew had seen through his struggles and planned everything out.

He calmed himself before opening and reading the topmost letter carefully.

"To Uncle Kariya,

By now, you must realize that to prevent Sakura from facing separation, the Matou family cannot exit the magical world.

And without power, you cannot protect that woman and her daughters.

You might think of abandoning everything and fleeing with Aoi, Rin, and Sakura, but that's not a solution. Besides, the Tohsaka family guards Fuyuki's ley lines and won't agree to leave with you.

In the plan I left, ten years is enough to gain enough power as an ordinary person to exchange for the Matou family's exit from the magical world, enough to protect those you care about.

Momentary satisfaction and the future—no need for me to say which is more important. The future is obviously more crucial.

Don't worry about the other world. It's you, with your limited capacity, that concerns me the most.

I left you a powerful servant and a detailed plan; I've done my best. Don't act rashly again.

Reading this, Kariya couldn't help but chuckle, "This brat, who does he think he's looking down on? I understand all this!"

The letter continued:

Regarding Sakura's magical attribute, I found some suitable spells for her. I've left you the information on how to train her to master self-defense magic. This is only a suggestion; the decision is yours.

Lastly, never reveal my true identity to anyone, especially not Diarmuid.

He is your ally, a knight of true justice and loyalty who will never betray you. You can always trust him.

——————Matou Shinji.

After reading, Kariya stared blankly at the letter until it began to burn.

Seeing the letter suddenly ignite, Kariya smiled wryly. This brat even anticipated he might want to keep the letter.

"Thank you, Shinji."

He murmured softly, then began sorting through the plans and information Shinji had secretly left.


Outside the ship.

Leaning on the railing, Shinji enjoyed the cool sea breeze, quietly watching the ocean of this familiar yet different world.

"Host, you didn't really need to enlist Diarmuid, did you?"

"Now you figure it out?" Shinji turned, leaning back against the railing, gazing calmly at the sky.

"For you, there was never a chance of losing the Holy Grail War from the start. Your aim with Diarmuid was to assist the immature Matou Kariya."

"Something like that."

"You're quite cruel. Diarmuid's curse is inevitable; for at least ten years, Kariya won't have a chance to be with that woman."

"Uncle Kariya must face some sacrifices to mature. Only by giving up his selfish desires can he truly protect what he wants. It's for his own good. His wish was to watch over and protect that woman and her daughters from a distance, wasn't it?"

The system remained silent.

"Alright, it's time to go back. Let's go, System."


Diarmuid immediately sensed the severance of his contract with Shinji. Without thinking, he knocked on Kariya's door.

"Kariya! I sense that Kotomine..."

"What is it, Lancer?" Kariya, already suspecting Shinji had returned, quickly got up.

"Please help me! I want to find Kotomine! I can feel him..."

"Don't worry, Lancer. I, Matou Kariya, will do everything in my power to help you!"

The news was broadcast that night.

—A ship traveling from Fuyuki to Russia encountered a storm, and a passenger on the deck was swept into the sea. Rescue teams searched in vain...


From that day on, out of guilt and to fulfill his master's final mission, Diarmuid, with great sorrow, forged a contract with Kariya and remained in Fuyuki, guarding the city he once protected with his master.

Before an empty grave, Diarmuid placed his right hand on his chest, suppressing his grief, and solemnly vowed:

"I, Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, swear before my master's grave to guard the justice my master upheld! I pledge my honor to fulfill my master's final mission!"

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