
Fate's False Servant

Ryker was lost and alone his whole life. Not sure why he was born, and what purpose his life served. Until that very same life, came to a halt. Some may view it as a curse, to enter the clutches of death at such a young age. For Ryker, however, it was the chance of a lifetime. Finally he had meaning to his life, and he would seize every moment of it. His desire, is love and companionship. His wish, is to have the strength needed to protect it. Opening his eyes, to a new life, and a person whom he will stop at nothing to protect. Spoken words of those fated, he said to her, "I ask of you, are you my Master?" Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of Fate/Zero and the Fate series in general. I claim no rights to the ownership or credit of pre-existing characters or content. Author's Note: Thank you for your support, and I hope I can touch at least one persons heart with my writing. Just know that I may, *cough* will *cough*, make mistakes and I hope you all will be patient with me. The First Arc will be largely focused on Romance and Parenting, there will be action scenes here and there but the main focus will be on character development and their connections to one another. Arc two will be the start of the main action with romance as well. Arc three will be for the most part action with little time for romance but it will still play a large part in the story. There is give and take to everything so I hope those reading only for the action scenes will be patient and enjoy the story as a whole as well. This book will be a part of a larger universe in the future that I hope to make unique to me as an author. That being said it will take a while to get there so make sure you give me feedback so I know if there are things that need to be fixed or changed as I go along. I do not know everything related to the Nasuverse and if I skip over or get something wrong I do apologize. I do not own the cover picture, if the original author would like me to take it off please contact me.

SnowRose · Autres
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34 Chs

Trip around the World & First Destination

The day after Ryker and Ria had finished training, the family was ready to begin their first adventure.

The two, Ryker and Ria, had woken up at the same time that morning before the two packed their luggage's alongside Iris' things for her seeing as she was still sleeping, before heading to the bathroom together to get ready.

Although they hadn't done anything sexual as of yet, Ria had begun to open up more, and although still shy, didn't make a fuss over Ryker seeing her naked anymore.

After they were ready the two sat together on the sofa, allowing the family to sleep a little bit longer.

Roughly an hour later, once they felt like they were ready for the day ahead, Ryker forced Iris out of bed and into the bathroom so she could get ready as well.

It had been slightly easier getting her up today then normal, going to show just how much she was looking forward to finally being able to see the outside world with her own eyes.

As for Illya and Zen, they seemed to have no problem getting up when they wanted to but they were also prone to sleep in, a habit curtesy of their mother.

Thankfully everyone was able to wake up and be ready in time for breakfast so the family, Ryker, Ria, Iris and two kids, all enjoyed a nice warm meal together.

Once they had finished eating, Ryker left Iris and Ria to help the kids pack and get ready, while he went to inform Kiritsugu about their departure.

They had been seeing less and less of him as of late, but Illya and Kiritsugu had a decent relationship still, with the former spending at least one day a week with the latter.

Kiritsugu had change as of late. He still believed in the ideal that you couldn't save everyone and that sometimes for the greater good sacrifices needed to be made. Even though his beliefs hadn't changed, his thoughts were no longer geared towards the extreme side of things anymore, and had begun to open up to ideas beyond just killing.

Whether that was an improvement or not, Ryker would like to think so.

He knew that Kiritsugu wouldn't change immediately and it would take time for anything major to set it, but the fact that there had been some change was a good sign.

Ryker never thought that his views were wrong, and even felt that his dream of becoming a hero of justice was a grand one, however, it was his methods and extremist personality that Ryker wanted to change.

To Ryker, even if he had to sacrifice the entire world to protect those he cared for, he would do so in a heart beat. Some may say that makes him a bad or 'evil' person but Ryker could care less.

If that made him an evil person then so be it, after all he never said he was good.

Ryker's take on things may be just as extreme as Kiritsugu, but Ryker knew how to look for alternatives in everything, something that Kiritsugu lacked.

If Ryker's family was in danger he would do anything in his powers to make sure they were safe, but if he didn't have to sacrifice anyone to do so, naturally he would try for the best outcome.

Whereas Kiritsugu shut off his emotions, and went straight to the method that would save the most people.

Each had their own ideals and methods to achieve them, neither one may be right or wrong.

Regardless of that fact though, Ryker would do what is needed to be done.

Breaking out of his thoughts, Ryker knocked on Kiritsugu's office door before entering once he hear Kiritsugu answer. Finding him sitting at his desk reading something, Ryker sat In the chair opposite him.

Looking up from his book, Kiritsugu looked at Ryker before saying, "So today's the day huh?"

"Yeah. We will first make our way West, checking out some other European states before maybe making our way over seas. I plan to end up in Japan roughly two years before the grail war begins." Ryker said, as he thought over his travel plans.

Mulling over what he heard for a second, Kiritsugu then asked, "So you'll be within Japan four years from now at the earliest?"

Without thinking to much about it Ryker said, "Yeah, although it may be earlier or later it would only be off by a few months at most. I plan to head to the Einzbern castle just outside of Fuyuki city and stay there until the grail wars start, so when you need to get in contact with us, that's were we will be in four years time. Until then though, it may be a challenge to contact us, but ill leave a contact ward behind."

Ryker paused for a moment before taking out a piece of paper with runes carved into it before passing the paper over to Kiritsugu and continuing, "If you are in need of us before the grail wars start, rip the paper and I will know, and return at my fastest speed. You should only use it in cases of emergency, and anything that needs to be discussed can always wait until we meet back up in japan. After all we will have plenty of time to go over out plans once more at that time."

Kiritsugu agreed with Ryker that it would be best to save the rune for an emergency or if something unexpected happened that needed to be brought to their attention. He believed he would be able to handle any situation that may crop up by himself, and secretly didn't want to bring his daughters traveling fun to an end over something he could have solved on his own.

"Anything else you need to know before we set off?" Ryker asked breaking Kiritsugu from his contemplation.

Kiritsugu thought about it for a second before answering, "No, I already said my goodbyes to Illya the other day. Just make sure she has fun and remains safe from any harm."

Without hesitation Ryker stated simple, "Naturally, I'll protect her with my life if need be." Before leaving the room.

Kiritsugu watched the now closed door for a while before releasing a sigh and returning to his book. He knew that Ryker wouldn't let any harm befall his precious daughter and he was thankful for that but at the same time questioned if he himself was a good father.

He wanted to be like that as well, willing to throw everything away for Illya. Yet when he thought of the scenario where he needed to pick between saving millions of people or saving his daughter, his heart nearly tore apart. He still couldn't help but lean towards saving the many, despite his immense love for his daughter.

Releasing another sigh, Kiritsugu expelled any thoughts from his mind and did what he did best, shutting off his emotions, before focusing back on his book.

Ryker returned back to the room and noticed that everyone was packed and ready to leave. There were multiple suitcases off to the side, alongside a pile of toys almost as tall as Ryker himself.

Chuckling to himself, Ryker didn't say anything as he stored all of their luggage into his [Heaven's Toybox] before picking up Illya and giving her smiling face a kiss, much to her amusement as she released peels of laughter.

After they were all prepared, Ryker who was still carrying Illya in his left arm, placed his right arm around Iris' shoulders, who was currently carrying Zen, before he had Ria hold onto his left arm.

Once everyone was in contact with him, he drew a runic ward onto the ground surrounding them, before feeding some of his mana into it. Once his mana made contact with the ward, the runes lite up brightly before shrouding the family in a bright white light.

When the light faded, there was nothing left behind, including the ward on the ground.

Iris Pov:

Although she was prepared for the light thanks to Ryker's warning, it was still blinding causing her to close her eyes.

She felt a sudden sense of weightlessness before once more feeling like she was standing on something, alongside a gentle breeze.

Before she was even able to open her eyes, she heard the voice of her daughter yell out, "Woah!!"

Quickly opening her eyes, Iris couldn't help but feel the same way as her daughter when she looked at the scene in front of her.

A city landscape stretched out far and wide, there were signs of construction going on here and there, but it did little to mare the beautiful city they had suddenly found themselves over looking.

Taking her eyes off the far off sights, Iris turned her attention to the building they had been standing on.

It reminded her of an ancient church, or cathedral she had seen in some stories she used to read in the castle.

The cathedral was in the shape of a cross, with a small tower in the center and two enormous towers near the end of the cross. The family had found themselves standing on the smaller tower.

There were flying buttresses all around the cross styled vaults in a French manner. They lined nearly half of the cathedral and painted a majestic and grand sight.

(You can look them up but a flying buttress is like an L shaped support beam, while a vault is seen in most cathedrals, giving the inside ceiling that upside down U shape.)

Iris looked over her family and noticed, Illya and Zen were looking all around them with wide eyes, whereas Ria seemed surprised, but Iris imagined she probably had seen such architecture before. As for Ryker, he too looked around with a smile on his face, most likely having expected the scene, yet Iris could still detect a slight glimmer of excitement in his eyes, probably from being able to experience and see new things.

Having not been told where they would first be heading to, Iris couldn't help but ask Ryker, "Where are we?"

Hearing her question, Ryker's lips arced up even more as he answered, "Cologne, Germany. It's the largest city near the Einzbern castle. The castle is located near a river known as the Rhine River which is that river over there."

Ryker paused as he pointed towards a river in the distance before continuing, "If you were to follow that river south for a little while, then head into the forest eastwards you'll eventually find the castle, but the bounded field prevents anyone not already registered from entering or even finding it."

Iris was amazed to say the least. 'To think there had been such a large city so close to the castle yet I had never seen it before…' as her mood begun to take a down turn she suddenly felt Ryker's hand which was still on her shoulder, pull her gently into his embrace before he spoke to her softly, "There is no need to be sad my love, there is plenty of time for us to experience everything you have missed out on. Don't let the negative thoughts mar the good memories we are about to share together as a family, okay?"

Hearing his words and seeing the gently look he was giving her, caused Iris' face to break out into a loving smile as tears gathered at the edge of her eyes. She was so glad she was able to meet Ryker and experience her current happiness. Before her tears could fall from her eyes, she felt Ryker gently whip them away causing her to release a soft giggle at his love and care, before she buried her face into his chest, enjoying the moment.

Iris felt that she currently stood atop the world as she looked out over the surrounding city. She believed that Ryker was the one who brought her to stand at the top of the world with him and was currently holding her up preventing her from falling. She felt that as long as he stayed atop the world, she never wanted to let go so as to remain at his side.

Ryker's Pov:

After counseling Iris, the family spent a while longer atop the cathedral.

During that time Ryker was barraged with questions about the city and what there was to do. Although he didn't know everything about the city, he remembered a little bit about it from his previous live so he could answer some of the simple questions.

Once they were done asking questions, Ryker brought the group to a check into a hotel.

The reason they didn't buy a house or apartment was due to the fact that they wouldn't be staying in one place for very long, and if need be they could always teleport back to the Einzbern castle seeing as how they weren't to far away yet.

Ryker's space transference rune had a limited range to it, which is one of the reasons why he chose Cologne as their first stop.

The family walked down the streets for a while taking in the sights and sounds as they made their way towards the hotel Ryker had chosen.

Noticing that it was almost lunch time, Ryker and the family stop by nearby restaurant end enjoyed a nice meal together, before putting their sight seeing on hold until after they checked into their hotel.

The place Ryker had chosen was rather grand and expensive, but they had enough money to do anything they wanted with, thanks to both Kiritsugu and the Einzbern's possessing a seemingly endless amount of wealth.

Checking into the hotel, the family decided that Ryker, Iris and Ria would share a room, and Illya and Zen would have their own, but they all knew that it would most likely end with all of them staying in the same room together. Regardless it still wouldn't be bad to have two rooms so Ryker didn't hesitate to book two of the largest rooms the hotel had to offer.

Once settled in they decided to spend their first day, close to the hotel before branching out later.

So with much excitement, the family explored the hotel and experienced all its amenities. Ryker mainly followed Illya where ever she had wanted to go, while the two women took Zen and went on their own little journey around the hotel, checking out the ladies only sections.

Watching his daughter pounce around the hotel while pulling him along caused Ryker to smile happily as he looked forward to their fun adventure.


(Author's Note: Sorry for the delay, my life has been hectic as of late. I will still try to get uploads ever day but there may be some inconsistencies until I get my job situation handled. For those who are curious, my previous job sold the building without telling anyone, and all the employees were released. I've been having interviews, testing and other screenings these last couple weeks and I've already been offered a new job, but there is still a lot going on causing me to be busy. I'm keeping track of the days I've missed and will be making them up in the coming future once things settle down and I can get onto a set schedule once again. Thanks for your understanding and patience. Ps. I will not be talking about their entire adventure, just a few key moments. Time will be moving quite fast for the coming chapters, as I will be doing minor time skips until they get to japan.)

Thanks for the support!

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Owed Chapters:

FFS: 4/4

+1 Mass Release

(I will be trying to make them up in the coming days but things will be easier once i get my schedual set in stone.)

SnowRosecreators' thoughts