
Chapter 3 :Lou Fei’s Death

However, listening to everyone's cheers, I always felt that something was wrong, but I couldn't tell what was wrong.

At this moment, the girl next to me turned her head, looked at me and said, "Zhang Fan, will you really solve this matter?"

"It should be." I turned my head and said, looking at the beautiful face.

She is Mo Qingyu, the class flower of our class, and my secret crush. She is tall and tall, with fair skin and beautiful skin, and I heard that her family is also very rich. But I have never dared to confess to her, who made me feel too inferior.

"I hope things will go so smoothly." Mo Qingyu said with a sigh.

"Yeah." I looked at her face and nodded calmly.

Who knew that in the afternoon, the police gave a reply that Li Guomin died of a heart attack, and this matter came to an end, which made everyone in the class agitated.

Everyone began to discuss the matter one after another, and their expressions were indescribable panic. At first, everyone regarded the police as their saviors, but who knew they had just closed the case.

At this moment, the squad leader stood up with an ugly face and shouted to us: "Now we can no longer rely on the police, we must unite and find a way together."

"The question is what to do?" Li Yutian said impatiently.

"I don't know what to do, but what is certain is that the gatekeepers of the underworld are among us." The squad leader said seriously.

Listening to the discussions of the classmates, I also fell into deep thought. As the classmates said, the gatekeeper of the underworld must be among us, maybe even our classmates, otherwise he would not be so clear about the things in the second and third classes of senior high school. . It's even more impossible to know everyone's name.

In the middle of nowhere, I felt as if there was an evil pair of eyes peeping at the entire classroom. Who is he? What is his purpose?

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted: "You say, this underworld gatekeeper may not be a human at all, but a ghost?"

Hearing his words, everyone was shocked, and many girls even turned pale with fright.

But many people suddenly realized, Li Yutian even shouted: "There is a possibility, I have long heard that people have died in this classroom where we are."

His words immediately aroused exclamations, and at this time, Li Yutian looked at us and explained: "Three years ago in this classroom, a girl committed suicide in this classroom, and I heard that the death was still very miserable. , but this matter was covered up by the school."

Hearing what Li Yutian said, many people exclaimed and looked at him with pale faces.

"Speaking of which, is this girl coming to take revenge on us?"

"But we don't have any hatred with her."

"But in case she is a ghost, I heard that the six relatives of the ghost don't recognize her."

For a time, everyone's face showed a trace of panic. Although in normal times, everyone always likes to listen to some ghost stories. But when it really fell on themselves, everyone still felt very scared.

"No matter what, everyone must work together, we will definitely be able to tide over the difficulties together." The squad leader said. He is very authoritative in our class, both boys and girls listen to him.

However, as to who the underworld gatekeeper is, the people in the class discussed for an afternoon, but they did not find any valuable clues. Finally until after school. There was still talk in the classroom.

The original active class group has become a restricted area, and no one dares to speak in it.

On the way back, I kept thinking in my mind, who is this underworld gatekeeper? Why didn't other classes have this kind of thing happen to our class? What method did he use to kill Li Guomin, is he really a ghost?

When I got home, I still thought about this question. My family is an ordinary working class, and their life is not rich. And I come from a single parent family, my mother left me long ago when I was five years old. Sitting at the dining table, I ate dinner while thinking.

My dad looked at me absent-mindedly, asked me about my studies, and stopped talking. I ate boringly.

The next day, I trudged into the classroom. The faces of the students in the classroom were bleak, and there was some panic in their eyes.

The first class was the English teacher's class. After the English teacher came in, he found that the atmosphere in the class was not right. She didn't think much about it and started to continue her lectures. But this time, even the scholar who loves to study, didn't raise his hand to answer the question.

The English teacher shook his head helplessly. After the get out of class was over, the class suddenly became enthusiastic.

"Appeared, the underworld gatekeeper appeared again!" a girl suddenly said.

The other students in the class hurriedly opened the WeChat group. Sure enough, the underworld gatekeeper released a new mission.

"Liu Fei has sex with a girl in the class within two hours. Otherwise, he will be sentenced to death!"

Hearing what Li Yutian said, many people exclaimed and looked at him with pale faces.

"Speaking of which, is this girl coming to take revenge on us?"

"But we don't have any hatred with her."

"But in case she is a ghost, I heard that the six relatives of the ghost don't recognize her."

For a time, everyone's face showed a trace of panic. Although in normal times, everyone always likes to listen to some ghost stories. But when it really fell on themselves, everyone still felt very scared.

"No matter what, everyone must work together, we will definitely be able to tide over the difficulties together." The squad leader said. He is very authoritative in our class, both boys and girls listen to him.

However, as to who the underworld gatekeeper is, the people in the class discussed for an afternoon, but they did not find any valuable clues. Finally until after school. There was still talk in the classroom.

The original active class group has become a restricted area, and no one dares to speak in it.

On the way back, I kept thinking in my mind, who is this underworld gatekeeper? Why didn't other classes have this kind of thing happen to our class? What method did he use to kill Li Guomin, is he really a ghost?

When I got home, I still thought about this question. My family is an ordinary working class, and their life is not rich. And I come from a single parent family, my mother left me long ago when I was five years old. Sitting at the dining table, I ate dinner while thinking.

My dad looked at me absent-mindedly, asked me about my studies, and stopped talking. I ate boringly.

The next day, I trudged into the classroom. The faces of the students in the classroom were bleak, and there was some panic in their eyes.

The first class was the English teacher's class. After the English teacher came in, he found that the atmosphere in the class was not right. She didn't think much about it and started to continue her lectures. But this time, even the scholar who loves to study, didn't raise his hand to answer the question.

The English teacher shook his head helplessly. After the get out of class was over, the class suddenly became enthusiastic.

"Appeared, the underworld gatekeeper appeared again!" a girl suddenly said.

The other students in the class hurriedly opened the WeChat group. Sure enough, the underworld gatekeeper released a new mission.

"Liu Fei has sex with a girl in the class within two hours. Otherwise, he will be sentenced to death!"

"How could this be." I stared at the phone in amazement, my face full of astonishment.

Liu Fei is my friend, but he is one of the most rubbish boys in the class. He has a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, and he is wretched, his academic performance is not good, and he is stingy. There is no woman in our liberal arts class. But because I was too, I became good friends with him.

Now he even let him have a relationship with a girl within two hours. This is simply impossible for him.

And when Liu Fei saw the text message, his face suddenly turned pale, he stood up trembling, then looked around, his voice trembled: "Well, who would like to do it with me?" Wing looked around.

However, as soon as his voice fell, there was silence. All the girls turned their heads subconsciously or lowered their heads, and no one was willing to speak at all.

Seeing this, Liu Fei suddenly understood something. He looked at the girls tremblingly, and said in a crying voice, "Please, who is willing to help me?"

The girls around didn't answer, and even kept silent, while I looked at Liu Fei helplessly, and my heart was full of sadness. Liu Fei is my friend after all, and I feel very sad when I see him like this.

Thinking of this, I stood up, trembling and said, "Who can save Liu Fei, he is a good person, and he will treat you wholeheartedly."

"Yes, no matter who it is, as long as it saves my life, I promise to treat her well in the future." Having said this, Liu Fei trembled and looked around with hopeful eyes.

However, in the face of Liu Fei's promise, no girl was willing to agree. After all, Liu Fei is just a diaosi, and diaosi's promises are worthless at all.

At this moment, Liu Fei couldn't bear it any longer. He came to Zhou Meng, the ugliest girl in my class.

Although Zhou Meng has a nice name, she is an out-and-out female man. She is fat, has a bold personality, and even has a beard on her face. There were no boys in our class who wanted to date her.

Seeing Liu Fei approaching, Zhou Meng turned his head in disgust, and then said in a disdainful voice, "I'm not interested in a boy like you, you're so useless, it's disgusting. Get out of here."

"Zhou Meng, if I beg you, please save me." Liu Fei said with a pleading expression on his face.

However, no matter how Liu Fei opened his mouth, Zhou Meng refused to agree. In this case, Liu Fei was desperate.