
Chapter 1:The beginning of a nightmare

Everyone grabbed WeChat red envelopes, right? Although it may only be a few cents every time I grab it, I still enjoy it.

Especially grabbing red envelopes from strangers, it makes people feel like they have taken a lot of money.

But what I want to say is that sometimes there is really no need to rob a stranger's red envelope, because the few cents you covet may make you doomed, or even lose your life!

And unfortunately, I experienced that once...

It happened in my high school, one evening self-study, when the teacher was not there, there was chaos in the classroom, my phone suddenly rang, and when I opened it, I found that the WeChat group in the class had already been in a mess.

The stranger's name is the gatekeeper of the underworld, and he said, "Stimulating the game, who plays? The one who wins the red envelope will be given to WeChat."

Hearing his words, I immediately became interested, knowing that since entering the second year of high school, the curriculum has become a lot more intense, which makes us feel a lot of pressure. Now that I see such a chance to play, I naturally agree.

But at this time a classmate said: "I don't believe it, you can send one first if you have the ability."

The underworld gatekeeper agreed immediately, and then actually sent a red envelope to the group, and we immediately grabbed it. And I got five bucks. This makes me very happy.

Now everyone was interested and asked him to continue sending red envelopes.

Who knew that the gatekeeper of the underworld stopped sending it, but instead told us that if we want him to send red envelopes, we must play games with him.

We naturally agreed, and no one objected. It seems that everyone is looking forward to this game.

"Since everyone is willing to play, then I will tell you the rules of the game. Next, I will release tasks and designate candidates, such as ordering a certain classmate to do such and such, and the person who receives the task must complete it within the specified time. There will be a red envelope reward for the task, otherwise there will be a penalty!"

We all shouted in the group: "Hurry up and start, I can't wait."

Just when everyone was talking, the underworld gatekeeper said: "Then the first task, Zhang Fan wants to kiss Liu Ying's hand. The task period is: two hours. Now the game starts."

After seeing this, I couldn't help being stunned, because I am Zhang Fan.

Let me kiss Liu Ying? I don't mind, but she certainly wouldn't agree. I'm a dick after all. There are no girls in the class who like it.

But when I was hesitating, many people were already booing, and they pulled me in front of Liu Ying. At this time, I was sitting in front of her, looking at Liu Ying's face, unable to speak for a long time.

As for Liu Ying, she glanced at me, then did not speak.

Beside me, there were onlookers classmates, all of them looked at me proudly, and at the same time, people kept booing.

"Kiss her!"

"Kiss her!"

"Kiss her!"

Seeing the booing of the people around me, I finally got the courage to take Liu Ying's hand and kiss it on top. When I finished kissing, Liu Ying glanced at me in disgust, then lowered her head, and wiped her palms with a handkerchief.

Seeing this, I feel a little sad. But I went back to my seat.

At this time, the gatekeeper of the underworld appeared, and he said: "Zhang Fan has completed the task, and the WeChat red envelope of 500 yuan has been sent to his account."

I picked up my phone in surprise and saw that the gatekeeper of the underworld had sent me a red envelope with exactly 500 yuan in it.

Now everyone is pleasantly surprised, five hundred yuan is not a small amount for our high school students, and everyone is looking forward to the next task.

"For the second task, Liu Meijia will sing a song in public. Task duration: one hour."

Liu Meijia also came to the podium generously and sang a song as expected. Her voice is soft and beautiful, making people feel very comfortable in the ears.

After she stepped down, many classmates applauded. The whole class atmosphere was very lively.

And after she completed the task, she also got a WeChat red envelope. There was exactly five hundred dollars in it.

Next, the gatekeeper of the underworld released a third task: "Li Guoan broke his mobile phone. Task duration: 12 hours. Failure penalty: Qiqiao bleeds to death."

"What the hell!" Li Guoan stood up before we could react, and he looked at us angrily: "Who is the gatekeeper of the underworld, stand up for Lao Tzu, don't think I don't know you're here class!"