
Fatal Gaze

In the bustling metropolis of Newhaven, ordinary becomes extraordinary when Adrian, an unassuming office worker, discovers he possesses a chilling ability - the power to kill with a single look. Struggling to come to terms with his newfound deadly gaze, Adrian is thrust into a world of intrigue and danger. As he grapples with the moral weight of his power, he must navigate a labyrinth of conflicting motives and hidden agendas.

GinerBlivion · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

Chapter 3: The Accidental Vigilante

Adrian and Lisa's quest to uncover the truth about Adrian's mysterious power began in earnest. Armed with a newfound sense of purpose and a list of unanswered questions, they embarked on a journey that neither could have anticipated.

Their first stop was a local library, where Lisa buried herself in research while Adrian anxiously scanned headlines about the unexplained deaths. He couldn't help but wonder if he might be the unwitting cause of this chaos. It was a sobering thought.

As Lisa leafed through dusty old books and clicked through obscure websites, Adrian's eyes wandered to a nearby table. A group of teenagers was huddled together, engaged in an intense discussion.

One of the teenagers, a lanky girl with wild purple hair, suddenly stood up and declared, "We need a hero! Someone who can stop these deaths and save the city!"

The others nodded in agreement, and Adrian couldn't help but chuckle at their enthusiasm. Heroics were the furthest thing from his mind.

Lisa, overhearing the conversation, glanced at Adrian with a mischievous grin. "You know, you could be their hero, Mr. Deadly Gaze."

Adrian's eyes widened in disbelief. "You can't be serious!"

Lisa leaned closer, her voice a stage whisper. "Think about it. You have a unique power. Maybe you can use it for good, save lives instead of accidentally taking them."

Adrian mulled over the idea. The thought of becoming a hero was both enticing and terrifying. But he couldn't deny that it would be a way to make amends for the unintended chaos he might have caused.

Their research led them to a series of mysterious deaths in the city's criminal underworld. Victims who had connections to organized crime, suddenly dropping dead without explanation. Adrian couldn't help but feel a strange sense of justice in these instances.

With Lisa's encouragement and the belief that he could make a difference, Adrian cautiously began to explore his power. They dubbed him "The Gaze Guardian," a name that Lisa had coined with a wink.

The first attempts were clumsy. Adrian inadvertently caused a streetlight to explode and a fire hydrant to burst open, much to the bewilderment of nearby pedestrians. But he was determined to hone his abilities, to control the power that had turned his life upside down.

As he practiced, Lisa provided a dose of comic relief. She cheered him on, even when he failed spectacularly, and their adventures as novice crimefighters became a source of laughter and camaraderie. From accidentally scaring away a gang of purse-snatchers to causing an entire flock of pigeons to take flight in a chaotic frenzy, The Gaze Guardian's heroics were both unconventional and uproarious.

In the midst of their escapades, Adrian and Lisa discovered a pattern in the deaths. A shadowy figure known as "The Puppeteer" seemed to be orchestrating the demise of criminal figures. Could this enigmatic adversary hold the key to understanding Adrian's powers and their connection to the city's turmoil? find out soon in chapter 4!