
Chapter 224 Estrangement 2

Fu Si Heng stood behind two people, just Nina Hill and if he said if he just listened quietly, now Nina Hill look back at him, he is still silent.

"Thank you for sending me flowers today." Nina Hill has a polite smile on his face. "I will go to Imperial Capital in the afternoon and will not accompany you at noon."

This polite and cold appearance completely annoyed Felix Bush. He hung his eyes and stared at Nina Hill. His eyes were cold and his cold tone was intolerant. "Nina Hill, what are you doing?"

I didn't reply to his Facebook yesterday. I just gave him a wonderful face. Now I say thank you to him politely.

Nina Hill smiled brightly. "No trouble."

"You are busy with your work and come to send me flowers today. Thank you."

Felix Bush's eyebrows unconsciously frowned, and his heart suddenly welled up with a trace of irritability that he didn't even notice. His tone was cold and sarcastic.

"You don't have to be so hypocritical, Southbuckwheat, it's hypocritical."