
Real World in Fashion.

Debbie Adultery

Debbie Adultery A few years ago I was living for a while in Mitchell County in very rural southwest Georgia. I'd been through a rough time, what with a psychologically and emotionally abusive director at the theater where I had been working and being badly dumped by a girlfriend I was really keen on, so my sister and her husband had suggested I get out of Chicago for six months and move south to help them build their house out in the sticks. They offered to feed me and house me in return for my labor. I had nothing going for me in Illinois, and, given the opportunity to avoid a winter, I readily agreed. While they were building, they had rented a small house in Camilla, the county seat, and the only town of any size for some miles around. I slept in the second bedroom. To keep my hand in with acting, to make a little money, and to meet some women, I decided to set up the Camilla Theater Workshop for interested locals, focusing on improv and games. I found a perfect indoor sports hall to rent for three hours a week, put up some flyers around town, and was amazed to attract over 40 people for the first meeting. Numbers tailed off a little over the weeks, but there were about 25 people every Tuesday night. I charged $5 per participant for a three-hour workshop. Some people came every week without fail, others from time to time. Most of the regulars were women; some were attractive, some were flirts, some were both, some were neither. My absolute favorite was Debbie, whom I described to my sister as my physical ideal. She was very blonde, very pretty, very curvy, tiny waist, 5'3", no more than 110 pounds. Unfortunately she was married, which meant that, although she was number one in the attractive category, she did not feature in the flirting one. Her husband joined her at the first two or three workshops, but it was clear the only reason he was there was to keep her company. He must have had a big dick, because otherwise I couldn't begin to imagine what she saw in him. He was very ordinary-looking, and a total dork, awkward, shy, uncoordinated, unimaginative, and frankly useless at acting. Thank goodness he gave up attending very quickly. She, on the other hand was a really good little actor, and I'm not saying that just because she was so sexy. She was a natural. She had great comic timing, grace, inventiveness, charisma, and presence. With the combination of her talent and her looks, she would be well armed for success in the tough world of professional acting. I found myself thinking about her a great deal of the time, and looking forward to Tuesdays, when I would be sure to see her. My time down south was coming to an end. About 10 days before I was due to leave, I had a sexy dream about Debbie, after which I knew I had to communicate my feelings to her. I wrote this letter, which I put in a sealed envelope tucked under the windshield wiper of her car the evening of the last workshop. "Dear Debbie, I've been watching you closely over the last few months and there are a couple of things I have to tell you. Both might come as something of a shock, but I'm asking you to read this with an open mind. The first is that, with your looks and your talent, I think you could find well-paid and regular work as a TV actress. My advice, for what it's worth, is that you head up to New York, and get yourself a part on a soap opera. I know it is easier said than done, but I do really think you can succeed. I'm heading back north in a few days, and I can't leave without saying the second thing, which is that I am incredibly attracted to you. You are simply gorgeous. I have dreamt of making love to you all night, and regret that I've been unable to say anything sooner. I've enjoyed getting to know you a little. Best of luck always in whatever you do. Joe x" I fully expected never to see her again after that final workshop. A couple of days before heading back north, I had taken my car to a mechanic for an oil change and a once-over to ensure that it would make it back to Illinois safely and reliably. His shop was near the house, so I had walked home, and was taking it easy on the couch, reading. It was a hot day, in the mid-80s, not unusual for April in South Georgia. My sister and brother-in-law had gone out to their property for the day, so with no cars outside the house it appeared as though no one was home. As I was reading, the house shook gently, meaning someone was walking up the stairs to the front porch. I went to the front door to see who was there. It was Debbie! She was dressed in soft yellow Capri pants with a side zipper, and a fairly tight pink and yellow striped top that showed off her bust nicely. She blushed deep red when she saw me, obviously startled, and said, "Oh, Joe, it's you. I didn't realize anyone was home. I was just leaving you this letter." I saw then that she was holding an envelope with my name on it. "I'll just leave it and go." "No, wait, I can't let you just run off like that. How rude would that be? Come in, please, it's a hot day, have a glass of iced tea." "Oh, no, I don't want to bother you. It's OK, I'll just go." "Debbie, you're not bothering me, I was just sitting reading. Come in, I insist." She was hesitant, but eventually agreed to come in. She perched on the edge of the sofa while I brought her a glass of iced tea. "So let me see this letter, then," I said, smiling. The poor girl looked terribly nervous. She really was incredibly pretty. Her straight blond hair was parted down the middle and fell below her shoulders. Her heart-shaped face (the impression was strengthened by her hairstyle), featured big, big blue eyes, a slightly turned up nose, a sweet bow mouth with full, curvy lips, and the cutest, sharply defined teardrop shape between her nose and her top lip. She wore mascara so you could see her eyelashes, but no other makeup. She said, "Oh, I wish I-" but then stopped herself and handed me the envelope. I sat down at the other end of the sofa from her, to her left, opened the envelope, and pulled out a sheet of pale pink paper. "Dear Joe, Thank you for taking the time to write to me. I have enjoyed the workshops very much, and I've learned a lot. I'll have to think about your suggestion. I have dreamt of making love to you all night, too, night after night. I can't imagine anything more wonderful. But I am married and I'd like to think I take my vows seriously. Goodbye. Debbie x" Well! This was quite unexpected. She was lusting after me, too! If I played my cards right, I'd have my fingers and maybe more inside her within the next 20 minutes. There were possibilities in her use of the phrase 'I'd like to think I take my vows seriously.' Not 'I take ...' I knew I could exploit that. But how? As it was a hot day, all I was wearing was a pair of overalls, with no shirt and no underpants either. I could just whip the overalls off and be naked in front of her. No, too brash, she'd just run. I feared that the adrenaline rush was clouding my judgment. Quickly, now. It was only a short note, so I couldn't pretend I was taking ages to read it. I decided to play it as it came, with no set plan. That way I could be more flexible in my responses. I glanced over at her. She was looking down at her feet. God, she was so cute! I made my mind up that the moment she said 'No' or 'Stop,' I would do the gentlemanly thing, but until that point, I was going to go for it. With my eyes glued to her face, looking for some clue or reaction, I said, "Well, this is certainly unexpected. I acknowledge you for having the courage to bring the letter over to my place, and then to come inside when you knew I was here and would read it. It's kind of exciting to think that we're both so attracted to each other, isn't it?" She didn't speak or move, so I went on. "There's one thing in your letter that has me a little curious, Debbie. You say you'd like to think you take your vows seriously. You don't say that you actually do take them seriously." Easy, now, this is the critical moment. "If you do take them seriously, why are you still here? If you don't, I have the same question: Why are you still here?" Sheesh. This was about the most convoluted seduction spiel I'd ever made. I wasn't sure if I could keep track of it myself! She looked up from her feet, turned her head to me and said quietly, "I don't know. I do know I shouldn't stay, but I can't leave. Not yet." Keep going, Joe, she hasn't said no yet. We weren't quite at the point of no return, one way or the other. She needed a little more softening up. Time for a move. "Well, I think I know why you're here." I reached over and with the back of my right hand touched the outside of her leg a few inches above the knee. She seemed to shrink from the touch momentarily - I thought she might be about to slap me - but then she pressed back against my hand with her leg, fairly forcefully. She wasn't pushing me away, she was responding. Yes!!! Thank you, God! I got her!! I started stroking her leg, now, instead of touching it, and then I shifted down the sofa till I was sitting right beside her. With my left hand I reached up to her face and turned her head towards me. Very, very slowly I moved in for a kiss. She looked at me with big eyes and whispered, "I shouldn't stay, Joe." She didn't pull back, however. "You are, though," I whispered back, and gently kissed her on the mouth, a series of short meetings of lips, each with our mouths slightly wider open than the previous one, each a little longer than the last. I slowly gave her a little more tongue, and in a minute we were kissing pretty passionately. Oh, yes. This was going to be really good. We were going to fuck, I knew it. I knew I couldn't mess this up now. Patiently, though, don't rush it, just reel her in nice and easy. In anticipation of the pleasures to come, my cock had gotten semi-erect, but the bagginess of the overalls meant that for the time being she was unaware of it, luckily. I didn't want to frighten her away. I moved my hand down to her breast. "We shouldn't, Joe," she said. "We are, though," I replied, giving her tit a gentle squeeze. It was so wonderfully firm! She didn't stop me, so I started to rub it. I could feel her nipple hardening under her clothes. Impulsively I put my tongue in her ear and started licking it fairly hard. It tasted bitter, but she really liked that, gasping, wriggling, moaning. "Oh, Joe, that drives me nuts! It feels so good." I noticed that her legs had parted a little, so decided it was time to make another move. "You know, I'm not really sure when my sister and brother-in-law are going to get home, so maybe we should get ourselves a little privacy in my room instead of having them find us on the sofa." The walls were paper thin, so if they did come home, whatever we'd be doing wouldn't exactly be private, but at least they wouldn't see us. I stood up, took her hand, pulled her to a standing position, and walked over to the door of my room. "We shouldn't, Joe," she said. By way of response I opened the door for her with a gallant little bow. She went in and sat on the very edge of the bed. It was time to make my intentions perfectly clear. I unclipped the suspenders on my overalls, with a flourish threw them back over my shoulders, and let the pants fall to the floor. I stepped out of them, stark naked. My cock was hot, big, almost fully hard. She gasped, but her only movement was to open her legs a little and put her hand in her lap. "Oh, my God, Joe!" She couldn't take her eyes off my boner. "Oh, my God, Joe," she said again. "It's even more beautiful than I had imagined." She sat still, her mouth open a little, flushed, now alternating her glance between my dick and my face. I couldn't tell if her complete passivity was for real or if she was teasing me a bit, but after a few moments I twigged that she was expecting me to take the lead every step of the way. She had done her bit just by showing up. Although there is something incredibly sexy about one person being fully clothed and the other naked, I really wanted to see her body and get my hands on her flesh, so gently I pulled her to her feet. "Let me undress you," I said, expecting her to whisper 'We shouldn't, Joe.' But she stayed silent. I reached behind her, undid the buttons down the back of her top, and slid it off her arms. Her bra was white, lacy, and had a tiny light blue decorative bow in front. It pushed her breasts together enough to make a small but quite heavenly cleavage. I could hardly wait to suck on those tits. I moved down to her Capri pants, undid the button and the zipper, and slid them down over her hips and to the floor. Her panties matched the bra. I held her hand while she stepped out of the pants. Her skin was absolutely flawless, honey-colored, smooth, soft, with very pale, very fine hairs on her arms and belly. I was incredibly turned on. Her curves were just the prefect proportions. As I reached behind her again to unclasp her bra, she said, "We shouldn't, Joe." "I know, but we are." The hook and eye came undone quite easily and as she held her arms out for me to take the bra off, there were her tits in plain view. God, they were gorgeous, curvy, firm, just perfectly shaped. Her nipples were small, very pink, made for sucking on. Somehow I resisted the temptation to start doing that there and then. All in good time, I figured. Nearly there now. I slid my hands down the sides of her torso and rolled her panties down. As they cleared her hips I got my first glimpse of her mound. Her pubes were silky-looking, pale blonde at the extremity of her bush, smoothly darkening toward her clit, where they were a rich chestnut brown. I wanted to fuck her so badly, and I was about to. Thank you, God! I squatted down in front of her to help her step out of her panties, and kissed her lightly just below the belly button. She giggled. "You have a magnificent body," I said. "It's even more beautiful than I had imagined." I deliberately echoed her words about my dick. "I'm really excited." I gently butted her belly with my head, and she sat back on the bed. "Lie down." "We shouldn't, Joe." We both knew that this was a pretty weak attempt to stop what was by now inevitable. "I know, but we are. Lie down." She did so, and I picked up her leg and started kissing the inside of it down by her ankle. I quickly moved up to her knee, and then to the inside of her thigh. The soft flesh there is always one of my favorite places on a woman. I could smell her cunt and my dick was so ready to fuck. As I approached her pussy, she said, "Joe, don't, please." My heart fell. I thought she was about to tell me we were through. "My-I don't really like it. Let's just do other things." No problem, I was quite happy to forego eating her if she didn't want me to. There were enough other places to kiss her, after all. I let go of her leg and clambered up on to the bed beside her. We lay on our sides, kissing, and with my left hand I caressed her body, moving ever closer to her sex. Slowly, gently, I moved around her belly, her thighs, her butt, passing my hand over her quim but not touching it. She pushed her hips up towards my hand, seeking cunt contact. I moved my mouth away from hers down toward her breasts. Her nipples were nice and firm, rubbery, chewy. I bit down gently on one and she moaned. As I finally slid my fingers down over her very wet slit and into her honey box, she moaned louder. I pushed my hand up inside her fairly firmly, and she moaned louder again. "Debbie, I've been dreaming of this for so long. I can hardly believe it's happening." As my fingers rotated on her g-spot she started squirming and when I stuck my tongue back in her ear I thought she would fall off the bed, she was thrashing around so much. I quieted her down by removing my tongue, and rolled on top of her, ready to fuck. "I'm on the pill, so you can cum inside me," she said. Just what I wanted to hear. She lay back with her knees up and I positioned myself over her. My cock was rock hard and needed no guidance from a hand. I pushed the head up against her lips and gently slid in all the way in one sublime, long thrust. She opened her eyes very wide as I began pumping in and out of her glorious little cunt. Oh, God, did she feel good. She was really tight, giving my cock a nice firm massage, in and out, in and out. I love fucking women who are married to someone else; the fact that they know they shouldn't be doing it with me just makes it all the more pleasurable. After a little while I knelt up, pulled her hips up, and held onto the underside of her thighs so she had just the top of her back, her shoulders, and her head on the bed. She was small enough to make this pretty comfortable, and it gave me the most wonderful view of my dick disappearing into the rich folds of her pussy. She was making the sweetest little gasps and moans, looking up at me and smiling. After a few minutes of this, between gasps she said, "Lie me down again, Joe." She started rubbing her tits in a circle and pinching her nipples a bit. Her cunt was so wet and luscious I knew it wouldn't be long before I came, but I wanted her to first. I propped myself on an elbow, reached down, and started stroking her clit very gently, round and round in tiny circles. "Oh, God, you're going to make me cum!" I started fucking her faster, all the while feather-light with my fnger on her little rosebud. "Oh, God, Joe, I'm gonna cum. Ahh, aaah, I'm almost there. Oh, please, yes." I stuck my tongue back in her ear and that sent her over. She screamed and rode me up and down like a horse on a carousel. I'd never experienced the kind of incredible thrusts that were suddenly erupting from deep inside her. I was sure that she was going to writhe right off me, but somehow she stayed impaled as her hot juices gushed down over my cock, seemingly for minutes on end. Her whole body was flushed red. As her movements gradually subsided into squirms and she caught her breath, I took my finger off her clit and my tongue out of her ear, and went to work on her cunt in earnest with my dick. It didn't take long. I stretched my legs out to get good torque and hammered into her. As the cum came rocketing up into her willing pussy, I silently looked into her eyes which were open wide; she looked surprised, almost, at the power of my orgasm. I collapsed on top of her and after a few minutes of gentle motion while my cock resumed its normal size, she suddenly said, "Oh, Joe. I must go. I shouldn't have stayed. I'm sorry." "There's nothing to be sorry about, sweetheart," I said. "You're gorgeous, you think I'm gorgeous, we said so with our bodies and had a fantastic time. That's all." She wriggled out from under me and quickly got dressed. She was upset and I was really hoping she wouldn't start crying on me. We'd had a great fuck. Why spoil it? "Don't tell anyone about this, Joe, OK?" she pleaded as she stood by the bedroom door, fully clothed, ready to leave. "Sure. Your secret is safe. See you on TV, I hope. Remember my advice." And she was gone, leaving a sweet memory, no regrets for me, and a wonderful smell of cunt juice that my brother-in-law remarked on when they got home a couple of hours later. That was abut four years back. A couple of weeks ago I was reading TV Guide, and there on the Soaps page was ... her picture. She had done it! She had taken my advice and gone into acting. Debbie Mason had been nominated for a Daytime Emmy for playing an ingenue in some crappy daytime soap and was just as cute as ever. Nice to know that I'd fucked a starlet on her way up. scary