
Farmer Li

Farmer Li Qing possesses a rare talent - a spiritual constitution. Many girls accompany him, unwilling to leave his side, as they together endure numerous hardships and venture further and further on the path of cultivating immortality.

DaoistE4NTL3 · Fantaisie
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40 Chs

Auntie, why don't you let me help you?

When he entered Hu Wei's room, Li Qing let Fatty Hu and Wu Xingxing play first.

He went to the kitchen alone, ready to find Yu Lan and ask him if there was any progress in that matter or not.

When he went in, Yu Lan was standing with her back to the doorway and didn't know what she was working on.

"Aunt Yu Lan." Li Qing shouted.

Yu Lan was obviously startled, her hands scrambled to organize herself before she turned around.

"Qing, Qingzi, what's the matter with you?"

Li Qing looked at Yu Lan's side, which was almost completely exposed to him, and his gaze couldn't help but freeze.

Not knowing what she was just doing, the zipper on the side of her skirt was completely open.

Half of her body was leaking clearly.

It was true that she couldn't be considered full there, but it was round and looked somewhat cute.

Moreover, Yu Lan seemed to be very fond of blue, and the color of her chaps was also light blue.


Yu Lan noticed Li Qing's straight gaze and suddenly exclaimed in shock, reaching out to pull the zipper in a panic.

But somehow, the zipper got stuck.

Yu Lan tried her best, no matter how she tugged, she couldn't pull it up.

She so tossed, Li Qing instead saw more.

Her two little buns are very firm and elastic.

As Yu Lan tugged the zipper up and down, those two little guys didn't jump up and down horizontally like others, they jumped in place and moved regularly.


Li Qing heard a slight thud, fixed his eyes on it, and almost didn't hold back his laughter.

Probably because of the excessive force, the zipper broke completely.

"Auntie, why don't you let me help you?" Li Qing volunteered to say.

Yu Lan had a face that was as red as if it was scalding red, even her ears and neck were flushed with a tantalizing redness.

"You, you turn around." Yu Lan said sharply.

Li Qing couldn't help but think of the things he heard that night again, and then looking at Yu Lan's half undressed appearance at the moment, a heart instantly flamed a little.

He slightly sidestepped and said, "Auntie, it's better for me to help you a bit, it's even worse if you're in this state if Xiaowei and Wu Xingxing see you."

Yu Lan immediately hesitated a little, "But ... how can you help?"

"You wear mine first." Li Qing said.

Yu Lan took a quick glance and immediately shook her head as if it was a rattle drum, "No, no way."

"If I wear your clothes, if the two of them see it, it's even more difficult to say."

"Then why don't I go get clothes for you, Auntie?" Li Qing added.

"My bedroom is upstairs, you'll have to pass by Xiao Wei's room in the past, you'll be seen by him." Yu Lan said with difficulty.

Neither left nor right would work, this put Li Qing in a difficult position as well.

What else could be done?

It was obvious that there were no clothes here that Yu Lan could change into.

"Qingzi, do me a favor, okay?" Yu Lan suddenly seemed to have thought of an idea, and said with a begging look in her eyes, "You lure Xiaowei and Wu Xingxing out, and I'll sneak upstairs to change my clothes."

Li Qing's eyes were still staring straight at Yu Lan's open zipper, he nodded at his words, "This is indeed a solution, I'll go now. I'll bring them to the courtyard, Auntie, you be slightly faster."

"Wait." Yu Lan suddenly shouted, her hands tightly clutched her skirt, and she said with a tense expression, "Today's matter, you, don't say it out, okay? If you don't say it, I ... I'll show you, okay?"

Li Qing immediately brightened up, this can be too good.

"Auntie don't worry, as long as I see it, I promise not to say anything."

Yu Lan's already blushing face, when she heard this, it was red and almost about to drip blood.

"Are you that ... thoughtful?" She stammered.

Li Qing sighed lightly, "Auntie such a great beauty, only my Uncle Hu is blind and doesn't know how to cherish it, I can take a look at it and I'm already satisfied."

Yu Lan was said to the bottom of her heart suddenly sweet, she stood up straight, slightly raised her chin, put on a look of death, said softly, "Then you ... look at it, hurry up ah."

"Auntie, I can t see well with this look." Li Qing said deliberately.

"Ah? You want me to ... take it off ah?!" Yu Lan was startled and asked in a shocked voice.

Li Qing nodded his head repeatedly like a chicken pecking at rice.

It would be best to take it all off.

"But here, what if the two of them come down all of a sudden? This way, you go out first, auntie will wait for you in the room and show you, okay?" Yu Lan politely said.

Li Qing took a look at this big glass, it really wasn't easy to get, so he nodded, "Then I'll go and bring them down first."

"Well, Qingzi, thank you." Yu Lan bit her thin lips and said.

Even though the situation was so awkward at the moment, Yu Lan still spoke in a gentle voice.

This character, so quiet that Li Qing was a bit embarrassed.

This should be considered him taking advantage of someone's danger.

Li Qing pressed the mate who did not know when had already been a little angsty, went upstairs in the name of going to the courtyard to cool off and chat, and brought down both Hu Wei and Wu Xingxing.

After chatting for but a few sentences and eating a piece of melon, Li Qing went back into the house on the pretext of diarrhea.

He deliberately opened the door of the toilet and closed it again before tiptoeing up the stairs.

Yu Lan's room was in the innermost part of the second floor, and at the moment, the bedroom door was open a crack, and when Li Qing gently pushed it open, he realized that there was no one inside the room at all.

Just when he was puzzled, he turned his head but saw Yu Lan standing behind the door with her hands covering her waist and her face red.

She unexpectedly really went all out.

Such a real person, Li Qing could like it too much.

He said that he was only looking at the top, but Yu Lan obviously thought that he wanted to see all of it.

And also really very real all off.

The only thing left on the whole body is that light blue, semi-transparent pants.

Li Qing's eyes froze as he watched, and his breathing suddenly became rapid, "Auntie, your figure is really good."

"Take a look, just, on the line, I ... me, they are still in the yard." Yu Lan slurred, blushing to the point that her chin was almost arching inside those two little guys.

Li Qing slowly moved his feet, "Auntie, you are so beautiful."

Although he had fought with both his sister-in-law and Tian Yue'e, he really hadn't seen the two of them like this.

Unexpectedly, his first experience in life like this was actually happening to Yu Lan.

And it was still happening in a way he hadn't expected at all.

Yu Lan tightly bit her lower lip, a pair of hands uneasily blocking three inches below her waist, "Look, look well?"

"Auntie, can I touch it?" Li Qing said as he gained an inch.

Feeling close at hand, as if the furnace general blazing compelling male breath, Yu Lan eyes flustered, can not help but breathe also rushed up, "You want, want to touch ... which?"