
Far From Alright

Wykay · Politique et sciences sociales
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: Woke Up

Lately life has been extremely stressful you know. When you wake up you're just so exhausted and just so tired and you haven't even started your day yet. Having to go to school makes everything even worse, at first you didn't really mind it, but now you seriously can't take it anymore.

Jason really felt like that everyday he woke up. He hated school at this point, he hated waking up early in the morning, he hated having to listen to the annoying teachers and annoying students who argued and were just loud. Jason had depression, so all this stress didn't help, but no one seemed to get that.

As he walked down the street to get to his bus he hung his head. He stared at his feet as he tirelessly walked to the bus. Walking alone in the quiet was okay, but he didn't even have the energy to even care about anything. Jason knew all the quiet was gonna end as soon as he got to the bus stop, there were kids who were loud and annoying every morning, and kids who just irritated him for no reason. Matter of fact, everyone annoyed him, even his friends.

Sitting on the bus was another problem. He hated how close everyone was and how sluggy it felt, especially after it rained the night before. Jason knows sometimes all this complaining sounded annoying, but everyone complained, and at this point he didn't care how annoying he might've sounded.

As the bus pulled up to the school he felt even more stressed and tired, he sometimes wished he didn't even wake up, but he would never wish that happened. As much as life seemed so exhausting and stressful he would never want to not wake up, waking up gives him another chance to have a good day, and see the people he loved and cared about. As he walked off the bus last he stood there at the last step and took a deep breathe before stepping off the bus.