
Fantasy System of the Two Dimensions

After crossing over to another world that appeared to be a fusion of various anime realms, Tetsuya unlocked the Fantasy System. By completing the system's assigned tasks, he earned Fantasy points, granting him access to the Fantasy store brimming with daily talents and more. Yuuki Asuna: You seem to possess extensive culinary skills. Could you teach me? Sagiri: I'm not familiar with anyone by the name of Eromanga-Sensei. Countless other characters and captivating plots lie ahead, awaiting for Tetsuya exploration. Translator Warning: This is the second Chinese novel I have Plan to translate, and don't expect this novel to have an intricate storyline; it's just a simple quality in terms of plot.

So_Epic · Anime et bandes dessinées
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20 Chs

Teacher Hiratsuka Shizuka is Scary

Tetsuya locked the door and took out his cell phone to check the time. His complexion changed as he realized he was running late and quickly increased his pace, rushing through the streets. It was the first day of his second year of high school, the first day since he crossed over, and he didn't want to be late on this important day.

Fortunately, Toyogasaki High School, which was not far from Tetsuya's home, was a good school. With his enhanced physical strength and speed, surpassing that of an average adult, he arrived at the school quickly.

However, before Tetsuya could reach his classroom, the bell for attendance rang. Remembering the previous violent fist teacher from his memories, Tetsuya's body trembled, and he instinctively quickened his steps.

Just as Tetsuya entered the corridor leading to the classroom, he suddenly collided with someone who appeared from the opposite direction. His complexion changed, but his speed didn't allow him enough time to avoid the collision. He crashed directly into the person.

A soft sensation followed by a scream came from the impact.

Tetsuya was well aware that with his speed and strength, he could easily knock down an ordinary female student. He hurriedly lowered his head and apologized, saying, "I'm sorry, I didn't see you. Are you alright...?"

But before he could finish his sentence, Tetsuya realized that the voice he heard was somewhat familiar. He raised his head and, upon seeing the person in front of him, his face turned pale.

"Teacher Hiratsuka Shizuka?"

Tetsuya's mouth twitched violently. Standing before him was a beautiful female teacher with long black hair, a mild demeanor, and a slender figure. Although she was a big beauty in appearance, in Tetsuya's memory, he harbored a great fear of this teacher.

His previous language arts teacher, Hiratsuka Shizuka, had a serious tendency for violence and was skilled in wrestling. Just his own strength was not enough to knock her down when they had clashed earlier.

She was also known by the special titles of "Fist Teacher" and "Hiratsuka Shizuka, the Slaughter Weapon"...

As for whatever "static cute" nonsense came from another dimension, Tetsuya completely ignored it. In his eyes, this beautiful female teacher evoked fear and violence, lacking any trace of cuteness!

"Is your complexion so terrible, schoolmate Tetsuya? Is the teacher that frightening? Relax, although you were late and even attempted to attack the teacher, the teacher won't use violence against you. After all, today is the first day of the new semester, right, schoolmate Tetsuya?"

Although her beautiful face seemed to be smiling angelically, Tetsuya could sense the faint transmission of a murderous aura in her words. He couldn't help but shudder. He could clearly understand that Hiratsuka Shizuka's words were completely different from what she seemed to be saying. It was as if she was saying, "Being late and attempting to attack the teacher on the first day of school? Are you seeking death?"

Damn, experiencing this on the first day of school. What's to come in the future?

"I understand, teacher."

Now, there was no use in trying to explain further. Tetsuya just wanted to get out of this predicament as quickly as possible and return to the classroom, away from this terrifying woman.

"Does schoolmate Tetsuya plan to attend class with me?" Hiratsuka Shizuka bent down to pick up the textbooks that had fallen on the ground earlier, stood up straight, and held the textbooks in her hands. She narrowed her beautiful eyes and smiled faintly as she stared at Tetsuya.

"I'm sorry!"

Hearing Hiratsuka Shizuka's words, Tetsuya immediately felt relieved in his heart. After apologizing, he quickly ran past Hiratsuka Shizuka and entered the classroom. He went to his seat in the corner by the window, placed his backpack down, and sat on his chair.

A while later, the language arts teacher, Hiratsuka Shizuka, entered the classroom with her textbooks in hand. She noticed Tetsuya had returned to his seat and raised an eyebrow. She then walked to the front of the blackboard, placed her textbooks on the desk, and began the lessons for the new semester.

Tetsuya, not particularly interested in high school knowledge, supported his head with his hand and turned to look out the window. The first class was physical education, and many male students were sweating under the sunlight on the basketball court. Occasionally, young girls wearing sailor uniforms and black skirts passed by on the field. The short skirts, paired with knee-high stockings, revealed a glimpse of their snow-white legs, evoking a pleasant feeling.

"This is youth," Tetsuya sighed, cherishing the memory. He never thought that at the age of 20, he would be able to experience high school life again.

However, Tetsuya didn't have time to fully appreciate the beautiful scene outside. After all, he was currently facing a survival crisis. He needed to figure out how to earn some living expenses, or he and Sagiri might starve at home in a few days. Not to mention being able to buy in-game items and enjoy a carefree life.

As Tetsuya pondered, a prompt from the System sounded in his mind: "Congratulations on completing the Mission to satisfy cute younger sister Sagiri with your cooking! Your Cooking Skill has leveled up to the second level. Acquired primary first-order Cooking Skill: 'Golden Fried Rice' using Fantasy Point(s)."

After the System prompt ended, the technique for making golden fried rice was transmitted to Tetsuya's memory. His cooking skill had also advanced from the first level to the second level, and he could feel a new level of understanding in his cooking abilities.

"It seems Sagiri enjoyed the breakfast I made," Tetsuya's heart filled with joy. With both the plain noodles and golden fried rice, he now had two outstanding staple dishes. It appeared that he was moving towards becoming a versatile expert in cooking. Perhaps one day, he would even become a Grandmaster, creating dishes that would become popular nationwide and even worldwide.

Once this thought took root in Tetsuya's mind, it became unstoppable.

Now, he needed to figure out how to turn his cooking skills into a source of income.

"Are the female students outside attractive?"

In the midst of his excitement, Tetsuya's reality was disrupted by a teasing voice that brought him back to the present. He turned his head, only to see a cheek that seemed extremely uncomfortable.

"Schoolmate Tetsuya, instead of paying attention in class, are you more interested in looking out the window? Do you find the teacher's lectures repulsive?" Hiratsuka Shizuka tapped her textbook on Tetsuya's desk, smiling faintly as she looked at him. Her eyes emitted an intent to kill, even in the scorching heat, causing a chill to run down Tetsuya's spine.

Late in the morning and now skipping class, it seemed that he couldn't explain himself no matter what.

"After class, come to my office!" Hiratsuka Shizuka stared at Tetsuya and sneered.

Upon hearing those words, disappointment and a sinking feeling filled Tetsuya's heart. He couldn't help but curse silently in his mind. It seemed that the "Slaughter Weapon, Hiratsuka Shizuka," would be watching him closely this semester. The future didn't look bright at all.


The Hiratsuka Shizuka's office was not far from Tetsuya's classroom in Class A. Tetsuya quickly made his way to Hiratsuka Shizuka's office.

The office door was already open, and Hiratsuka Shizuka was waiting inside. Tetsuya knocked on the door and entered the office, standing before her desk.

As Tetsuya entered the office, he looked up and saw Hiratsuka Shizuka sitting in a chair. Her two slender legs were crossed, and she took out a cigarette case from her pocket. She put a cigarette in her mouth, skillfully lit it, and exhaled smoke, narrowing her eyes.

"Ah, that's better!"

Tetsuya was dumbfounded. Was this really a teacher? Smoking in the sacred place of education, right in front of a student?

"Teacher, I remember that smoking is not allowed in school..."


Hiratsuka Shizuka's face turned cold as she turned to look at Tetsuya. She raised an eyebrow and said, "Schoolmate Tetsuya, don't you know that teachers have a lot of pressure at work? We not only have to prepare lessons every day, but also deal with issues from the administration... Sometimes a cigarette can quickly alleviate the mood. What do you think, Schoolmate Tetsuya?"

"Hehe...," Tetsuya smiled bitterly. After hearing Hiratsuka Shizuka's explanation, he realized that he had unintentionally brought up a touchy subject. It was a self-inflicted wound. He didn't expect that on his first day of school, he would be criticized by the young old maid and treated like a problem child.

Now, what could he do besides force a smile?

Seeing Tetsuya's silence, Hiratsuka Shizuka extinguished the cigarette butt in the ashtray. She looked up and stared at Tetsuya with her beautiful eyes, as if to say, "Hehe, on your first day of school, you were late and distracted in class. Schoolmate Tetsuya is indeed different from other students."

"I suppose students your age often have thoughts about what's happening at home, encounter traffic jams, and come up with excuses to be late and not pay attention in class, don't they?"

"Teacher, you've really hit the nail on the head. I did have some thoughts on my mind and had trouble adjusting to this new life. Please give me some time to adapt," Tetsuya replied, rolling his eyes. But he didn't actually say these words out loud. Even if he did, who would believe him? It would be like boasting about having Doraemon's gadgets in childhood and getting strange looks in return.

"Indeed, the teacher and students of my age..."


Before Tetsuya could finish his sentence, he heard a sharp sound of wind breaking. His complexion changed, and he instinctively took a step back. A fist was almost grazing his stomach as it punched through the air.

As he watched Hiratsuka Shizuka's fist swing through the air, Tetsuya held his breath, realizing how strong her punch was. Thankfully, his enhanced physique from the System earlier in the morning allowed him to react and avoid the punch. Otherwise, his predecessor's body might have gone numb from a single blow.

The Slaughter Weapon, Static Cute, truly lived up to her reputation!

"I haven't taught you that you shouldn't provoke a woman, have I?"

"Haha, no. Actually, what I wanted to say earlier was that someone of my age, like the teacher, is sure to have thoughts about pretty female students," Tetsuya quickly changed his statement with a smile.

In a flash, Tetsuya recalled his predecessor's complete memory of Hiratsuka Shizuka. She was not only their Japanese language teacher but also responsible for life guidance and caring about her students. Due to being "young," she was often assigned to various school activities.

Yes, you didn't misunderstand. "Young"!

Forget it, saying anything won't work.

"Hehe, I'm glad to have such a clever student like Schoolmate Tetsuya," Hiratsuka Shizuka said with a happy expression on her face. She sat back down, once again crossing her slender legs.

Tetsuya couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth. He didn't expect that a few words of praise would resolve the matter. Women were truly fickle creatures.

But they also shared a common weakness: they loved to be praised.

"Let's change the topic. Tetsuya, do you have any friends?"

"Yes, I have friends at school and a younger sister at home."

Upon hearing Hiratsuka Shizuka's question, Tetsuya thought about Aki, a guy he knew from his predecessor's memories. Aki was in the same school, in Class B next door. They had a good relationship when they worked together at the restaurant. So, at least in school, they could be considered friends.

"I have a younger sister at home," Tetsuya replied. When he heard Hiratsuka Shizuka's question, he scratched his head, realizing that his lateness that morning was indeed due to his younger sister. It was partly because of her, but mostly because he needed some time to adapt to his new life.

"Family matters?" Hiratsuka Shizuka tapped the table with her hand, pondering, and then said, "You should relax in school and focus on your studies. There are many clubs and organizations in school. Are you involved in any of them? You know, not participating in extracurricular activities would make your high school life incomplete."

"High school clubs, that's a good idea."

Tetsuya's interest was piqued. He had nothing to lose, so he decided to check out the school's clubs and see if any of them suited his needs. Perhaps he could find a way to earn some living expenses through club activities.

"Teacher, I'll take a look at lunchtime."

With that in mind, Tetsuya immediately said, "If there's nothing else, I'll head back now, Teacher."

"Alright." Hiratsuka Shizuka nodded. "If you don't like any of the clubs, I'll arrange other activities for you."


Having received Hiratsuka Shizuka's approval, Tetsuya quickly left the office and closed the door behind him. He had no intention of spending any more time with the Slaughter Weapon.

As he walked through the corridor, Tetsuya felt a sense of relief. He couldn't help but think that Hiratsuka Shizuka-sensei was truly formidable. He had to be cautious and vigilant when dealing with her, or else he might end up with a numb body from her punch.

He couldn't believe that, despite having the System, he still feared a violent female teacher.

But Tetsuya couldn't dwell on that now. He needed to think about how to earn some living expenses. Otherwise, in a few days, he and Sagiri would be starving at home.

Not to mention gaming and enjoying a carefree life.

Lost in thought, Tetsuya heard a prompt from the System in his mind: "Congratulations! You have completed the Mission to cook for your cute younger sister, Sagiri! Your Cooking Skill has leveled up to the second level. You have acquired the primary skill: Golden Fried Rice, using Fantasy Points."

After the System prompt ended, Tetsuya's memory was filled with the cooking technique for golden fried rice. His cooking skill had also advanced from the first level to the second level, and he could feel an increase in his understanding of cooking.

"It seems Sagiri enjoyed the breakfast I made and liked it!"

Upon completing the Mission, Tetsuya felt a surge of joy in his heart. Now he had plain noodles and golden fried rice as his two outstanding staple foods. It seemed he was heading towards becoming a versatile cooking expert. Perhaps one day, his experimental golden fried rice could become a masterpiece and gain popularity throughout the country, or even the world...

Once this thought took root in Tetsuya's mind, it couldn't be suppressed. He needed to think about how to use his culinary skills to make money.

"Are the female students outside attractive?"

In his excitement, Tetsuya's inner voice interrupted, teasing him with reality. He turned his head and found his gaze landing on an uncomfortable cheek.

"Schoolmate Tetsuya, instead of looking out the window during class, shouldn't you be paying attention to the teacher's explanation? Or do you dislike the teacher?" Hiratsuka Shizuka tapped Tetsuya's school desk with her textbook, smiling at him with a faint smile. There was a hint of a killing intent in her eyes, even on a hot day, sending a chill down Tetsuya's spine.

Late in the morning, not hitting her, and now not paying attention in class. It seemed that this time, there was no way to explain himself.

"Finish class and come to my office!" Hiratsuka Shizuka glared at Tetsuya, sneering.

Upon hearing those words, disappointment filled Tetsuya's heart. He couldn't help but think,

" I'm being targeted by the Slaughter Weapon on the first day of school. This doesn't bode well for the future!"

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