
Spirit Hunters by morn kunthea Short film mystery, horror Author: Morn kunthea

* If you are someone who has chosen to do a lot of special things that a lot of people can't do. And those who have the sixth spirit, the spirit, can be connected in the three realms and the three times combined. Connection Do not use it beyond your capabilities and the scope of these controls is limited. If you are greedy and have a weak memory, you will lose the power of black and be inhaled to death or lose consciousness. You can see it through every door, but you can't touch the greed of it, and you can't save what happened. If you lock the memory, someone will watch the story of that person who looks like you in the past, you are the vehicle to dig it, you must dare to accept that you join the arena to compete with this shadow of the past can be very dangerous, your soul will be destroyed. The birds that fly from one region to another pass from one era to another until the future. Many people are deprived of their minds by stalking these birds as a way to find limits and bad intentions. And like a bird that acts as the only informant. You can give your members a signal to hunt down all these evil spirits. Remember, the dangerous thing is that you can't risk your life. And it is the role of many people that you tell them to treat in their own way.

* By the way, my body is always weird when I sleep, I feel like I'm traveling by train to other places and I always feel confused and don't remember those dreams. My family does not allow me to use my cell phone or Internet services like other girls, which makes it very difficult for me to find information. They say I am not ready to know anything that focuses only on learning. Sometimes I have headaches and strangers trying to bring me closer since I was little. And when I was with them, I always had a headache. It was as if the words they said to me were filled with murderous rage. They also tried to kidnap me, but were rescued several times by my family. If I go against them, I will be punished in a way that no ordinary person can see, and my body will be hurt in some way. Even my parents didn't know they were so different from before that they were afraid of being someone else. I really hated the many mysteries my dad always gave me when I was little and he always taught me to understand strange things, even though I tried to forget them. And my mother also has a lot of beliefs about magic, my family has two opposing ideas, one is scientific and the other is to break the belief in magic. By the time I started having many friends. My friends seemed to have some kind of spirit in them, some days they were normal and some days they were terrified and playing that children usually never play. And whoever plays the losing game will surely fall ill and have to leave the village immediately for no apparent reason. And my mom always let me watch videos related to magic, monsters, etc. At that time, all children were really afraid to watch such videos. And such a power is always hovering around me, but they can't do anything to me, like when they think they're trying to awaken something in my body, they always get Danger returns. And what's weird is that I always sit down and unlock the boxes my dad always buys, and I love to play with them. I have always demanded information and other mysteries, but my father also told me to wait for the time to come and not want to know too much about it, it might be dangerous to come back. And my family is really weird when someone is sick, all member will sick too. And sometimes we have dreams similar too. I felt that when my younger brother was in the most pain, I took his hand and said, "Let these diseases fall on me by cut down my age." The next day, my brother was cured and I was infected instead of my brother, even my eyes at that time started to like problems and the body started to weaken, unable to walk for a while. These kids always call me to play weird games with them like ghost games, canned ghosts or ghost hunting games. Because I used to watch a lot of movies with my family about the self-defense methods that summoned all these ghosts, I always wrote names and burned what happened after the release, and all these children always lose consciousness too. But when I try too hard, I get sick all the time. As my body began to weaken and my parents' behavior changed, I began to decide that I should not continue to explore the unintelligible and doing stupid things alone, as well as the loss of parts of my memory. And when I started to move into a new home, my dreams started to come again. When I focus on what I'm learning and discovering in my new cell phone, I feel like I'm in another world, but I can only see it without do anything. Seeing their story one by one, helpless, if I helped all of these conditions, my body would suddenly hurt. And that will numb my brain too. I really want to help them and I also want to get them out of these dangers. Some people seem to beat their parents. Others are in a car accident. There was a fire in the house etc . All I could do was try to bring my soul to the person who was with them. But when I woke up, what I saw on my body, the scars came out, like in this incident. But it doesn't have any deep wounds. And when I go through these things that are actually happening, I feel like a lot of weird voices and say why not help them. I think it's not all just me. Because so many people can know all of these senses. But we are only messengers. And try to send real news to anyone who can save them. I can't dream of myself. It is a condition that must be exchanged if I return to my dreams. I will find myself in the past, which is a curse I have to go through in opposition to my own past. I often see my mother offering sacrifices to the host or to the deceased. And there are always a lot of weird beliefs that I learned from her, but I do not really care about it. My uncle was also haunted by the ghost of the landlord when he first came to stay in this house. It may be my habit to know all these things and I do not suffer like other members of my family. When I was angry or upset, even the objects around me felt shaky and even my parents were scared in my eyes. But if I have those evil spirits, it is not right because I can walk everywhere and also adhere to religious traditions. It may be that I'm always fighting against the evil spirits in their bodies. When I know they are uncomfortable, I always contact my grandmother for help finding a solution, and it always works. As I already know, ghosts are always everywhere when people die, there are always haunted souls when they leave things that can not be dealt with with resentment and injustice. I also always have the ability to know which spirits are good and which ones are evil, which are everywhere. Whenever I have an accident, I always have a psychic who can tell me that doing this would be dangerous for me. And all of that will happen as catastrophically as when so many people died on the bridge. By that time, my senior student had also died in the incident. It was like something I knew before, when I crossed the bridge and came back, I told my brothers I would never cross it again, and all of a sudden Happened. And there are a lot of superstitious scammers who predict people's lives to make money, which I do not like at all. And talking about the time when I realized that people and what we do not see are traveling at different times. It was between noon and midnight, all of which was between the time the spirits went out. And the time of day is short. Traveling around the globe can be a daunting task. If you do not know what it is, it's okay. If you know all these things and still abuse them, one day you will have a problem. And the elements in your body can also confirm your mental energy, when you can concentrate your mind, so that your mind can control the spirit in your body. And an act that offends the owner of the body or insults to the deceased is always in danger after being insulted by the deceased. It is like a dice in your hand that rolls up and down the stairs from one karma to another to heaven. But if you roll back and forth, you may be able to touch your partner or your body the past that can kill you. So you have to jump as high as you can. The image of the past is not necessarily your body, it is the same evil spirit that catches your eye. And dare to accept it and try to tell yourself that it is a thing of the past. You need contract with new promise to make the best of the future and the present. Like my members always ask me if you enjoy this adventure. And what you have found, what you remember, write about it and show it to us. But if you find yourself in the past, then you can face their souls. If you lose them, your soul will be overwhelmed by the changes they make. You can look at all that, but you should not look back and research it too closely. Because you will face yourself again, and if you have the same special spirit, you will have to go through the chaos of the past. It's like the weird thing I saw in my Status that if you know it and you wake up, don't look back at your long past because you will never be able to graduate. Just as the deeper you search for information, the deeper you fall into the abyss. Log in to find what you know and enjoy in a limited search. Then lift yourself from the depths you have found and look far ahead. Remember that if you come across information or physical condition of a person from the past that you think is similar to your personality. Do not try to study it too much because it may bring them back into their memory again. No matter how much they look and resemble you. Because they are not angry with the concept of thinking, greed has different limits. You can be obsessed with accepting yourself as those people who Lon and do a lot of bad things. Therefore, living in the present in which you live is best. Each painting and each story of an ancient person has its own curse. And a confused soul that we never knew existed. Do not overdo it and want to win it over if you do not have a strong spirit or a real master. It was like the time I traveled, changing my body to where it should be. When I walk across a bridge or into a world that I think I once lived before. And it can bring back memories of my past, as I want to tell you that I was not born in this country in the past, and I crossed the bridge. That frees me from the past to the present, and there is something I can tell you all, it's in the mystery that you have to find its source, but it is still very dangerous for your life too. And so, my members and I set traps for those evil spirits. Each has a ritual to subdue all those evil spirits, which are deeply ingrained in the body of the individual. If you are sad or unable to control your anger, all those evil spirits will take over your whole body. It makes you commit atrocities, your body does not know whether you did it or not. And it is also a simple lesson in solving those problems.

* You need to calm your mind and make yourself happy with what is around you. It's like a triangular sign that appears everywhere. If you have a negative view, you will only perceive negative things, and you will be cursed by yourself as the creator or the person with the power of evil to create things to use. You have such a view. But if you think positive things, all those signs will be positive for you. It's like good and bad magic if you learn the wrong way. Your soul may be stuck in the videos they made in the past as well. If you open that dangerous key. So when you watch it, you just think it's entertaining. Do not try to think negative things, it will confuse you in the world you are thinking. And also to distinguish between what is acting and what is real, do not put the key to danger, and who is falling in trap is own self. The purpose of our ultimate mission is to protect the younger generation by enjoying freedom and living happily with a smile. We can not change history. But we will make new history for us. And what we really want the most is to send the love we have to all of you. We truly need everyone come to join our membership and live happily with us forever. Hopefully we can wake up all of you to keep struggling together and the young people do not despair on what's you did.

* End scene

* There is nothing scary about it other than your own thoughts. So if you choose to think a lot of happy things and persuade yourself to do the right thing. You will see a beautiful world emerging from your heart. And you also have the energy to do new things. No matter the power of evil trying to get rid of you. If you are honest, patient and strong, nothing can break you.