
Fantasy is but a target for modern weapons

My second endeavor in writing has our protagonist Daniels sent to a strange world that will be all but too familiar for you, the readers. What differs this from other isekai, however, is Daniels ability which will let him become the living breathing incarnation of "Victory through Superior Firepower". I do not plan to hold punches with language and if I deem it appropriate for the situation, the wonderfully gory details. I hope that this can set itself apart from my other work in terms of quality, coherence, and worldbuilding. As elements may be added tags will be appropriately mirrored.

tothedome566 · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Lilly's Past

Lilly eventually calmed down and relaxed a little. She realized embarrassed that she was still within Daniels' embrace, though as embarrassing as it was a comfort she'd lacked for too long.

"Are you feeling alright now?" Daniels asked her softly.

She looked into his soft steady eyes and nodded.

"Yes, thank you, I'm really sorry about that it just..."

"It's too much sometimes huh," he shared a knowing look with her.

"I can't claim to know the hardships you've faced, but I do know when I lost my father I was absolutely crushed. If it weren't for a buddy of mine who'd been in the army supporting me through it, I don't know if I would've gotten through it."

She wiped the tears from her eyes and looked down at the beautifully ornate black and chrome handgun he'd gifted her. She traced the chrome with her thumb gingerly as if it was so fragile it'd break if the wind blew too strong.

"My father... My father was the greatest magic toolsman of his time. He was a brilliant man that brought into the world many of the luxuries most take for granted now, the plumbing, lighting of most places, he even pioneered the holding bags used by most wealthy merchants and higher rank adventurers."

She looked off into the grove of trees and continued, "He was highly regarded by all and even the king of his land highly regarded his genius. Many people respected his work and would even go as far as to call him the hero of the country."

she smiled at the memories but then her face became dark. "There was a merchant though, he was the head of a company that created and sold weapons worldwide even sometimes against the wish of the kingdom. He had wanted my father to produce weapons for him, but my father knew the man's misdeeds and horrible morals. My father refused to work for him and it angered the man considerably. That man then enraged at being refused hired a group of thugs to murder my father. I was only 8 at the time when my father was beaten to death in front of me."

She paused, "It was thanks to the town guard I was saved. Most of the group died in a confrontation with said guards, but one surrendered and spilled everything. Apparently, it wasn't the first time things along these lines had occurred, but the previous guard captain had been under the payroll of the weapons dealer and had made earlier events slip under the rug until through a drunken slipup he'd been caught on a separate case of corruption and hung for it. Those other cases started seeing the light of day after further investigation was pitched but by the time they had enough unrefutable proof the merchant had ran with the help of other paid-off guards. He never saw justice. One of the main retailers of my father's inventions continued to sell them and became even richer off of it for not having to split the dividend with my father."

Daniels took on a serious look, "I'd been thinking that it hadn't been a coincidence that you were in such a situation with that merchant's son."

A scared look crossed her face at Daniels' words but he quickly reassured her, "Look at me Lilly, so long as I breathe they will never lay a hand on you again."

A look of pure unwavering determination was visible on his face. It was a look that told her not even the gods could shatter his resolve. She rest her head on his shoulder and he stroked her hair gently.

"My father was a soldier, from what I'm told a very good one. He fought for his country until his time of retirement and continued to hold true the values he protected until the day he died. He had strong morals and an unwavering sense of ethics. I know that if my father were here he would do the exact same thing."

He looked into her soft uncertain eyes, "My father always had a country and a son to strive to protect. I never really had much of that other than trying to follow in his footsteps, but now? I have you to protect."

"Why go to such lengths for me?"

"Because I can tell you are a good person that deserves better."

He reached into his backpack and pulled out a combat belt identical to his own. He helped her put it on and showed her the mag pouches and the holster. She holstered her new gun and turned to him. He thought she might start to cry again but instead, she hugged him warmly.

"Thank you..."

He returned the hug and for a moment they stood there in each other's arms. She wasn't the only one that had missed such simple human compassion.

"Come on, we ought start heading back so we make it to the inn before dark," he said gently.

She nodded and hesitantly broke the hug. They enjoyed the walk back together with a new appreciation for one another's company.

They made it back to the inn right as the sky was getting dark. They stopped by the tavern and enjoyed a dinner of meat and a potato-like vegetable. Satisfied and tuckered out, they retired to their room. As per usual Daniels was unfolding the sleeping bag on the floor when Lilly spoke.

"I'm sorry this is likely a weird request, but would you sleep in the bed with me, please? You've been paying for this room this whole time and sleeping on the floor while letting me sleep in the bed. Also I... I'd really appreciate your company." she blushed at the last part and looked down worriedly.

"If that's what you like then of course," he replied.

Truth be told it would be the first time he'd be sleeping in the same bed as a woman. He'd never really cared to find a girlfriend in his previous life. Seeing her embarrassed yet hopeful face though was all it took for him to set aside the awkwardness.

They got into bed together awkwardly at first, before she relaxed and drifted off to sleep. He on the other hand was having a little bit of trouble getting to sleep due to the situation. He ended up staring at the ceiling in the dark until he heard faint noises from behind him.

He listened closely and finally made out the sounds. She was sobbing in her sleep, likely due to the day's discussions. Her sobs absolutely shattered his heart to hear. He turned overcareful not to wake her and took her into his arms. He gently stroked her hair as she slept and soon enough her sleep became noticeably softer. He continued to gently stroke her hair as he embraced her until he too finally made it off to sleep.


He found himself in a dark street. Looking around everything seemed to be hazy though he was able to make out a father and daughter walking down the empty street. Instinctually he knew something was very wrong.

He tried speaking but his lips wouldn't move. All he could do was silently follow the duo. As they walked down the street he noticed four or so very rough-looking individuals begin skulking after the pair.

[No no no no this isn't right somethings wrong here!]

He tried to catch up to them but his movements dulled to a crawl. One of the men grabbed the father and spoke threateningly though the words he could not make out. The father was grabbed and pulled into an alleyway whereupon two of the other men joined the first. They began brutally beating the man.

Daniels tried to scream, to run towards them, but nothing worked. He vaguely felt himself draw his M45 from its holster and raise it to the assailants. As he pulled the trigger no bullet shot forth, instead, the weapon rusted and withered away into ash in his hands. As he drew his knife it fragmented to pieces in his palm.

He felt tears of anger at his lack of power as he was forced to watch the man beaten to death. The girl cried and screamed as her father was mauled viscously. The fourth man noticed and he advanced towards her.

Daniels finally was able to speak and he screamed out in rage, "DON'T YOU FUCKING TOUCH HER!!! ILL FUCKING TEAR YOU TO PIECES!"

But even though he could speak he was powerless to do anything. The man came up to her before melting into a black sludge. The sludge began growing and formed the shape of stark black wolves with deep red eyes. He watched as they mauled the girl, but she wasn't a little girl anymore. It was Lilly, and as he looked on he saw her ripped apart laying on the ground which has now the floor of a deep forest.

"NOOOOOO!!! FUCK NOO DONT DO THIS STOP!" he screamed in vain.

Lilly looked up at him in pain, "Why didn't you protect me? You said you'd keep me from harm."

The scene shifted before him and he found himself in front of a grave. In his hands lay a bloodied matte black chromed handgun. He felt tears roll down his cheek as he stared at the object in his hands.

He looked up and saw his father perched atop another grave, "I'm so proud of you son, you've grown up to be a wonderful man." the shape warped and twisted into a ragged bullet-ridden corpse donned with military fatigues before withering away completely.

Daniels looked down to find his hands covered in blood. He sobbed deeply and swore to himself.




He opened his eyes. He was safe. In front of him was a very worried-looking Lilly. She was safe. She wasn't dead, she wasn't torn to pieces by wolves. His hands were clean and there was no ghostly visage of his father anywhere.

He then realized he was breathing fast and shallow and was sweating profusely.

"Daniels are you ok? I woke up and you were sobbing in your sleep."

She looked incredibly worried and he felt guilty, "I'm sorry Lilly I think I had a night terror."

Her worried caring expression helped bring him down from his horror-ridden state."

"I was having a terrible dream myself, but suddenly I felt warm and comforted. I don't know how to explain it, but sometime after I felt something was wrong. I woke up and you were like this."

"I'm sorry Lilly, the last thing I wanted was to worry you."

She just hugged him and rested his head on her shoulder, "Now it's my turn to comfort you."

He could sense a gentle smile in her soft voice. Slowly but surely he was able to drift back to sleep. There were no night terrors, only a blissfully deep sleep.

Something a little different today as we see some insight into Lilly's past and Daniels insecurities. I'll try and have another chapter done tomorrow or so as well.

Also, we finally passed 5k views. You guys are all phenomenal and I can't thank you enough for giving meaning to this little hobby of mine.

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