

In the quiet town of Silver Mist, Xavier Heller, an unassuming teenager who leaves a very ordinary and peaceful life, until a fateful night changes everything. While hiking through the moonlit woods, he encounters a werewolf something only found in myths and legends. In a desperate attempt to escape, Xavier is attack by the creature. As weeks pass, Xavier begins to notice subtle but unsettling changes within himself. His senses sharpen, he craves blood, and he's increasingly drawn to the night. Panicked and bewildered, he seeks answers, uncovering the supernatural as he struggles to come to terms with his newfound identity, Xavier grapples with a moral dilemma. Should he embrace his dark side and unleash his newfound powers, or fight against his inner beast? Along the way, he encounters many more like him, some the same or similar to him, others vastly different . "FANGS AND CLAWS" is a thrilling tale of identity, transformation, and the eternal battle between light and darkness as Xavier Heller navigates the treacherous path of being both a supernatural being all while uncovering the dark secrets of the supernatural world lurking beneath the surface of Silvermist.

blueorchid · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
33 Chs

The full moon (1)

(A/N: Part of this chapter will be in first person again… please make sure to read creators thoughts below, enjoy…)

"H…how did this h…happen?" I asked myself out loud, staring blankly at Jayden's unmoving body.

Oddly, despite the great strength I possessed her body felt both unbearably heavy and heartbreakingly light in my arms. Sweet fragrance of the warm blood that flowed out from her neck permeated the air. Her clothes torn and stained, clung to her like a second skin, saturated with crimson patches.

Cradling her closer, my own tears mingled with the blood stain on her cheek. The somber light from the full moon that entered through the windows shone gently on her face displaying her enthralling beauty which despite her current state couldn't be hidden.

Truth was I wasn't sure if she was alive or not, but I was scared to confirm my fears because I knew who was solely responsible for this.

"W…what have I done?"

(A few hours ago…)

Xavier had just waved goodbye to his mom as he exited the car before stopping to gaze at the school building for a few seconds.

'Staying out of trouble, this should be easy right?' he thought before proceeding to enter the building.

The wave of multiple loud chattering from various students hit his senses but this was already something he was used to as other than a small flinch he had no other reaction. Xavier immediately went straight for his designated locker and after grabbing the books he needed for the class, he quickly headed to his classroom but was intercepted by a familiar face.

"Morning, Xavier." Amy greeted with her usual cheerful smile all the while adjusting her pair of glasses with her index finger.

"Morning, Amy."

"What's up?" Xavier replied before asking.

"Well, I'm starting an investigation club, and seeing how interested and intrigued you were while you read those articles at G.E.E.K, I was wondering if by any chance you'll be interested in joining." She asked with an expectant gaze.

Hearing her request had made Xavier remember that SM high carried out club activities. He had forgotten this crucial information mostly because he wasn't interested to begin with, and he had no intention of joining one anytime soon mainly because of his profile of not standing out.

'Especially with all that's going on lately…'

"I… look umm… Amy, I'm not really a club pers-"

"Wait, just hear me out Xavier." Amy voiced out interrupting Xavier before he could turn her down.

"I really need your help because in other to start a new club, you need to a minimum of four members, and I've tried my absolute best to recruit members, but nobody seemed to be interested. Other than me and my boyfriend Tyler, we still need two more members and you're literally the only person I know in this school who doesn't belong to a club and isn't a freshman.

Heck, you don't even need to be a functional member you just need to fill the head count to complete the members needed." She begged with a pleading gaze which also revealed determination in them.

To which he couldn't bring himself to say no to even with his disinterest to clubs.

"Fine, simply standing as a non-functional member doesn't sound too bad, so why not." Xavier responded with a smile agreeing to join Amy's club.

"Thanks, you're a life saver." She said excitedly before leaving to recruit more members.

'Wait, did she say boyfriend?' he wondered with a surprised expression.





Xavier's heart beat suddenly quickened causing him to clutch his chest area as he tried his best not to cause a scene on the spot.


He exclaimed inwardly after noticing his reflection on the waxed locker surface which revealed his glowing eyes in all their glory.

'What's going on?' he questioned inwardly panicking slightly all the while trying to get his eyes back to normal. He quickly hid face with the small door from his locker from the passing students.

'Come on, come on…' he urged himself as his eyes flickered on and off.

"Get your act together man!" he mumbled.

"Hey Heller!" Dylan's impeccable timing come into play as he approached Xavier.



Dylan immediately reaching Xavier grabbed him by the scruff of his neck before slamming him hard back first to the lockers.

He stared into the now pitch black eyes of Xavier which had a hint of nervousness in them to which he didn't fail to notice, that combined with the few beads of sweat apparent on Xavier's forehead made him interpreted the situation wrongly as a smirked surfaced on Dylan's face which immediately turned to a frown as he suddenly punched Xavier across the face causing blood to escape his nostrils.

"Without your nerd friend protecting you, you're nothing so know your place maggot." Dylan stated with contempt before walking away.

Amy who bore witness to what had just transpired rushed to Xavier.

"Oh my gosh are you okay Xavier? You're bleeding."

"I'm fine." He responded flatly dismissing her before rushing to the boy's restroom.

He had barely felt Dylan's punch but was too focused in keeping his eyes in their regular color that he couldn't afford retaliating without risking his eyes being exposed.

Luckily for Xavier, the male rest room was completely empty as he rushed to the nearest sink holding it tight while taking deep breaths.

"Haa… haaa… haa~"

Xavier took deep breaths a he looked at his reflection displayed on the mirror which revealed to him his eyes which had resumed their crimson glow defiant to his various attempts to keep them normal and in addition to his glowing eyes, he noticed small vein like lines slowly appearing from beneath his bottom eye lid straight to his cheek bones.


Xavier gasped in shock before panicky washing his face with the water from the faucet from the sink. Looking back at his reflection a second time, he noticed that his eyes had reverted back to normal and the markings on his face nowhere to be found.

"W… what's happening to me?" he asked out loud in confusion, as he rested his back on the tiled wall before slowly sliding down in a crouching position genuinely terrified at what was going on with his body.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. your support will really help me.

check out my instagram: @blue00rchid

blueorchidcreators' thoughts