

In the quiet town of Silver Mist, Xavier Heller, an unassuming teenager who leaves a very ordinary and peaceful life, until a fateful night changes everything. While hiking through the moonlit woods, he encounters a werewolf something only found in myths and legends. In a desperate attempt to escape, Xavier is attack by the creature. As weeks pass, Xavier begins to notice subtle but unsettling changes within himself. His senses sharpen, he craves blood, and he's increasingly drawn to the night. Panicked and bewildered, he seeks answers, uncovering the supernatural as he struggles to come to terms with his newfound identity, Xavier grapples with a moral dilemma. Should he embrace his dark side and unleash his newfound powers, or fight against his inner beast? Along the way, he encounters many more like him, some the same or similar to him, others vastly different . "FANGS AND CLAWS" is a thrilling tale of identity, transformation, and the eternal battle between light and darkness as Xavier Heller navigates the treacherous path of being both a supernatural being all while uncovering the dark secrets of the supernatural world lurking beneath the surface of Silvermist.

blueorchid · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

The chase


Theo's voice resounded in the midst of the silence his voice immediately pulling the cops out of their surprised as they also pointed their guns at Xavier.

"Hands where I can see them, and get on your knees."

Xavier spotted a group of black jeeps quickly driving away in the distance instinctively knowing who they were and the already fading scent of Jayden was the confirmation he needed. Completely ignoring the officers who had their weapons pointed at him, he dashed away. 

He took chase running at a speed too fast for the cops to react in time. A few shots were fired but Xavier was already long gone.

'There's no doubt about it, it's him.' Theo quickly boarding his car went in pursuit.

"What the fuck!" Zecker cursed immediately after witnessing a figure chasing them on foot as he deftly avoided other moving vehicles on the road. The most shocking part was that he was slowly but surely closing the distance between them.

"Go faster!"

Zecker ordered as his eyes locked on the figure in black and red chasing after them for some reason, this person made him feel uneasy. The jeep picked up speed it swiftly maneuvered between other vehicles on the road ultimately gaining distance.

'Damn it I can't keep up, am I getting slower? To make it worse, they're speeding up!' Xavier thought in frustration his red glowing eyes flickered before reverting back to its usual deep black but he was oblivious to this.

'I need to do something fast or I'm going to lose them!' Xavier without hesitation suddenly grabbed on to a passing motorcyclist throwing him directly into a roadside shop's canopy before hoping onto the motorcycle.


He revved up the engine as the bike sped up after them. A while back, Jayden had offered to teach Xavier how to ride her motorcycle which he gladly accepted.

"Shoot that freak down!" Zecker commanded to the vehicle at the rear over his radio.

The mercenaries immediately fired in response to Zecker's orders, as Xavier tried his best to maneuver out of their fire range. Realizing he was getting nowhere, he stood erect on the motorcycle similar to how one would ride a skateboard and then jumping forward crossing about 7 meters between the bike and the jeep directly landing on its trunk.

Xavier wasted no time quickly climbing onto the vehicle attempting to enter through the window punching hard at its reinforced glass.


*Bang! Bang! Bang!*

The glass shattered with a loud smash as the mercenaries also responded to his actions with another round of firing at him. The bullets wheezed past him narrowly missing him by millimeters as one of them grazed him at his ear leaving a mark.

"Don't shoot at me!" He yelled in a distorted voice grabbing onto a mercenary's arm and forcefully pulling him out of the vehicle, his body landing hard on the ground before rolling along the road.

He then entered the vehicle through the window he broke, the first thing he noticed being…

'She's not here!' he thought with gritted teeth noticing Jayden's absence.

"Get him!"

The two other mercenaries immediately brandished their daggers or combat knife since there couldn't shoot inside the vehicle without risking friendly fire, to which Xavier responded by glaring at them with his glowing red eyes which caused them to flinch.

Soon after, bodies where seen flying out of the vehicles like discarded ragdolls all while the vehicle swayed out of control ultimately crash into the side of the road.

Right before the jeep crashed, Xavier emerged from the driver's seat window as he navigated his way to the hood.

"Heup!" he once again jumped crossing over to the vehicle in front, his fingers barely scrapping its trunk.

Anxiety gripped Zecker's heart after witnessing the vehicle behind crash and it only got worse as the one responsible landed on the trunk of the vehicle they were in.

"Get him off us!" Zecker yelled as the car swerved from side to side in a bid to get Xavier to fall off. Although all their efforts proved futile as Xavier's strong grip latched onto the car without letting go.

"Fuck this!"

Zecker seeing Xavier wasn't slipping picked his gun, and fired at the rear hoping one bullet would hit him.

*Bang! Bang! Bang!*

Three consecutive shots were fired causing Xavier to move deftly while holding on in a bid to evade, in which he succeeded at avoiding two but was hit by the third right at his shoulder.


Xavier grimaced in pain but was able to miraculously hold on his healing factor obviously playing a major role for accomplishing that feat.


With gritted teeth, he reached out for Zecker through the broken window completely ignoring the inevitable cuts and bruises he got from the multiple glass shards. Zecker, who had anticipated this, pushed an unfortunate mercenary in front of him as Xavier's hand grabbed him forcefully pulling him out and with a swing, sent him flying the distance.

He was about to proceed inside through the broken window when…


He felt a strong hit on his head causing his hands to slip as his body fell backwards towards the hard road. Zecker had used the opening to kick him on the head while he was distracted.

'S-shit…' He cursed inwardly at his blunder which was going to cost him.


His body landed loudly at a hard surface but was surprised since it felt nothing like the hard ground he was expecting but opening his previously shut eyes, he soon realized why. Apparently he had landed on the hood of a vehicle which oddly enough seemed to be chasing after the mercenary's vehicle.

 "Need a ride?" Theo asked with a yell.

'It's the cop from before.' Xavier immediately recognized the man on the driver's seat.

"Oh come on, don't be a fucking cockroach!" Zecker yelled aiming his gun at Xavier to shoot once again.

*Bang! Bang!*


Two shots were fired but they weren't from Zecker as one of the bullet landed on his thigh causing the mercenary to fall backwards into the vehicle.

"Nice shot!" Theo praised his partner.

"I can at least do that much." Angy stated coldly as she reloaded her pistol.

"Come on cheer up a little!"

"Just focus on the road so we can bust these guys and don't miss my coffee break."

"Seriously?" Theo was flabbergasted at his partner's sense of priority.

Ignoring the two cop's bickering, Xavier took note of the area they had just entered. It was an abandoned industrial area which was home to a bunch of buildings set for demolition in a couple weeks' time.

 'Although I don't think I can take anymore bullet wounds…' he paused his thoughts to glance at his still healing shoulder. 'But I can at most definitely go all out for one full powered strike.'

"Could you get me to the side of their vehicle?" Xavier asked in a slightly distorted voice obviously a function from the mask he wore.

"Y-yeah" Theo replied surprised by the voice.
