

In the quiet town of Silver Mist, Xavier Heller, an unassuming teenager who leaves a very ordinary and peaceful life, until a fateful night changes everything. While hiking through the moonlit woods, he encounters a werewolf something only found in myths and legends. In a desperate attempt to escape, Xavier is attack by the creature. As weeks pass, Xavier begins to notice subtle but unsettling changes within himself. His senses sharpen, he craves blood, and he's increasingly drawn to the night. Panicked and bewildered, he seeks answers, uncovering the supernatural as he struggles to come to terms with his newfound identity, Xavier grapples with a moral dilemma. Should he embrace his dark side and unleash his newfound powers, or fight against his inner beast? Along the way, he encounters many more like him, some the same or similar to him, others vastly different . "FANGS AND CLAWS" is a thrilling tale of identity, transformation, and the eternal battle between light and darkness as Xavier Heller navigates the treacherous path of being both a supernatural being all while uncovering the dark secrets of the supernatural world lurking beneath the surface of Silvermist.

blueorchid · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

Reborn (1)

CHAPTER 3- Reborn (1)

"Ughh… where am I?"

Xavier spoke as he floated in an abyss of darkness he couldn't feel, see, and hear anything. He tried moving around but realized he couldn't lift a finger.

'Oh I see, I'm dead aren't I?' he said in realization, But just as he was about to fall into despair, his senses started returning to him one after the other.


Xavier woke up with a loud gasp, his eyes flashed with a deep red color before reverting to normal. He had immediately understood that he must had been dreaming which caused him to looking around only to realized that he was still within the woods, he was starting to suspect that he must have probably passed out of exhaustion because of lack of sleep.

Just as he was about to sum up the entire events of the previous night as a strange nightmare, his gaze fell on multiple red stains on the ground. With a single glance he could tell what these where, it was none other than blood his blood.

"Well shit…"


Xavier's room window gently slid open as he tried as much as possible to be stealthy chances are his mom was at home he didn't want her to see him in his blood stained outfit. After checking that the coast was clear, he immediately took off his clothes not wasting time to stuff them under the bed he made a mental note to completely get rid of them away from prying eyes.

He couldn't help but lean on the wall in his room as he was exhausted, mentally that is physically he was blooming with energy, he had never felt more alive. Getting up from his bed he immediately headed to the bathroom, although he had successfully hid the 'evidence' he still had filth on him which consisted of dried up blood, mud and grass leaves stuck in his hair. Entering the toilet he reached out to turn on the faucet on the sink...



The faucet was actually ripped off from the sink, as water splashed all over.

'What the…'

Ignoring the fact that he had practically ripped off his faucet from his toilet sink with his bare hands, he splashed some water on his face. He immediately became shocked after seeing his reflection on the mirror at first he didn't notice the drastic changes to his appearance mainly because of the dirt on him, but now his facial appearance was clear as day. He could hardly believe that the person who appeared on the mirror was himself. His skin had turned almost deathly pale white, his eyes where no longer the regular black that they were they were a deep abyss like dark color that seemed not to reflect light in them.

Xavier's hand reached up to touch his face, tracing the contours of his now sharpened cheekbones. He ran his fingers through his dark hair, marveling at the silky texture. Everything about his appearance was different now.

Events of the previous night had flooded his mind as every detail replayed, he had his doubts he even speculated he was being pranked because he was supposed to be dead if it really happened. Xavier immediately dashed towards the exit of the bathroom as he attempted to leave, but grabbing hold of the door knob…


It was ripped out similar to the faucet.

After taking longer than he should to in the bathroom he was finally able to leave without breaking anything else in the bathroom.

"What is wrong with me?" he voiced out in a panicked tone as he rushed to his computer.

As Xavier sat in front of his computer, typing furiously, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. He had been attacked and bitten by a werewolf the night before, and now he was desperate for answers.

He scrolled through page after page of information, trying to find anything that could tell him what to expect. He read about the physical changes that would occur, the heightened senses and strength, the insatiable hunger for flesh. And hoe by getting bitten by one of them you become one yourself.

[SEARCH: Werewolf sightings]

He searched for sightings of werewolves but was only shown videos which were obviously photo shopped.

[SEARCH: Werewolf cure]

He had mentally prepared for the worst, if he was a werewolf perhaps he could find a cure, but there was no such thing.

He also came across another site were a person claimed to be a werewolf. He described how he learned to control his transformation, how he created a community of others like him who helped each other through the process.

Xavier felt a glimmer of hope as he read through the post. Maybe there was a way for him to live with his new condition, but to his utter disappointment, immediately after he had clicked the [SIGN UP HERE!] icon, multiple messages popped up immediately crushing what little hope he had left.


This was an error message from an antivirus software Jayden had installed in his computer warning him that anytime he used the computer and that message comes up the site was from fraudsters and hackers.

In a fit of rage after reading the content of the message Xavier punched his keyboard, but similar to every other object that were unfortunate to get hit with the full brunt of his newfound strength, the keyboard was immediately smashed in half.


At this point, Xavier was crestfallen it was clear as day that whatever he was right now human wasn't one of the option.

"Honey Jayden's here!"

Xavier heard his mother's voice from downstairs, proving he had made the right decision by sneaking into the house through his room window.

Not long after the door was opened as Jayden walked into the room meeting Xavier examining his keyboard

"Woah what happened here, gamer rage?" she asked as her eyes met the now shattered keyboard on Xavier's hands.

"I can't really put my finger on it but something looks different about you." Jayden spoke with a tone of inquiry. Causing Xavier to only reply with a wry smile.

*Thump, Thump*

*Thump, Thump*

Minutes later Xavier were seen coming down the stairs together. He could suddenly hear a heartbeat like thumping sound. The closer he got to the kitchen, the louder the thumping got. Entering into the kitchen he was surprised to see his mom in the kitchen preparing what appears to be pancakes.

"Mom?" Xavier subconsciously called out to his mom, because he was sure the thumping was coming from her, he wasn't able to believe he was able to hear his mom's heartbeat from several feet away.

"Oh Xavi, I'm just preparing some breakfast- hmm… something looks different about you today." Hayley had been immediately been startled by his new appearance as she voiced out loud.

"Yeah I said the same thing. Jayden chimed

Her voice had pulled Xavier back to reality because he was absolutely sure he was currently hearing his mom's heartbeat!

"We'll take them to go, we're already running late, just make sure to get some rest after breakfast." He said hurriedly, he was indeed late so he couldn't stay for breakfast.

He had promised to help Jayden test out here new cosplay outfit which she makes herself and sells off I-bay.

sorry for late post, will make sure to increase chapter release in the future.

also the first few chapters are necessary to establish Xavier's adaptation to his new abilities so please be patient if you feel character development Is a little slow. have a great weekend

blueorchidcreators' thoughts