

In the quiet town of Silver Mist, Xavier Heller, an unassuming teenager who leaves a very ordinary and peaceful life, until a fateful night changes everything. While hiking through the moonlit woods, he encounters a werewolf something only found in myths and legends. In a desperate attempt to escape, Xavier is attack by the creature. As weeks pass, Xavier begins to notice subtle but unsettling changes within himself. His senses sharpen, he craves blood, and he's increasingly drawn to the night. Panicked and bewildered, he seeks answers, uncovering the supernatural as he struggles to come to terms with his newfound identity, Xavier grapples with a moral dilemma. Should he embrace his dark side and unleash his newfound powers, or fight against his inner beast? Along the way, he encounters many more like him, some the same or similar to him, others vastly different . "FANGS AND CLAWS" is a thrilling tale of identity, transformation, and the eternal battle between light and darkness as Xavier Heller navigates the treacherous path of being both a supernatural being all while uncovering the dark secrets of the supernatural world lurking beneath the surface of Silvermist.

blueorchid · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

Preps for the full moon

'This isn't going to be as easy as she made it out to be.' Xavier thought while starting at the window in his mom's car as she drove him to school.

[12hours: 43minutes: 12seconds- Till the full moon]

True to what timer displayed, the day had finally come, the day the full moon will surface for the very first time since he got his abilities.

He was honestly nervous and scared, terrified even as the night of the full moon loomed closer than ever.

As he stared at the images of the blurry passing structures displayed from the glass window, Xavier thought back to his meeting with Jayden the previous day.

(A day earlier…)

Another stressful day of school had just been concluded, multiple teens were seen departing from the school premises to their various destinations. Amongst the crowd leaving the school premises was a tall black haired teenager whom despite his attractive features, he blended in perfectly with the crowd not standing out.

He sported a white hoodie and black pants alongside a pair of white sneakers, his pale white skin and pitch black eyes matched perfectly with his outfit.

'I guess I'll be meeting Jayden at her studio today then…'

 Xavier brought out his phone to reread the message she sent to him yesterday.

[Jayden: Sorry for making you worry, my mom got all paranoid since the kidnapping. Let's meet tomorrow at 2pm at my studio.]

"Sigh…" He let out a deep sigh before running towards the direction of the studio.

'Note to self, ask Jayden what the name of her studio is.'

A few minutes later, Xavier was seen jumping from rooftop to rooftop as free running on top of buildings had become his fastest and personal means of transportation since getting his powers.

Scaling down from side to side of a nearby alleyway opposite the building, he quickly crossed the road on foot since he couldn't risk people spotting him using his powers in broad daylight.

He proceeded to enter the building, not failing to notice the expensive looking car parked outside alongside the Hunter butler stationed beside it.

"The Young mistress waits your arrival." Gareth informed the approaching figure of Xavier.


Entering the building, his hearing immediately picked up on subtle noises coming from the basement area. He wondered what she was up to while entering the basement. His vision locked on to Jayden who seemed to be having trouble moving old gym equipment originally from the building before she bought it.

"Are you going to just stand there or help me?" Jayden who noticed Xavier's presence asked.

He quickly rushed in, assisting her with the 14kg weight bench she struggled with a single arm.

"Show off." She stated with an eye roll and a slight smile, causing him to crack a smile too.

"Jayden I-"

Right before Xavier could finish his statement, Jayden dashed at him before giving him a tight hug, the momentum from her action caused him to lose his footing as he fell backwards to the ground with Jayden on him. Before he could completely process what had just happened, Jayden's muffled voice was heard.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid!" she used her fist to pound on his chest to which he barely felt.

"When you got shot *Sniff*, I actually thought y…you died…*Sniff*" she said alongside some sniffs as Xavier felt the wet sensation on his chest indicating she had started shedding tears.

"Don't… ever do that again…" she stated finally making eye contact with him revealing her teary eyes.

"Do what?" he asked in genuine confusion.

"Don't jump into danger." She stated to which Xavier responded to which a smile while patting her head.

"Then don't be in danger otherwise I have no choice but to." He responded causing her eyes to widen as a red tinge slowly appeared on both her cheeks as she obviously blushed.

"Hmph!" she finally broke eye contact with him.

'Is she pouting?' Xavier thought amused at this new side of his friend.

"Umm… Jayden, I know you're mad at me and all, but are you going to keep sitting on me?" he asked.

Noticing the implicating position they were in, the red tinge on her cheeks spread further reaching her ears as she immediately got up from him in a hurry.

Xavier: "(^_^)?

Calming herself a few minutes later, she revealed that she was making preparations for the full moon hence the reason she was moving the weight bench. She further explained that he was going to be chained up while lying down on the bench which was attached to more heavy gym equipment that would further restrict his movement.

After a couple experiments to confirm if the setup was strong enough to hold him, alongside some catching up, Jayden declared it was time for her to head home before her mom go bunkers.

"Here take this." Xavier said handing over the Blood-Onyx outfit, at least what was left of it after he fought off the mercenaries.

"I'm sorry about the damage." He apologized in a solemn voice as he knew how much Jayden wanted to be in the contest.

"Whatever, it couldn't be helped besides you saved me I'm pretty sure that makes up for it. Might as well keep this one" She replied taking off the damage outfit off his hands but left the mask.

"Oh before I forget. I know how hard it might be, but try as much to avoid trouble from now till after the full moon." She stated causing Xavier to crack a wry smile.

'Do I really get into that much trouble?' he thought before images of his experiences the past few weeks flooded his memory.

'Oh man, I'm a trouble magnet.' He concluded while looking at the car Jayden boarded slowly gain distance before he walked away.

'Maybe I'm overthinking this.' Jayden who was currently being driven home thought as she remembered the information she read about yesterday.

(Present day…)


"Xavier." Miss Hayley voiced, pulling him from his thoughts.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"I'm fine mom."

"Well, in that case, we're here." She revealed causing Xavier to realize that they were at his school.

After waving goodbye to his mom, Xavier exited the car as he looked at the building for a few seconds.

'Stay out of trouble, this should be easy right?'

He was dead wrong.