

In the quiet town of Silver Mist, Xavier Heller, an unassuming teenager who leaves a very ordinary and peaceful life, until a fateful night changes everything. While hiking through the moonlit woods, he encounters a werewolf something only found in myths and legends. In a desperate attempt to escape, Xavier is attack by the creature. As weeks pass, Xavier begins to notice subtle but unsettling changes within himself. His senses sharpen, he craves blood, and he's increasingly drawn to the night. Panicked and bewildered, he seeks answers, uncovering the supernatural as he struggles to come to terms with his newfound identity, Xavier grapples with a moral dilemma. Should he embrace his dark side and unleash his newfound powers, or fight against his inner beast? Along the way, he encounters many more like him, some the same or similar to him, others vastly different . "FANGS AND CLAWS" is a thrilling tale of identity, transformation, and the eternal battle between light and darkness as Xavier Heller navigates the treacherous path of being both a supernatural being all while uncovering the dark secrets of the supernatural world lurking beneath the surface of Silvermist.

blueorchid · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

Morning Routine (2)

"Hello?" Xavier answered the call whilst still being on the rooftop

[Yo Xavier, there's been a change of plans in the contest could yo-]


A gangster had fired his gun at Xavier which he replied to by doing a flip off the roof in other to dodge the bullet.

"Sorry what did you say? I kind of have my hands full right now…"

[Was that a gunshot? where even are you?] She asked with surprised.

"Just ran into some gangsters while taking a stroll, and thanks to someone's unfortunate phone call I got involved in a conflict with them." Xavier replied after dashing at the shooter grabbing his gun and disarming him completely before sending him flying with a kick.

[Sounds like you're in a pickle] Jayden stated completely ignoring Xavier's statement.

[Should I call back?] She asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I'll come over when I'm done here."

[Oh… okay then.] She said, ending the call.

Xavier moved to the side to dodge a punch coming his way immediately the call had ended. "Now, I think it's time I clean up things here." He declared since he had been evading the multiple attacks by the gangsters and not fighting back.

"Who the fuck do you think you are!" the gang member who formerly held the gun charged at Xavier with a pocket knife.

Taking a deep breath Xavier took note of the number of gang members.

"Five…" he mumbled under his breath.

"Die asshole!" The gang member yelled as he attempted to stab Xavier but unfortunately for the gang member, Xavier had long realized that moving object appears slower in his field of vision if he focuses enough and due to how slow the attack seemed from his field of vision he quickly and effortlessly parried his attack immediately following up with a punch at the gang member's stomach knocking out the air, causing him to consciousness.

'One down four left.'

His eyes flashed a deep red intimidating the gang members. Two of them attacked together from both side wielding a metal pipe and chain respectively since they didn't have a gun of their own.

He quickly grabbed the chain thrown at him and pulled with force under the high physical strength of Xavier, the gang member had no choice but to be pulled forward and waiting for him at the other end of the chain was Xavier's fist directly at his face.

Keeping the momentum, Xavier spun around with a roundhouse kick hitting the metal pipe off the other gangster's hand. He then followed up with another kick sending him flying the other direction ultimately slamming into a wall.




Another gang member who had a gun with him shot consecutively but Xavier had already jumped out of the way before landing his knee directly on the gangster's chin.


A cracking sound was heard indicating that he had broken the gangster's chin.

"Mo-monster!" the final gangster yelled while attempted to flee the scene. Xavier quickly picked up one of the guns on the floor and threw it at the runaway which landed directly at the back of his head knocking him out.

After confirming that all the gang members were unconscious, he walked towards the man who was attacked by them who still in a state of awe and shock.

"Call the cops." He said briefly.

Although it wasn't really necessary because he could already hear sirens heading their direction a few blocks away and not wasting any time, Xavier immediately jumped to the rooftops fleeing the scene once again.

(Hunter mansion…)

"Young miss, I believe it's time you get out of the bed." Gareth the Hunter family butler said to Jayden.

"Ugh." Jayden groaned as she lazily stood up from her surprisingly large bed. She knew Gareth was aware she liked to sleep in on a weekend, so there was only one reason he would disturb her…

"The mistress has summoned you to have breakfast with her this morning." Gareth spoke confirming her suspicions.

Jayden's parents were currently divorced and similar to Xavier she lived with her mother alone at their mansion. Although, Jayden would personally disagree since her mother was barely at home and mostly on business trips causing them to grow further and further apart. All this led to a state where mother and daughter didn't see eye to eye.

Minutes later Jayden was seen coming down the stairs. She was wearing black shorts with fishnets stockings, and a relatively short open black top that showed her midriff and belly button.

Entering into the dining area of their house, a woman who seemed to be in her late thirties was seen sitting at the dining table. She looked almost like Jayden and was just as pretty. The air of charisma and maturity surrounding her would have made most in her presence to feel intimidated.

"Morning mom." Jayden greeted before taking her seat.

"Morning." Jennifer greeted her daughter while operating her laptop. She seemed to be completely focused as she didn't raise her head.

"Sigh." Jayden sighed, obviously already used to her mother's behavior.as an awkward silence filled the room, the sound of Jennifer's typing being the most prominent which caused Jayden to question why she was here.

"I heard your dad was here in Silver Mist." Jennifer suddenly asked a few minutes into their breakfast.

"Y-yeah…" Jayden answered with a feeling of foreboding.

"And what did you guys do together?" she inquired once again.

Jayden immediately recounted the activities she had engaged with her father while he was in town, purposely omitting the part about her dad renovating the rundown building she bought.

"Hmm… seems like you guys had fun." Jennifer spoke with a smile, which caused Jayden to sigh in relief, only for her next set of words to cause her to once again hold her breath.

"My sources tell me you're still involved in that strange hobby of yours." Jennifer said with a clearly disappointed tone, finally looking at Jayden.

"It's not jus-"

"Sigh…" Jayden was about to reply but was cut off by the sound of her mother's long sigh, which she followed up with taking her glasses off and pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Haven't I told you already that you shouldn't involve yourself in these childish activities like that?" She spoke obvious disappointment riddled on her face.

"Your brother Jackson didn't get scouted by one of the prestigious school in the world by playing dress-up." Jennifer chided.

"To makes matters worse, your father keeps on encouraging yo-"


Jayden slammed her hand on the table while standing up.

"It's just too early for this mom…" Jayden said with a crestfallen look, immediately storming off right after.

"Get back here!" Jennifer yelled, but she was already long gone.


Jayden slammed her door shut after storming in. She knew something like this would happen but truth be told, there was actually a small part of her which hoped otherwise, this was why she joined her mother for breakfast.


She was immediately pulled from her train of thought by the long creaking sound coming from her window. Opening the curtains was a familiar face standing at her balcony.

"Why the long face?" Xavier said with a smile that could get him in toothpaste commercials.

Seeing her best friend at the balcony had reminded her that there were actually still people who would totally disagree with the things her mother had just said.

"It's nothing…" She said with a smile as she opened the window.

"Also we have a front door you know…"

"Your mom scares me."

Jayden: ¯\_༼ •́ ͜ʖ •̀ ༽_/¯