

In the quiet town of Silver Mist, Xavier Heller, an unassuming teenager who leaves a very ordinary and peaceful life, until a fateful night changes everything. While hiking through the moonlit woods, he encounters a werewolf something only found in myths and legends. In a desperate attempt to escape, Xavier is attack by the creature. As weeks pass, Xavier begins to notice subtle but unsettling changes within himself. His senses sharpen, he craves blood, and he's increasingly drawn to the night. Panicked and bewildered, he seeks answers, uncovering the supernatural as he struggles to come to terms with his newfound identity, Xavier grapples with a moral dilemma. Should he embrace his dark side and unleash his newfound powers, or fight against his inner beast? Along the way, he encounters many more like him, some the same or similar to him, others vastly different . "FANGS AND CLAWS" is a thrilling tale of identity, transformation, and the eternal battle between light and darkness as Xavier Heller navigates the treacherous path of being both a supernatural being all while uncovering the dark secrets of the supernatural world lurking beneath the surface of Silvermist.

blueorchid · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

Final Showdown

"Any chance you could get me closer to them?" Xavier asked in a hoarse voice which was an effect from the mask which he wore.

"Y-yeah" Theo replied slightly surprised by his voice.

'Perfect…' Xavier thought as a plan cooked up in his head

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Zecker screamed in anger as spurted from the bullet wound on his leg, it was apparent his well thought out plan had gone to shambles.

'Forget cashing in, if this goes on any longer we're going to be in deep shit!' Zecker thought through gritted teeth.

"Armstrong! We're gonna lose them whe-"


Before he could finish giving out instructions to the driver, the car chasing behind them suddenly sped catching up beside them before slamming heavily at thiers causing the vehicle to swerve.


"L-lose them!"

"Fucking shoot!"

*Bang! Bang! Bang!*

Multiple shots were fired at Theo's car causing him to maneuver away in a bid to avoid the bullets flying his way.

"Angy get them off us!" Theo yelled in frustration.

"Hold your horses!"

*Bang! Bang!*


In response to Theo's yell, Angy fired away at them as the shots landed on two tires from the jeep causing the tires to pop like a ballon.


A screeching sound reverberated around the surrounding area as the vehicle's rim made contact to the ground a trail of sparks followed where the tire once was.

'Now's my chance!'

Xavier who had essentially been out of sight the whole time abruptly opened the door of the car before leaping towards the jeep landing squarely at the side before crawling in successfully.




Before the mercenary seated at the back could react, Xavier quickly punched right at his jaw dislocating it and knocking him out cold as another unconscious body was seen flying out of the vehicle.

"Die!" Zecker suddenly lunged at him with a dagger seeing as he was the only one left in the car other than the driver.


The dagger lodged deep into Xavier's arm piercing through like butter the tip only inches away from his eye his blood splattering into his eye turning it bloodshot. He had used his arm to block the dagger and was paying the price.

"I'll fucking kill you!" Zecker screamed in anger as he pressed down on the dagger causing even more blood to splatter.

"Arrrggghh!" Xavier screamed in agony as he felt his arms about to give in, his still healing shoulder wasn't helping the situation combined with his fatigue, he felt like he could pass out at any given moment .

Just when he was about to give in his gaze fell on Jayden's unconscious body which surprisingly was in an undisturbed state.


He pushed with all the strength he could muster his irises flickering with a red glow once again which he was still oblivious to.

For a split moment, Xavier felt his strength return to him as he pushed with all his might pushing Zecker to the other side of the vehicle's interior immediately following up with a hard punch knocking the mercenary leader out.

"Pull over." Xavier stated to the driver in a grim voice. The poor driver could feel a small stinging pain at his neck as Zecker's dagger which Xavier now held against his neck had drawn a droplet of blood.

"I-I can't, the breaks must've failed during the crossfire!" The driver replied in hysteria.

'Just great, like I haven't been through enough already.' Xavier thought in anguish.

Unfortunately for him, this was only the beginning as an abrupt turn appeared up ahead the road.

'D-damn! This is gonna hurt!' Xavier cursed inwardly.

The car turned without losing any momentum whatsoever combined with the deflated tires, the vehicle flipped over sideways as it rolled a couple times before finally stopping in an upside down state.

"Cough, cough"

Xavier who at the last second had used his body to shield Jayden and Stanley coughed lightly as he assessed the situation.

"X-xavier?" Jayden who had finally awoken spoke in a surprised manner after seeing his face close to hers.

She had recognized him mostly due to his glowing eyes and the outfit he wore which she personally made herself.

"You're aliv-"

"Never mind that, do me a solid and pull this guy out with you," Xavier interrupted pointing at Stanley who was still unconscious.

Realizing the situation they were in, Jayden pushed every other thoughts and questions to the back of her mind as she crawled over to Stanley ultimately pulling him out.

Xavier glancing at his legs placed in an unnatural angle with a sigh.

'At this point I don't even feel the pain anymore, probably due to the adrenaline. On the good side it seems to be healing and I can even feel my strength returning I wonder what that was about. It could be dangerous if it happens again at a crucial point.'

"Need a hand?" Jayden's voice pulled Xavier out of his thoughts.

"Probably going to need a leg too." Xavier replied with a chuckle which turned into a cough at the end.

Jayden pulled Xavier from the car crash also assisting him in standing his body leaning close and his arm over her shoulder.


A few minutes later, multiple police vehicles were seen in the area trying to control the situation.

"Don't even think about trying anything." Angy stated as she shoved Zecker who was in handcuffs into a police car. A body covered over a cloth was taken into the ambulance present, the driver mercenary wasn't as lucky as Xavier and the others as his head was crushed in the crash.

"It's all his fault…. If I get my hands on him I'm going to skin him alive and toture him till he wishes for death then I'mma kill all the ones…" Zecker mumbled with a crazed expression before the car drove away.

'Good riddance.' Angy thought.

A few other unknown vehicles drove into the area and emerging from them were two groups of people, the first being a group of individuals sporting the same outfits as Stanley's bodyguards they were obviously from the white spiders. Their arrival garnered them multiple frowns and disdainful looks from the law enforcements but that was all they could do.

"We've been sent to fetch you sir…" A white spider gang member with dark glasses who seemed to be the leader of this specific group informed Stanley who was being examined by a paramedic.

"Hmph! Took you long enough… I'll make sure to tell your leader how useless the guys he sent were." Stanley replied harshly at them causing some them to tighten their fist but nothing more.

'As for the guys responsible for messing with my event, their dead!' Stanley thought hatefully.

The second groups of people to emerge from their expensive looking vehicles all wore black suits and shades. One of them proceeded to open the passenger seat door of the vehicle behind theirs as a beautiful tall brown haired middle aged woman emerged from the vehicle hurriedly as she worriedly looked around.

"M-mom?" Jayden called out to Jennifer, clearly surprised at her mother's arrival.

Jennifer gaze fell on Jayden and without saying a word ran to her shockingly on high heels before hugging her daughter tightly as she bawled her eyes out.

"I was so scared sniff… I don't know what I'd do if something had happened to you sniff…" Jennifer stated tears still threatening to fall.

'I guess she's still my mom after all…'

"I'm alright mom." Jayden voiced with a smile earning her another tight hug into her mother's bosoms which could potentially suffocate her.

"Umm… pardon my interruption ma'am, but I'll like to ask your daughter a few questions." Theo voiced as Jennifer responded with a glare at the detective.

'Nice save!' Jayden gave thanked Theo inwardly as she tried to catch he breath.

After assuring her mom she was fine being questioned Theo began questioning most of them ranging from question like, 'Did the kidnappers say anything about where they were taking you?' to 'Did you see or hear anything strange while being in their custody?' which Jayden replied to normally.

"Do you know who the person that rescued you was?" Theo suddenly asked scrutinizing.

'It can't be a coincidence he went out of his way to save her, there's a chance he works either of the Hargreaves or Hunter family or maybe both.' He thought. 

Xavier had left just before Theo or the other cops arrived at the scene, so Theo had lost his chance of questioning or possibly catching this mysterious individual. Jayden hesitated to answer him, which Theo did not fail to miss but was soon given a reply.

"He called himself Blood-Onyx." She replied.

'Blood-Onyx huh… I have a feeling we'll meet again.'