

In the quiet town of Silver Mist, Xavier Heller, an unassuming teenager who leaves a very ordinary and peaceful life, until a fateful night changes everything. While hiking through the moonlit woods, he encounters a werewolf something only found in myths and legends. In a desperate attempt to escape, Xavier is attack by the creature. As weeks pass, Xavier begins to notice subtle but unsettling changes within himself. His senses sharpen, he craves blood, and he's increasingly drawn to the night. Panicked and bewildered, he seeks answers, uncovering the supernatural as he struggles to come to terms with his newfound identity, Xavier grapples with a moral dilemma. Should he embrace his dark side and unleash his newfound powers, or fight against his inner beast? Along the way, he encounters many more like him, some the same or similar to him, others vastly different . "FANGS AND CLAWS" is a thrilling tale of identity, transformation, and the eternal battle between light and darkness as Xavier Heller navigates the treacherous path of being both a supernatural being all while uncovering the dark secrets of the supernatural world lurking beneath the surface of Silvermist.

blueorchid · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

Cold blooded

Sirens wailed as police vehicles surrounded the G.E.E.K convention building. Monitoring from above where police and news helicopters patrolling the skies.

[Gathered outside with me are squads of police officers, outside the premises of the G.E.E.K convention building, as multiple civilians have been held hostage within. Reports say that gun shots were fired in the building, which goes to show how dire the situation is. The perpetrators have yet to give out any demands but…]

Several new channel reporters were stationed at safe distances as they gave updates to viewers at home.

"Detective Rodriguez, I didn't know you'll be coming here." The officer in charge commented after noticing Theo's arrival.

(A/N: I changed it to detective from captain please bear with me…)

"Well I didn't know I will too." He replied in a tired tone remembering commissioner Callahan's orders at the precinct.

"So what's the situation?"

"It's a classic 10-79, and no demands have been made in the past hour."

"So it's safe to assume that they have ulterior motives." Theo deduced.

"P-possibly" the officer replied with a stutter because he hadn't thought towards that angle.

(A/N: 10-79 is a police code for hostage situations.)

"Look out for any suspicious activities I'm going to take a look around, if anything strange happens I wanna know." Theo instructed.

Minutes later, Zecker and a dozen other mercenaries walked out from a secret exit that was prepared beforehand. It was located in an alleyway a few buildings away from the G.E.E.K building which was connected through a sewer system, this was how they were able to enter in the first place without alerting the security or causing panic.

"Move with caution and stick to the plan." Zecker instructed as he proceeded to place the now unconscious bodies of Stanley and Jayden into their vehicles.

His plan was simple, phase one was to hold the civilians hostage in the G.E.E.K building while securing their targets. After that, they will proceed to phase two where they make their escape through their secret exit prepared by their guy in the inside.

Although a few other mercenaries would keep the police busy by staying, giving the illusion of a hostage situation while they flee with the targets. And finally, the mercenaries left would later make their escape through the confusion caused by suddenly letting the hostages go using the same exit. It was a plan which had no flaws if everyone played their parts right.

Zecker and the other mercenaries boarded their vehicles which were two black armor plated jeeps. 'Why do I have this feeling of unease?' Zecker thought as they quietly left the scene.

'Everything's going according to plan, so I really shouldn't worr-'



Before he could finish his thought, a loud sound similar to the smashing of glass was heard followed up by multiple gun shots fired.


He immediately looked behind him from his seat's window when his eyes widened in shock as he just couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"What the fuck…"


(Thirty minutes earlier…)

"Why do we always get the body disposing job? And it's a shitty one at that, fucking hell!" the mercenary asked his partner while they dragged their respective corpse to the restroom where they stored them leaving a trail of blood behind, one of the bodies being Xavier's.

"Just follow the plan." His partner spoke annoyed by his chatter.


They violently dumped the bodies into the restroom were several other bodies were stored alongside their combined blood which had practically flooded the restroom floor at this point.

'The boss is really heartless.' The mercenary thought before closing the door behind him, leaving the scene.


Xavier suddenly gasped with his glowing red eyes wide open. He frantically stood up but was immediately hit with a wave of dizziness causing him to almost fall back down to the ground.



His gaze fell on the mirror, as he immediately spotted the bloody hole which had already started closing back up after ejecting the bullet that was formally in his head.

His senses were only slowly starting to come back to him when…


The strong smell of blood and exposed flesh emanating from the corpses present in the room overwhelmed him as his usually slowly beating heart sped up, as he clenched his left chest area while his eyes glowed brighter. Just as he was about to lose himself, memories from the last few moments flooded him as a wave of sudden calmness washed over him.

"Jayden…" he mumbled while his gaze fell on his backpack carrying the Blood Onyx cosplay.

Not long after, Xavier was seen sporting a sleek outfit that was a mostly black along with obsidian colored hooded jacket. At the side of the suit was a single red stripe on both sides along with a claw mark like insignia which gave of an intimidating feel. He finally put on a red mask that covered the lower parts of his face. The mask seemed to be based off the Japanese Oni. 

Xavier wore the cosplay to keep himself anonymous as he had long realized he had been shot on the head at point blank distance, he was honestly surprised he was still alive since he wasn't sure this was an injury a werewolf could survive at least he didn't think so.

After exiting the restroom, he quickly scaled up the walls directly sticking to the ceiling as he crawled upside down heading right to the exit. This was a trick he had learnt from reading one of Jayden's comics about a certain red and blue wall crawler.


Xavier dropped down from the ceiling with a thud immediately after completely exiting the area which civilians were kept hostage, which was the cosplay contest hall.

Reaching the main lobby of the G.E.E.K building, Xavier immediately spotted a couple other mercenaries which were patrolling the area. Due to their small numbers and since majority of the mercenaries were keeping the civilians captive, combined with his superhuman eyesight, Xavier found it easy avoiding them.



He sniffed the air trying to see if he could catch Jayden's scent in the air. Taking another whiff, her scent seemed to be heading…

'Outside!' He immediately realized.

"Hey you there, stop!' Xavier who was about to sprint towards the exit was stopped dead in his tracks by a mercenary who had spotted him as he pointed his gun at him.

'I was too distracted trying to find Jayden's scent that I let my guard down…'


The man immediately fired his gun without hesitation or remorse. This was the instruction given out to their boss Zecker before leaving… 'If you see anyone suspicious, just shoot at them.'

Multiple bullets were released in a fraction of a second the sound of the loud gunshot echoed throughout the building. But Xavier was even faster to react as he quickly dashed behind a pillar, the bullets narrowly missing him.

'If I had a nickel for every time I was shot at… I hate guns' he thought with gritted teeth behind the mask while the mercenary continued to fire away.

 'Doesn't seem like he's going to stop any time soon, it's also a no brainer other mercenaries are on their way here already…' Xavier thought with closed eyes before opening them revealing his eyes which were oddly still red without the glow but soon resumed their glow not long after.

The mercenary soon stopped firing as he approached the pillar with caution he suspected his target was probably dead or close but he was still cautious. Reaching behind the pillar he immediately pointed at the spot where Xavier should be only to be met with an empty space.

Suddenly feeling a sense of dread from above, he instinctively looked up only to be met with a pair of red glowing eyes staring back at him before he could react, Xavier had pounced at him with a punch mid fall immediately knocking him out cold. He was about to follow up with another punch to the mercenary's head when…

"Back off from him, slowly…" The voice of another mercenary who seemed to have reached the scene spoke pointing his gun at Xavier.

'Should've just shot me when you had the chance.' he thought while shaking his head.

Xavier suddenly dashed at the mercenary too fast for him to react in time immediately grabbing the gun's muzzle before forcibly pointing it upwards as other consecutive shots were fired.



The mercenary screamed in agony after Xavier stomped on his knee with force, causing his leg to bend in the opposite direction.


Xavier watched coldly as the man drop to the floor with an indifferent expression. He had most definitely crippled him for life but felt no remorse whatsoever and he wasn't oblivious to his drastic change in his current behavior but chose to ignore it.

He quickly dashed to the windows before any other mercenary could reach him, as he ran through it his body which smashed the glass into several pieces was protected by the suit. The cops were surprised as a figure had suddenly smashed through the windows and landed on the ground with a roll.

"Haa, haa…"

'I'm running on fumes…" he said inwardly as he felt really fatigued, which was an odd feeling since he hadn't felt tired for quite a while.