

In the quiet town of Silver Mist, Xavier Heller, an unassuming teenager who leaves a very ordinary and peaceful life, until a fateful night changes everything. While hiking through the moonlit woods, he encounters a werewolf something only found in myths and legends. In a desperate attempt to escape, Xavier is attack by the creature. As weeks pass, Xavier begins to notice subtle but unsettling changes within himself. His senses sharpen, he craves blood, and he's increasingly drawn to the night. Panicked and bewildered, he seeks answers, uncovering the supernatural as he struggles to come to terms with his newfound identity, Xavier grapples with a moral dilemma. Should he embrace his dark side and unleash his newfound powers, or fight against his inner beast? Along the way, he encounters many more like him, some the same or similar to him, others vastly different . "FANGS AND CLAWS" is a thrilling tale of identity, transformation, and the eternal battle between light and darkness as Xavier Heller navigates the treacherous path of being both a supernatural being all while uncovering the dark secrets of the supernatural world lurking beneath the surface of Silvermist.

blueorchid · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

Chaos Ensues

A few minutes after the announcement, the lights in the hall were suddenly switched off the spotlight on the stage being the only source of illumination in the hall as the level of excitement and anticipation were immediately elevated to higher levels.

Walking on the stage was an individual who closely following behind him, were two burly men who wore the same outfits as that of the security guards obviously from the same gang.

The individual which they guarded stood around 5'7 his black and gold hear glistened on the stage due to the spotlight, he sported a plain black T-shirt which had a small white '∞' symbol on the left chest area alongside black pants and white sneakers.

"Greeting, and welcome to another annual Gathering of exodites for entertainment and kinship. I'll also welcome everyone seated here once again to the first ever live exodus cosplay event!"

His voice reverberated throughout the hall incurring cheers and appluase.

"We love you Stan!"

"To the moon Stan!"

"Marry me!"

Although Stanley seemed to enjoy the cheers and praises, he inevitably raised his hands causing the cheers to slowly be replaced with silence as he continued speaking.

"As you all know, I'm your host Stanley Hargreaves and I…" he went on to explain the rules and how the winners were going to be selected.

"Finally, contestants should take note that set up in this stage, is a state of the art EXO-AI system that is connected real time body scanner which would be able to instantly tell when a contestant uses a costume which was bought and not made." Stanley revealed causing shocked expressions all over the audience, which Stanley reciprocated with a grin.

"And with that, let the competition begin!"

 He declared the first number immediately displayed on stage as the first contestant walked up the stage to present her cosplay. Each contestant where given various numbers during registrations, Jayden's being 43, meaning it was going to be a while before it was their turn.


A few hours passed as many contestants had walked up the stage during their turn displaying their various cosplay ideas either originally derived or inspired from existing franchises. Not surprisingly, a few contestants were called out by the EXO-AI who bought their cosplay instead of making it themselves.

The winners were determined by a ranking system as the audience made votes using the now repaired exodus website which displayed the cosplay with the top three highest points.

Leading as the top cosplay was a technological advanced battle suit with a golden yellow lens on its helmet alongside the iconic '117' and 'UNSC' laser printed on both sides of the chest area. The cosplayer had impressed the audience further by demonstrating the use of his handmade airsoft futuristic rifle.

(A/N: airsoft are replica guns used in airsoft sports that are designed to shoot non-metallic spherical projectiles which are typically made of plastic or biodegradable resin materials.)

At second place, was a model looking girl who cosplayed as a fantasy themed fairy, her cosplay featured handmade mechanical working wings, it also helped she was a beauty. In third place was an undead cosplay with very realistic make up which made the exposed flesh and dangling eyeball almost believable.

Each and every presentation being unique and amazing in their own right, which ultimately planted a seed of worry and nervousness in Jayden, but Xavier quickly dispelled her worries by assuring her that she had the competition in the bag especially after her new 'modifications'.


One of the white spider gang member stationed at an area in the hall yawned out loud obviously out of boredom.

"I know they're paying really well Tim, but being here is really degrading you know, like… I mean we could be taking down othe-"


Before the unsuspecting gang member could finish his sentence, he felt a cold sensation on the side of his neck alongside a metallic taste in his mouth and a hand quickly pulling him down to the ground his vision quickly turning blurry.




Before he's partner could react, a hole was left on his forehead as a gun backed with a silencer was fired without anyone noticing in the hall.

"I'm done on my side, what about you guys?"

Zecker asked through his radio as he pulled out his military grade combat knife from the dead gang member's neck.

Similar occurrences were happening in the other places the gang members were stationed at, their weapon of execution being either a knife or a gun attached to a silencer.

Everything was going as planned as they proceeded to quietly take out each of the guards unnoticed by the human eyes, human eyes at least…

'Shit shit shit!' 

Xavier who was visibly panicking exclaimed inwardly, quickly grabbed Jayden's hand startling her.

"Huh? What's wrong Xav?" Jayden asked surprised by his action.

"Listen Jayden, things are about to get really dangerous… no time to explain we need to leave no-"




Before he could finish his sentence, two consecutive shots were fired immediately ending the lives of the two bodyguards guarding Stanley as their lifeless body dropped to the ground with a thud.

Chaos immediately ensued as a panic stricken crowd immediately ran towards the nearest exist they can, in an attempt to run for their lives.


The mercenary stationed at the main exit which majority of the crowd had headed towards, immediately fired his rifle towards the ceiling ultimately taming the crowd as no one wanted to get shot.

Similar scenes were playing out at the other exits in a matter of minutes the hall was filled with silence as the armed mercenaries patrolled the hall their eyes scanning through the cowering civilians seemingly looking for someone amongst them.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?! Do you know what family I'm from you bastards!" Stanley yelled after being grabbed by another mercenary as he seemed to be more irritated than scared.

'We were instructed by the contractor not to harm the targets in any way, but I swear I'm going to punch this kid if he doesn't shut up.' The mercenary thought exasperated.

"Anybody have eyes on the second target?" Zecker asked through the radio.

[No, not yet sir…]

[No eyes on her]


They all replied consecutively whilst searching through the massive crowd in the hall, it was obvious it would take a while before they found their target.

"Remember the target is Jayden Hunter, you have pictures for facial description."

At the same moment Jayden's name was mentioned, Xavier ear perked up as his eyes widened in shock.

"Jayden we need to leave now these guys are looking for you for some reason." he whispered to her in an urgent tone.

"Huh? W-wait why?" Jayden spoke with a shaky voice the whole ordeal had left her scared as she grasped the situation.

"Never mind that, let's go!"

Xavier stated with urgency holding her arm, he used his senses to navigate through the crowd while trying to avoid the mercenaries to the best of his abilities. At this point Xavier and Jayden were only a few steps away from the exit but had stopped in their tracks as he tried to think of a means to get the mercenary to leave his position enabling their escape.

"Stay here while I try to distract the guard, once he leaves make a brea-"



 The hostages screamed in fear after the loud bang that followed after a gun was fired resounded.


Jayden screamed in terror after Xavier fell to the floor unmoving, the bloody hole on his head oozed with blood spreading across the floor in a matter of seconds.

"Extra points for headshots, I'm I right Miss Jayden?"

Zecker spoke after blowing the smoke emanating from the muzzle of his gun.

"Y-you killed him…" She spoke shakily as hot tears rolled down her cheeks as she touched Xavier's unmoving body.

"YOU MONSTER, YOU KILLED HIM!" she screamed charging at Zecker with an extendable baton which was originally supposed to be part of her cosplay presentation.

Surprised, Zecker used his left arm to smack her baton wielding hand away before following up with a hard punch to her gut knocking all the air from her.

"X-av-ier…" she muttered weakly before passing out.

Zecker caught her body mid fall with a pondering gaze as he hadn't expected Jayden's reaction to be like that most people would be petrified after witnessing another person get shot on the head and he was aiming for easier cooperation through fear, more specifically the fear of death.

'What a strange kid' Zecker inwardly said, before glancing at Xavier's unmoving body.

"Jayden Hunter has been captured, proceed to phase two also, somebody take this body and toss it alongside the others." Zecker ordered.