
Fangs {vamp vs wolf}

Drexel Stone is a man with the stone cold heart of an assassin with a moral code which had served him so well but that moral code was broken which lead him down a dark path away from the world of humans, is this fate's way of punishing him or helping him prepare for the battles he has ahead of him. It's one vampire, one pistol and one choice to make kill! or watch the world get claimed by a bunch of undead anomalies. .............................................. Hello author here please note that I upload new chapters three times a week i.e Monday, Wednesday and Friday and note no form of romance included. Thanks

Daniel_Louis · Action
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12 Chs

Chapter 9; The Unexpected agreement


 I went chasing those cars on my own, following a road that had been previously mapped out, sticking to those routes, naturally It wasn't long before I spotted the tail lights of the said sedan. 

'It's killing time' I thought grimly and raised a SMG, increased my speed and pulled up to the side of one of the cars before anyone knew what was happening, pressed my gun barrel against the car side mirror, fired a single shot at the driver and sped off while the downed driver toppled over the steering wheel the car turned sharply to the side and centrifugal force made the car roll over. 

" One down, one to go" I began coming up to the second car to do the same I did with the first, within a split second two guys leaped out of the car and turned into wolves charging towards, I slowed down to sixty miles per hour and fired seven rapidly at the wolves, two of which found it's heart bringing that one down, with the the other less than thirty seconds ahead of me and closing in fast. 

Suddenly it seemed everything every thing had slowed down that even the wolf was nearly paused in mid sir I shifted to the side, aimed my gun barrel to the side of his head and pulled the trigger, then it seemed everything kick started at an even pace again, I overtook the second car and shot the driver through the window. 

' it's just you and me now ' I thought and put on a burst of speed, kicking myself to stand on the saddle, I waited until I was within striking distance and jumped turning to bats that entered and collected through the open windows shifting back into my human form seated behind the driver, I reached over and broke his neck in one fluid motion and dug my fangs into the neck of the guy holding Logan down beside me completely draining his blood in three minutes and kicked him out of the previously opened car door. Then I scrambled across to the driver's seat and kicked the driver out too. 

" What the hell are those?" Logan breathed " And what are you"

" Those... Are werewolves and I'm a vampire"I replied. " But don't worry I don't really take fresh human blood and I've never killed one for it" I added. 

" Where are you taking me?" He inquired

" Well for starters you don't look the least bit scared" I said. " I'm trying to save you from a werewolf who needs you to extract ransom from your father" while I was yet speaking a Jeep came up from nowhere and rammed itself into the side of our car, it rolled twice on the four by four and came to rest on it's roof, I was partially conscious when some men cutted away the car's door and took Logan. 

Shit... They're...gettin... away. 

*** *** ***

I came to and found myself in a room with no windows, the only exit outta here and been barricaded with long vertical bars, it was some kinda prison, this realisation and the fact that those chains and bars where made of silver gave me two options which weren't good, the first was that I'd been captured by Scar and the other was that I'd been captured by the Fangs, I got my answer soon enough when Aaron popped from the side and stood in front of my cell, although he was nearly sixty eight but he had a body honed from a life time of exercise and in his hands lay a file. 

" Well well well" he said in his little voice "so you're Drexel Stone the owner and managing director of stallion enterprises, apart from this nothing else about you is uncertain, your age could only be guessed and nothing on your upbringing, family... suspicious"

" Look this is all some kinda misunderstanding, I'm not with your son, I was tryna save him" I explained, he ignored me and opened another file on Xi'an. 

" Let's see this shall we" Aaron started " Xi'an Yamamoto, age thirty years..." He trailed off when he saw the look on my face, before pulling out a pistol from the inner folds of his jacket and aimed at my heart. " We have the members of your little gang, so Where. Is. My. Son!"

This was the first time throughout this charade that I actually smiled, and on seeing his lips tighten to a grim line, I burst into chuckle. 

" What's so funny?" 

" You know I'm always the one in your position so it seemed funny now that the table's turned, however my answer remains the same and no amount of intimidation is gonna make change that you're looking for your son, he's just been abducted by Scar, go hack into every nearby street cam and get your answers" I said calmly despite the fury boiling within me, obviously seeing that he could get nothing more outta me holstered his pistol. 

" I'll be back and when I am, I'll exploit every of your weaknesses one by one until you tell me what I wanna hear" he threatened and left in a huff. 

" I'll look forward to it" I called after him. 

He did come nearly twenty four hours later but this time he came to open the cell and threw a transparent sealed bag of blood which I grabbed hungrily I was very close to drinking my own blood by then. 

" Follow me " he said after I'd finished and went down a hall with me behind him, I met the rest of my team and his in a dark room illuminated by a bank of monitors. 

" Prudent precaution" he explained. " We don't know what effects constant exposure to light can do to you" 

" Only reduce my powers that's all" I replied we got to a supercomputer were our team were huddled together then he addressed us. 

" Men, I now believe that these guys whatever else they'd done, didn't abduct Logan but they're gonna help us get who did, who from what I heard wants to execute something devastating upon our beloved America and they need our utmost cooperation do you understand?" He announced. 

" Yes sir !" They chorused. 

" The president just approved of this two hours ago, and I'm letting you live on the condition that you and your team are hereby a weapon of the Fangs understand" he said " that's what you've signed up for"

" Understood, but for the record, I take orders from no one" I replied equally menacingly " now what's your plan" I asked.