
Fangs {vamp vs wolf}

Drexel Stone is a man with the stone cold heart of an assassin with a moral code which had served him so well but that moral code was broken which lead him down a dark path away from the world of humans, is this fate's way of punishing him or helping him prepare for the battles he has ahead of him. It's one vampire, one pistol and one choice to make kill! or watch the world get claimed by a bunch of undead anomalies. .............................................. Hello author here please note that I upload new chapters three times a week i.e Monday, Wednesday and Friday and note no form of romance included. Thanks

Daniel_Louis · Action
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12 Chs

Chapter 8; Poisoned claws?


" He waking up" I said to no one on particular. 

Immediately we got back to Drexel's place he blacked out and had been unconscious for hours on end. 

" Oscar good job I was beginning to doubt you skills in the medical field" I said when Drex finally woke up, he turned his head in our direction and said, his voice a little groggy. 

" Xi'an what's the situation?" 

" Successful apart from the fact that you got injured, the wound was Poisoned, hence your body's temporary inability to regenerate, we had to extract it outta you to keep you alive, thought it might have affected some of your nerves, which means you're partially paralyzed..." I explained and trailed off when I saw him get up on his feet then stumble back to sit on the bed. 

" No one really understands his body" Oyumar said and I nodded in agreement. 

" What was it?" He asked and took a gulp of the mug of preheated blood that had been cooled to that of a human's body temperature, placed on his side table by Oscar. 

" We don't exactly know what it was but we knew it was the cause of your supposed "Paralysis"" Oscar replied, " what was it he used on you anyway?" He asked but Drex shrugged.

" His claws" 

" He has poisoned claws?" I and Oyumar asked in disbelief. 

" You tell me"

" Now that's actually a possiblity" Xander countered while entering the room and faced Drex giving him a warm handshake with his good hand, I saw a look of guilt when Drex sighted Xander's bandaged hand. 

" Good to see you alive Drex, you had us all scared for a couple hours" he joked. 

" I would never leave and let you have all the pleasures of the opposite sex alone" Drex replied smartly, referring to Xander's well knowned s*x escapades and the entire team bursted into laughter which died down after a while. 

" They're the ones coming after me not the other way round! By the way i was saying it's possible for scar to possess poisoned claws"

" And how is that?" I said confused. 

" While I was still prisoned there I over heard him on the phone, probably talking to a scientist who was helping him create his ultimate army" Xander confided. 

" Ultimate? What the hell does he mean by that?" I asked perplexed 

" Yeah that was what I heard" 

" I don't think I like the sound of that" Oyumar commented dryly

" Neither do I" I agreed. 

" What's the plan now?" Oscar asked and Drex spoke up. 

" Firstly we need the fangs on our side" they're the only one who can help us find that out" Drex started. 

" The Fangs?" Someone said but I was also shocked to realize who.

" Yeah I think they can help us bring scar down and we need all the help we can get" Drexel explained.

" I've made some research and found out that their head goes by the name Aaron Maxwell" Oscar offered, it seemed the name rang a bell to Xander because he suddenly winced. 

" What is it Xander?" I asked and the entire team faced him. 

" I think I remember Scar saying something about funds and he mentioned that name, said he's gonna abduct his son on the twenty fifth"

" What the f*ck! That's today!" Drex gasped

" What for" Oscar inquired

" Your guess's as good as mine" Oyumar interjected. 

" New plan everyone, if we want to have any chance of winning the fangs over, we'll have to do everything possible to save their head's son we can't let scar ask for a ransom on the boy"

" How rich is this guy exactly?" Oyumar asked

" Rich enough" Oscar replied simply. 

" Are you sure you gonna be able to come on this mission Drex? You know you can stay behind we can handle this ourselves, we understand you were very badly injured and you're unable to regenerate for now" I asked on seeing him move and wince in pain from the stitch on his stomach. 

" No I'll be with you guys on this mission, knowing scar he'll like to execute his plan at night to be at full power, when I won't be a match for him, just give me a two hours to prepare myself by then I should have come up with a cohesive plan" he said and laid back down on the bed. 

*** *** ***


It was ten in the night and the half Moon was shining with a brilliant radiance tonight, 'good' I thought, it will help give me the needed strength for this I said and spoke into my walkie talkie.

" Xander, Xi'an, Oyumar and Oscar do you copy"

" Loud and clear" they all replied

I had already briefed them on what to do, locating where Logan, Aaron's son was gonna be at this time, mapping out the possible areas where Scar and his men could launch an attack and finding possible positions for a covert assault, I'm currently sitting at my Kawasaki Ninja H2 in preparation. 

" Target is on the move and followed by two black sedans" the voice of someone probably Oyumar squeaked over the walkie talkie. 

" Team-Alpha, Team-Beta Man your positions follow him! Move! Move!! Move!!!" I yelled over the radio and revved up my bike's engine and shot out into the street the two teams encountered problems within ten minutes.

" Team- Alpha status report" I yelled to get my voice heard over the engine's din and Xi'an immediately responded.

" Bit of a delay Drex, our tire's gone flat and we're being boxed in by a pack of scar's werewolves".

" How bad is it" I asked and turned round a bend. 

" On a scale of one to ten, I'll rate this six but don't worry we'll survive" Xi'an responded making me switch to Team-Beta which consisted of Oyumar and Xander 

" Team-Beta do you read me! Team-Beta!!" Damn the reception just had to choose now of all times to go bad didn't it, I'm alone I guess, that very thought made my change gears and increase my speed to one hundred and seventy five miles per hour. 

" Let's do this?" I said you ain't escaping me.