
Morning Blast

There stood a sixth grader one more mature than most .with white hair messy hair and of what you could see, straight faced . Eyes being cover by cloth,Having been a special school swore too protect( but maybe Not the physical or mental state)Lee ( that's the persons name If you haven't caught onto that) Was hoping for a more stable normal second day of school maybe one that wasn't ended in the first 25 minutes do too murder.

As once as Lee gets to school

The loud speaker started buzzing " we are sorry students for that irrational event that happened yesterday we hope you can't forget forgive due to the minor impact that you may have missed school We up to make up missed classes to get organized mean that the principles of this if you were a new look for elders students for help have a good day."

The student walked towards their classroom but had to stop do to a small group of girls surrounding A stick like object oh wait that was a person,well a boy to be exact. The stick like boy leaned over and whispered."help.", Lee only wanting a way into class did a magician like tactic, pulled out a smoke bomb

(Ringing sounds)

The two kids to desks right next to each other, with few awkward glances "So ... thanks." the stick like figure sighed

"Um... your welcome" Lee nervously replied

The boy flinched once as a door opened and erupted a group of kids.

But for his luck none of the faces matched any of the students from earlier. class Carried on, only few glances were Exchanged.

As the Professor continued to mumble, a gunshot fired in the room next door, Making students to jump out of their seats out of shock. "Oh...let's go check it out"the Professor said in an far from concerned tone.The I professor led them into an next door classroom that seemed to be ignored for a while and then paused to se an figure of an eighth grade student with blood dripping all over "okay okay students, shut up we will figure this out" the professor lifted up the arm of an somewhat dead, seemed to be an eight grader with an hole on one side of the to the other .

(Silence ~~~~~~)

"Suicide, it would be a guess there was no one unattended around besides us,so that would make him the closest offender in this case." The professor stopped and glanced over at the body and viewed many mistakes he made even so he did not add on " Sir, are you concluding that this student did shoot himself,with his short arm span, while also doing it with an ATAC suppressor ? It would probably be very awkward having to hold a gun like that in general but also with short arms like theirs. If I were to go It would be most likely to be a pistol so "his" choice was a little unique" the stick boy attempted to be of assistance in the case.

The professor seemed half impressed or was just seemed impressed because he wanted the kid to shut up "ok,brats let head back to class I have coffee sitting on my desk and I don't want it to get any colder" the Professor glanced back at the thin boy then the boy who was pierced earlier but still twitching . When all but two student let in the room the thin boy started chanting Meitin (an rare language that note most people ever hear about but it's pretty simple to translate once as you master it) "rset in peice daer bohrrte wsih yuo Lcuk". Then he gentility pulled out a dagger out of his a binder and stabbed him right above both his eyes, the twitching stopped and the dagger started to shine brightly but soon darkened into a glow. He nervously stood up to look at Lee directly "are you g-going to ...tell anyone about this? B-because that would not be a smart idea" Lee knew he wasn't the one whi blew the hole though the upperclassmen's head but the one who ended the pain of some one who should of had a painless death. Feeling no threat of the appearance in front

Of themselves "no,I don't see any wrongdoings you have committed so it would be a waste of time"

(More Silence ~~~)

"So I take it we are acquaintances now ,well I'm `Ashter'!" The thin boy said in a too cheerful voice


I’m a noob at being an author some of you have any ideas that would improve this please share them.

Hazel_wcreators' thoughts