

Five little siblings from the same womb. They knew they didn't have the same Father and never met them. They only wanted the good things of life which seemed so much to ask for. Their Mother's demise was a new phase though they didn't really miss her absence. Infact, they were ‘ happy ’. Still, it didn't change the way it affected them or will affect their future. A few weeks with Uncle Charles and he goes on to sell them (he actually got duped).Now, the kids got separated but the oldest child was not ready to give up on her ‘ family ’.Her last promise to herself before she ran away was “ I am going to unite everyone. ” If you like novels with “ happy endings after storms ” you won't want to miss this, I promise.

Lost_Zeal · Urbain
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This Is Not The Beginning

Nancy, Joe, Isabella and Lorettha were sitting on a long wooden bench. Baby was in Nancy's arms but still cried loudly as usual. Isabella was angry and would not speak to Joe who was beside her. Lorettha was kicking her legs subconsciously. Their faces were ghastly and the atmosphere, tensed.

Five little siblings from same womb. They knew they didn't have the same Father and never met them. Though their names were reluctantly written in a diary moments ago, they didn't care about that. The only thing they ever thought about were the good things of life. The good things they wanted.

Baby's wail increased and Nancy just stared. She was tired and even clueless on how to make him stop crying. She had tried everything but she knew he was actually hungry.

Isabella brought out her diary and started to write while Joe raised his head and started peeping.

I am very happy because Aunty Joy is d3ad and no one can disturb me again. Nana said d3ad people can't talk to us and we can't see them and people cry when someone di3s. I won't cry. Nana and Brother Joe and Lorettha won't cry. We are happy. Baby is the only one crying. Baby loves to cry. I hàt3 Baby. Aunty Joy should have taken him. I don't like Aunty Joy. She doesn't allow us to call her Mom like other kids call their Moms. She tells us to hawk without eating. She also says we must hawk everything and beats Nana. I don't like Baby also. Nana likes Baby and Brother Joe likes Baby and Lorettha likes Baby. I don't like Baby so, I don't fetch water for his bath. I don't also feed him when Nana is sweeping and Brother Joe is washing our clothes.

The door opened and Charles walked in. He stood akimbo as his eyes criticized the kids. They also stared back for a while. Then, Isabella continued writing while Joe continued peeping. Lorettha continued kicking her legs, Baby continued crying and Nancy stared at the ceiling.

Uncle Charles is here. He wants to take us to his house. I don't like him. I don't want to live with him. He is walking to us. I don't know what he wants.

He walked to the kids and faked a smile. " Hi kids! "

They only stared at him in response.

" Good! Let's start with introduction. You know my name right? " They nodded. " What is my name? " They didn't reply. So, he repeated in a stern voice. " What is my name? "

" Uncle Charles " Nancy was the one who answered.

" Good. But I don't know any of you. If you must live with me, then I must know your names. "

" Yes Sir! " Nancy nodded and started the introduction. " I am Nancy " She pointed the rest. " Jonah, Isabella, Lorettha and Baby "

" Who is the oldest? You or the boy? "

" I am older than Brother Joe "

He looked at Joe. " How old are you? "

" Seven " He answered almost immediately.

Uncle Charles snorted. " And the rest? "

"Nana is eight. Isabella is six. Lorettha is three. And Baby.... " He shook his head. " I don't know "

" He will be one soon" Nancy helped him out.

"Your Mama is cràzy 'bout kids huh? " He muttered.

Isabella looked at him. She heard what he said. She then asked " Uncle, what School do we go? "

He stared at her for a long time. "Isabella right? " She nodded. " Your Dad must be a fine dude. "

" Uncle, do you know our Dad's? " Nancy asked curiously.

"Not really. I think you and the boy share one but I'm not sure. " He scratched his hair. "Time to go. You've packed your clothes right? "They nodded.

They followed him to his old pick up truck. He looked at Isabella lustfully before taking the driver seat. As he started the engine, Isabella brought out her diary.

Uncle Charles asked us our age. He said my Dad is fine after he look me in a strange way. I don't like that look. He didn't even answer my question. I don't like his old truck. He said our Mother cràzy but I don't care. She gave us small food and not everyday. She only feed Baby. Baby cries a lot. He is crying. I know he will cry till we get to Uncle's house.

Uncle Charles parked his truck in front of a small house and alighted. The kids got down and looked at one another's faces. This made him pissed. " And what is the meaning of that? Off you go into the house " He opened the door and they entered into the living room. " There are rules in this house.... " He stopped and faced Nancy. " But first shut that thing up! " He said angrily. " He has being crying since and I can't think straight "

Nancy quickly petted Baby." It's okay. It's okay. "

" You guys must sleep in the store room. And Nancy, make sure Baby doesn't cry"

" But Baby always cries" She replied, confused.

A slap landed on her cheek.

" Are you cràzyyy??? " She sniffed as tears rolled down her cheeks. " As I was saying, every morning you hawk. Your chores are to fill the plastics with water, clean and mop the house. Just make sure the dàng house is clean! And you wash your clothes. You can't stay under my roof and eat my food without doing any fûcking thing! " He pointed at a door. " That is the store room! " He left the house.

Lorettha walked to Nancy. " Sorry Nana".

Joe carried Lorettha in his arms. " Let's go. Nana sorry"

" Nana I hàt3 Uncle Charles " Isabella complained.

" Me too " Nana replied as she carried Baby who was already crawling away.

They walked to the room.

" The room is unclean" Lorettha stated the obvious.

" We will clean it tomorrow " Nancy replied tiredly.

They settled down and Isabella brought out her diary. Joe sat beside her.

I don't like Uncle Charles . He gives rules. We must sleep in the store room and Nana must make sure Baby doesn't cry. Nan said Baby will always cry. He slapped Nana. Nana is still crying. He said we must still hawk and full the plastics with water. We must sweep and wash our clothes. We did all these when we were with Aunty Joy. He is the same as Aunty Joy. He said we must always stay in the store room. The store room is dirty and the heat is too much. We will get heat rashes and Uncle Charles won't give us mentholated powder. If Aunty Joy were here, she would tell Nana to dust our bodies with powder when we get rashes. But she is not here. So, we will scratch our bodies. Uncle Charles is wicked. Wicked Uncle Charles. Baby is sleeping already. Thank God Baby didn't cry. If Baby cries, Uncle Charles will beat Nana. I don't want him to beat Nana. I want to sleep . So, goodbye diary.

She closed her diary and rested her head on Joe's shoulder.

" Nana, I want to go to School tomorrow "Lorettha said. " Have you washed my uniform? " She asked innocently.

" We won't go to School " Nana yawned.

" Why? "

" We owe very big money "

Lorettha was surprised. " Big money? "

" Yes. " Nancy spread her hands. " This big"

" If we don't go to School, who will teach me how to spell ELEPHANT? "

"I will teach you "

" But my Teacher said she wants to. I know ANTELOPE, BEETLE, CAMEL and DRAGON. But I don't know ELEPHANT "

"I will teach you tomorrow. But go to sleep first. " She said gently.

Lorettha nodded. "Alright" She closed her eyes.


The kids woke up early to clean their room. They cleaned the house and filled the plastics with water. Then, they settled down to eat. Charles walked out of the kitchen with five little bowls on a tray . He placed a bowl in front of each kid. Immediately they saw the food, they exchanged looks. Nancy placed Baby on her lap and started to feed him. Lorettha dipped a spoon in her mouth and looked at Nancy.

" What? Won't you eat? " Charles asked Lorettha immediately he noticed her. "Don't you like it? "

" I like it" Lorettha answered.

" Then eat"

She started to eat.

Charles looked at Joe and Isabella and they started to eat immediately.

" Uncle Charles, what is the name of this food!? " Isabella asked.

" Mashed potatoes "

"Is there milk in it? "

"Milk and butter"

"But there is no pepper? "

" Mashed potatoes is good for your health as kids, so eat well. And hurry up" He clapped his hands. " Hurry up. So , you can go and hawk"

The kids continued eating silently.


The door opened and the kids entered with empty trays. Baby was strapped to Nancy's back . Charles was sitting on a couch and smiled on seeing them but they only stared.

"Welcome back kids! "He greeted.

They were silent for a while and didn't know how to respond.

"Good Afternoon, Uncle" Nancy broke the silence finally.

"Good.Hand over today's sales" Nancy gave him the money and he counted it. "Good.I will bring you your lunch. "

He went inside the kitchen and soon returned with five little bowls on a tray. He placed the tray on the floor and retired to the couch, smoking.

The kids stared at one another.

"Nana, I'm hungry " Lorettha said as she pulled Nancy's clothes.

"You all should sit "

They sat on the floor and she placed a bowl in front of each kid.

Isabella looked at Joe and shook her head.

"Uncle Charles " Joe called.

Charles looked at Joe. "What? Don't you like the food? "

"Do we have to eat without chilli? "

"What??? " He roared angrily. "You are an ungrateful bàstard!!! " He stood up and gave him a kick.

Joe winced in pain.

Isabella hurried to his side. " Brother Joeeee!! "

Nancy looked at Charles with a terrified face. "Uncle!"

Tears started flowing down Lorettha's cheeks.

"Na... Na...Na... " Baby started to cry.

Uncle Charles looked at Nancy "Make that thing stop crying, you little w3nch! "

Nancy quickly petted Baby and continued feeding him.

"And why are you crying? " Charles asked Lorettha.

She shook her head, cleaned her face and continued eating.

Isabella stared at Charles.

"And why are you staring at me?... Are you deaf??? "

"He was only trying to explain that there is no chilli " She said in tears.

"Really??? " Uncle Charles asked in a cool voice. "I fried you a sweet egg. I fried you egg with condensed milk. Isn't that good enough? "

"Aunty Joy gives us Chilli everytime. We like chilli. " Isabella replied.

"So,you don't like my food? " He looked around. "Lorettha,do you like my food? "

"Ye... Yes... Yessaa!! " She stammered.

"Good!" He faced Isabella. "You are very stûpid" He slapped her. " Infact, you all should leave here now! This instant!!!! " He roared.

They quickly carried their foods and scampered into the store room. Baby even almost fell.


It's my first story on here. I hope you find it interesting.

I will like to know your thoughts on this chapter.

Thanks .

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