
Familias de enfermeras

Most Doyenne University College of Nursing students come from powerful families. What happens to the rich and ordinary?? ************** "The most interesting thing is that Fernando's family and my family are not friends " "I have a real threat here also. You remember what my family did to the Armitage family?." ************* "Do you have a death wish? Why do you have to show up with a Martinez?" --------------- "I'm done with offers and deals but I'd like to see." --------------- She turned to leave but the shadow that overshadowed hers creeped her out. She tried to run but the figure pinned her against the wall. "thought you'd keep the little secret but now your mum knows about it." --------------- "confront your roommate." ********** "My roommate is a deep sleeper." "Are you sure she won't wake up" --------------- "an ECG is needed ASAP If her brain is dead...there's nothing anyone can do again.  but we hope not," "Time of death: 1:13 am" ------------- *********** "Are you also meant to suffer?" ---------------- "I don't take cocaine...I only sell. I won't fit in the circle. Thanks for the invitation."

DiamondMPeace · Urbain
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9 Chs

Chapter Three

What more?

"Elon! Why are you here? Who is that lady? " she asked angrily.

"That's a Martinez," Elon said and Hannah's eyes widened although Jane was lost.

"Do you have a death wish? Why do you have to show up with a Martinez?" Hannah asked angrily but sounded a bit concerned.

"she's suffering...it's unfair." Elon lowered his head in pity as he said the words.  Jane looked at him, confused but she was also pitying Amelia.

"Martinez are meant to suffer and Should anyone get involved... You know what's going to happen..." Hannah said and Elon raised his head.

"I don't mind suffering with her..." He said and Hannah interrupted him.

"...If you will be the only one to die, I don't mind but my mum is your dad's sister... They will not only kill your dad and my mum but also me and my sisters...You are not supposed to be here in the first place...you agreed to stay at home to keep that lock safe at all times..." Hannah said and Elon cleared his throat signalling that Jane was there with them.

"Jane... Let's leave here before someone sees us both." She said to Jane and eyed Elon signalling for him to follow her instruction and she left with Jane.

Li sat down in front of the depressed Bruno and looked directly into his eyes.

"you have a good heart...I know...you don't want any other person to die innocently because they couldn't protect your sister... That I also know about. Not everyone will understand after explaining the deal between your family and her's but... You also have to consider the fact that the person who drowned your sister may also come for you. Anne is powerless at the moment because she can't get into your hostel for now. Heaven is on your side... You are the president...just let the other president know that you would like to switch Anne and another person..." Li was interrupted by Bruno.

"...once I do that...people will start digging and according to what you said...the deal was a secret one that even we the children shouldn't have heard about," Bruno said almost whispering.

"you are right but I will advise you to suspect everyone as the killer for now because no one is to be trusted," Li said and Bruno nodded in agreement. He continued. "Anne will be here next week as agreed with the other student. Before then, don't go anywhere alone...nothing less than five companies just in case more than one wants to hurt you... Keep your door closed at all times and avoid overcrowded places." Li advised.

"Thank you," Bruno said with his face as pale as a ghost's. Li stood up to leave and suddenly looked back. "I have an offer but...I don't know if you will accept it."

"I'm done with offers and deals but I'd like to see." Bruno raised his head so that his face would meet Li's.

"it's against the rules of the school but luckily you leave alone," Li said and smiled.

Bruno was more curious "I hope it's not a gun?" he asked and Li responded.

"No, but the two most dangerous weapons gotten from Jack Armitage before his death. " Li said and Bruno's mood lightened up.

"How did you get this?" Bruno asked.

"I want to reveal a little secret...Jack gifted my dad just these two. No one has ever seen anything like it before...I stole it from my dad for you. Now we are all in concealed trouble, right? If my dad finds out that I stole something as sacred as that, he will hang me...If it gets to Anne's parents that Miranda is dead, she will slowly bleed to death and I don't know what will happen if your parent knows where you kept Miranda's corpse... You will also be killed.  Let's just seal our lips and Anne must not know about it." Li said and then removed a bottle which was about 10 centimetres long,  some needles and syringes, a mask and a perfume-like container.

"only withdraw 1ml for 130 people. It works directly on their CNS...just a prick on any part of their body will do... This looks like a perfume but it is a deadly weapon. One spray is enough to kill up to 50 people... If a situation warrants using it...use this mask first." Li said and handed it all over to Bruno.

"It is portable...you can carry it everywhere. Am I clear? And please anyone who sees you using this must not be spared...if not, the news about the weapon will spread and we are all gone." Li warned and Bruno nodded happily.

The giant west hostel digital clock displayed 01:28 am. Jane hid under her shadow receiving a call.

"The breeze is crazy...I'm alone so it's safe to put the call on speaker." Jane said and put the phone on speaker.

"Can you hear me now?" the female caller asked.

"as I was saying...why should the Martinez suffer?"

"Martinez Miguel who is the head of the Martinez family is a friend to the Castros, knowing that some young Amitage were back on their throne, he decided to eliminate the three Amitage only for him to realise that as young as they are....their power is stronger than their ancestors. The Armitage in control said she would not wipe his generation but make them suffer. Therefore, anyone who comes in contact with the Martinez should make them suffer even if it will be to death. " the caller swallowed and continued  "Anyone who tries to save them...their bloodline will be eradicated....and she will spare no one..." the caller paused. "as my daughter, I don't want you to suffer anyone... Instead...pretend that you don't know who she is." Jane's mother warned.

"Told you about my Dakota roommate. " she reminded her mum.

"Yes, I do. Is she doing anything creepy? " Her mum asked.

"Not really but she talked about a lock with a boy called Elon who happened to be her cousin," she explained.

"I guess it's their family secret. Don't dig.  I want you to mind your business and be like ordinary students. If not for an arranged marriage, I wouldn't have married someone from a powerful family. It's a stressful and dangerous thing."

"How are Flo and Carol? Is my dad around? " she asked trying to divert the conversation.

"My husband is around...Just don't get him involved or cause any trouble. I love you. " her mum said briefly and ended the call.

She sighed and turned to leave but the shadow that overshadowed hers creeped her out. She tried to run but the figure pinned her against the wall.

"thought you'd keep the little secret but now your mum knows about it." the voice roared and Jane trembled.

Stammering "I'm...I'm only curious. Pure intentions."

"Next time this repeats itself, I will kill you. " the voice threatened and Jane nodded in fear. The grip loosened and Jane ran as fast as she could.

Amelia opened one eye while the other one was still dressed and her head was wrapped with a bandage. She looked at the entrance and saw Elon sleeping on the floor by the door side. She groaned and got down from the bed, held one of her legs and hopped to where Elon was. Gently and quietly, she sat down beside him, rested her head on his shoulder and slept off.

Jane went to visit Emily in the East. She swallowed when she got to the entrance of room 001. She inhaled deeply and allowed the air to escape through her mouth. She finally knocked on the door and waited.

Emily opened the door looking happy and excited. "hi!" she said In a friendly way.

"I'm Jane Fernando from..." Jane tried to introduce herself but Emily interrupted her.

"My aunt told me about you already. You are welcome." she opened the door and signalled for her to enter the room.

Jane entered the room which was spacious and different from other rooms. It was like an office combined with a room. She looked around the room and her eyes fell on Rosalyn who was sitting comfortably on one of the couches smiling warmly.

"feel at home, dear Jane. Here is my friend Rosalyn Barbados and Rosalyn, meet my guest...Jane Fernando. She's my aunt's cousin's daughter." she said and fell lazily on another couch close to Rosalyn's.

Jane smiled warmly, sat down on a single-person chair and said. "Thank you for accommodating me."

Emily smiled and Rosalyn said. "you are a family member to my friend...who am I not to accommodate you?"

"Not everyone will be considerate but if you don't mind...which family is Barbados... It's the name of a place and it sounds so strange to me." Jane said, sounding curious.

"Rosalyn is from an ordinary family... That's why you haven't heard about her name. " Emily explained calmly and Rosalyn smiled.

"My brother is Jude Barbados and also the youngest Judge. He's 25." Rosalyn said proudly and It was obvious that Jane was also impressed.

"I'm here because I have some things to say to Emily," Jane said sounding more serious.

"Alright. I will come back for you in the evening." Rosalyn said and stood up to leave.

"Don't leave! You can stay...you can't even know anything about it." Jane said and Rosalyn looked at Emily and they both smiled.

"Alright! Thank you for letting me stay. " Rosalyn said and took her seat.

"Wasn't feeling well yesterday and I went to the University teaching hospital with my roommate. There, we saw a student in the ICU in a comatose state and my roommate's cousin met us there. They talked about some stuff and honestly, I was curious to know about it but I couldn't ask my roommate about it because I didn't want her to think that I was digging into her matters. Last night, I left the room and called my mum to find out about it and someone attacked me...also threatened me...I'm scared and I also don't know what to do. " Jane explained.

"Do you think your roommate sent someone to warn you?" Emily asked.

"I don't know...she was asleep when I went out to make the call and I locked the door before leaving the room. I'm only suspecting the other guy. He gave me a kind of look when they were talking about it."

"Have you informed your mum?" Emily asked calmly.

"If I do, she will withdraw me from this school and I can't tell my dad too...it may become more escalated. I can't inform any of them and that's why I'm here."

"Rosalyn is cool with things like this...she often solves mine. If you don't mind...she can be of help."

"I don't mind...Rosalyn...please help me out. "

Rosalyn leaned forward and they both leaned forward too. Rosalyn smiled and whispered. "confront your roommate. "

Jane frowned and leaned back. "I can't... What if she's not."

"Simple. If she's not, she will confront the other guy and If she is, she will fire back. " Rosalyn explained.

Emily let out a relieving breath and Jane smiled. "never thought of that."

"I told you," Emily said proudly.

Elon opened his eyes slowly and didn't see Amelia on the bed. He opened his eyes wide,  his heartbeat raised and he whispered under pressure. "Amelia!"

"Elon!" she whispered beside him and Elon looked over his shoulder. His heart beat faster but the pressure was gone.

"Amelia! " he whispered again in disbelief and hugged her gently. "Thank God," he said as he sobbed quietly.

"Why did you send someone after me last night...despite taking you as a friend? " Jane confronted Hannah who seemed to be lost.

"the person you sent almost killed me and you know I'm not feeling too well. Why don't you just add lace to my food... I'd prefer that." Jane said out of anger.

"Jane! Calm down...I didn't send anyone after you and I know that Elon will never do such." Jane explained.

"then who else aside you two?" Jane asked impatiently.

"I will never do such. We don't know much about each other yet but I swear to my entire family that I will never do that. Elon will never do such but he's my cousin... I will ask him. If it ends up being from his end... I will be so sorry." The confused Hannah said innocently and tears were almost coming out of her eyes.

Jane couldn't watch her cry and she left the room.

Hannah entered the hospital angrily and met Elon standing at the entrance of the female ward watching Amelia and her ward mate being attended to by the health team.

She grabbed him by the hand angrily and took him to a quiet place.

"When did you start threatening people?  I warned you not to be like some members of our family. Why did you send someone to the lady I came here with the other day?  That's too much on her...she's not even feeling well..." She paused when she realised that he was looking at her in a confused way with those tired eyes of his.

"don't tell me that you know nothing about it..." she asked blinking and finding it hard to believe.

"I have no time for that. all I want is for Amelia to get better and now she has been transferred to another ward meaning that there's a great improvement..."

"I have no business with that Martinez and also don't try to divert what I asked you.  You are not supposed to be in this school in the first place."

"yes, but my dad forced me to. I have to run this school shit and also keep the lock safe. Do you think it's easy to work for my father and you?? Honestly, If she had pissed me off...I wouldn't have the time to spare her or even attack her at all." Elon said angrily and Hannah felt bad.

"I didn't know about all that," she said calmly.

"you wouldn't know...all you care about is the lock and why I'm helping a suffering Martinez," Elon said and left.

"Emily... My roommate is not the person, not the other guy according to what Rosalyn told me to do." Jane informed Emily.

"That riddle is difficult and Rose is not here.  Okay! Have you seen her with anyone else?" Emily asked.

"the little I know is that... I'm the only one she relates to within this school. She didn't know the other guy attended this school until the ICU day."

"I am as clueless as you are at the moment but what if you inform the school about it and I will get you a secret guard...for free. " Emily said and Jane's face widened with joy.

"God....thank you, Emily."

Diane adjusted her elegant black gown and opened Femi's room door. To her surprise,  she saw many guys inside and each guy had a lady or two to himself which included Femi. A lady was giving him a lap dance when she opened the door.

Her heartbeat skipped for a second. Everyone looked in her direction and she looked so confused and embarrassed.  Diane thought that she had to take action and if not she would become a mockingbird.

She entered the room fully and closed the door behind her. Carl immediately left the lady he was with and went to Diane trying to explain on Femi's behalf but she ignored his presence. Femi didn't know what to do, he just sat there frozen. Diane walked to where Femi and the ladies were and smiled.

"Ladies...I know you are having fun but.. I'd like a moment with him. He will be back soon I promise." Diane said, smiling warmly. the ladies smiled and went to meet the other guys.

Diane held Femi's hand gently and took him out of the room. After closing the door,  Diane faced him.

"why the hell did you invite me when you know that you will be with other ladies? " Diane asked coldly.

Femi inhaled deeply. "I... hmm...Diane, you came late. Thought you are not coming."  Femi said bluntly.

rage was written all over Diane's face and she moved closer to him, letting him feel her breath over his. "Femi is your name and that was the last time I mentioned that. I have never come across you and never will I," she said coldly but more broken and left.

Someone knocked on Bruno's door continuously and he opened the door.

"Bruno! Someone's dead...the poolside." the person said and Bruno's mind skipped a beat.

"Calm down. I will go there with you but first of all, I have to call the hospital and school admins." Bruno explained and ran back to his room.

Diane entered their room with a straight face and ignored Rosalyn's greeting. Becca, who was packing their clothes smiled, making it obvious to them both.

Rosalyn moved closer to her bed. "What's wrong?" she asked but got no response.

She continued. "did anyone piss you." she asked and Diane said nothing again.

"Daniels," Rosalyn called and looked up.  "Excuse Us," she said and Becca left immediately.

"Diane! Which motherfucker messed with you?" Rosalyn asked sounding angry.

Diane has never heard Rosalyn speak angrily or get angry at all. She stood up and faced Rosalyn.

"A Bertok...an ordinary family played me. " Diane said as she sobbed.

"and what did you do?" Rosalyn asked and Diane sniffed.

"Nothing! I left him and he's not even feeling remorseful." Diane explained and Rosalyn smiled.

"get up, redo your make-up... Wear something crazily stunning, and take me to his room...I will show you how ordinary people behave." Rosalyn smiled warmly.

"Rosalyn, please...I don't want to go there again. That will be so..." She couldn't complete the sentence because Rosalyn pulled her up and pushed her to the dressing table.

Bruno followed as the body was taken into the ambulance. The other students were not allowed to step out of the hostel.

"What's the lady's name?" one of them asked Bruno as he followed them closely.

"Lilly Baldwin." Bruno replied as he checked the tab again to confirm her identity. "additional information, She's 22...I have no access to her parent's number but the school has it."

"thank you President but did you see the person that made her drown?"

"No! The person sprayed the camera before doing the thing and the person was also masked...it's useless but I can provide the photos in the morning."

"we will need it, please. Thank you." The lady said as she closed the ambulance door and was going to the front seat.

"You can tell the admins when you meet them that we might need a secret camera at the pool which they can also watch because I can't keep an eye on a place. Others may be thrown in chaos while doing that," he explained as he walked with her.

"I will let them know," she said briefly and entered the ambulance. Bruno watched as they drove away and sighed.

"Knock! Knock!" Rosalyn said as she knocked gently. She wore a simple black trouser, a knee-length black Jacket, a simple but expensive glasses, a head warmer and she carried a medium-sized Louis Vuitton bag.

Tiago opened the door and admired the beauty. He realised that Diane was right behind her, looking as beautiful as ever. his facial expression changed but he couldn't resist their beauty. He allowed them to enter with Rosalyn going in first. Charles left the ladies and went to welcome her, he sighted Diane and he swallowed hard.

All gazes were on them as they moved closer to them. Rosalyn stood in the middle,  looking all stunning and dangerous.

"I am Rosalyn Barbados. an ordinary family. I am ordering you all in this room to leave right now." she ordered in a bossy tone.

Those who felt the energy coming from her words left the room while some just laughed and some were just looking at her. All the boys refused to leave as they would like to see what she was going to do.

"Diane, please leave," she whispered to her and smiled devishly. Diane got the message and left immediately.

"Doing anything stupid will get you and your entire family in trouble," Armando warned.

Tony's phone rang and he left the room to receive the call. Immediately he left, Rosalyn counted some steps back and locked the door. Took the card and dropped it inside her bag.

"I warned you," she said as she removed her glasses and put on a transparent mask. She removed some tear gasses from her bag.  "enjoy." she threw it on the floor one after the other and the whole room was filled with the gas. Some ran to the door but couldn't get out, some begged while some threatened. Michael moved closer to her and begged.

"Please... release the door card... Carl is asthmatic." he managed to say as he coughed too. Rosalyn left his side and disappeared in the cloudy gas.

Many of them were coughing but Carl was gasping for air on the floor. Rosalyn moved closer to him. "I'm not here to kill and you should have listened when I told you to leave," she said and pulled him up gently. She opened the door to the restroom, pulled him in and locked the door immediately.

She opened her bag and took out an inhaler. "this belongs to Diane...She's saving your ass."

In Rosalyn's room, Diane was gasping for breath right in front of Becca. She stood there, watching her and smiling.

"Sometimes you shouldn't be too full of yourself. Here you are...I'm not interested in helping you but I'm going to watch you die. " " Becca said as she watched Diane going down.

Amelia stood in front of the mirror, looking at her stitched cheeks, chin, lips and forehead.

"They want child play...welcome chucky," she said, bringing out a clipper and beginning to cut her hair.

Elon stood dangerously in front of a giant cage with a bunch of giant keys in his hand.

Jane and Hannah were playing chess happily as they were getting along.

Tony smiled as he walked back to the room, he opened the door and the room was heavily cloudy. Some crawled out, some were already unconscious while he couldn't see some at all.

Rosalyn opened their room door feeling accomplished. "Daniels, turn on the water heater and prepare to scrub my roomies back," she said but got no response.

"Diane where is Danie..." she paused when she found Diane's lifeless body on the floor.

"Diane!!!" she screamed.

I'm a new writer and I hope to know what you think about this book. This will help me to improve in whatever I want to write next.

Thanks for your time.

You are amazing.

DiamondMPeacecreators' thoughts