
Familiars and Sorcery

The story of Chu Mo, the protagonist who has been betrayed by his Spirit Beasts since childhood, growing up in an otherworldly continent where he fights by summoning Spirit Beasts。

Hamady · Fantaisie
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55 Chs

Chapter 19 Torn Hundred-Eye Palm

Chu Mo wants to kill Zhou Shengmo, but he knows that he needs to find the right opportunity to strike. He believes that a surprise attack would be more effective than a formal duel, but he has never had the chance to do so. Currently, he is accompanied by two other people, which means that he cannot act recklessly.

Chu Mo watched them leave before revealing his body from behind a tree, and after a moment of contemplation, he proceeded to the location of the jade dew chi.

In order to maintain combat power, Chu Mo road encounter Spirit Beasts are deliberately avoid, follow the markings left before, about half an hour later, Chu Mo will find that in a dozen dense trees under the Yulu Zhi, and Yulu Zhi next to the Hundred-Eye Palm.

Hundred-Eye Palm leaves are very large and thick, like several layers of banana leaves together, with a lot of eyeball-like patterns, lifelike patterns.

"The leaf petals of Hundred-Eye Palm should possess a secondary cortex now, and the cortex of the leaf petals must be very hard. You mainly attack its rhizome position." Chu Mo instructed little Mo Xie.

The clever little Mo Xie nodded, his silver eyes gazing at the hundreds of pairs of eyes Hundred-Eye Palm.

Chu Mo these nearly two months of the taming process, are feeding Mo Xie beast attribute soul core, now the little Mo Xie claws become sharper.

"Let the battle begin!" Little Mo Xie's movements were still very sensitive, climbing the twenty-meter tall trees as if they were flat. It ran to the end of the branch, stepped on it, and its delicate body swept between the green leaves.

"Miso!!!" Sharp claws snapped out of its fleshy pads, and several leaves were immediately split in half!

A flash of cold light, Mo Xie quickly fell, claws stored and sensitive through the Hundred-Eye Palm's large leaf petals, clawing directly toward the rhizome!

Rip Claw!!! Mo Xie's Rip Claw has become even more skillful, moving in one swift, sharp motion!

The Hundred-Eye Palm immediately drops its leaf petals, which act like shields, blocking the attack of the mojo and protecting the fragile rhizome!

"Swish !!!!!" The tearing claw ripped on the leaf petals of Hundred-Eye Palm, the shield-like leaf petals immediately appeared several deep traces, extending from the middle to the edge, and thick sap flowed out from the wound!

This eighth-order Hundred-Eye Palm already has three shield-like leaf petals, was Mo Xie wounded one of the petals immediately twisted the rhizome, like a propeller, the three petals into a sharp blade, cutting and stirring!

"Three Petal Blade, Mo Xie, keep a distance of five meters!" Chu Mo immediately issued the command.

Mo Xie landed lightly, a little toe, and jumped up sensitively, two consecutive jumps, then immediately jumped out of five meters away, its body in mid-air a turn, after landing, paws rubbing the ground glide a distance, the head half-volleyed, the pair of silver eyes calmly watching the Hundred-Eye Palm.

"Wow wow wow wow wow !!!!!"

Hundred-Eye Palm's three-petal blade is cast, the petal leaves are like blades, swiftly rotating, raising a burst of chaotic air currents, suddenly the surrounding branches, leaves, tree trunks, weeds flying up!

With the twisting of the Hundred-Eye Palm's roots, the three petal blade stirring range can extend up to four meters away, and a tree within these four meters, under the power of this three petal blade is also falling down!

Hundred-Eye Palm's three-petal blade lasts for some time, and the skill slowly tends to slow down as the stems and leaves of Hundred-Eye Palm sway.

"Ride now!" Chu Mo had a very good grasp of timing and gave the command the moment the three-petal blade ended its attack.

Mo Xie get the command, fierce scurry out, the wind speed, sharp claws outstretched, bizarre walk a lightning route, tear claw once again released!

"Swish Swish!!!" Crossing left and right, Mo Xie's two claws attacked very accurately on Hundred-Eye Palm's rhizome, which immediately showed a visible fracture!

"Beware of its Hundred-Eye Poison Needle!" Chu Mo swept a glance at the half-broken Hundred-Eye Palm's eye pattern and immediately warned.

Sure enough, as the Hundred-Eye Palm faltered, the eyes on the three shield-like petal leaves suddenly opened and a black needle-like object quickly appeared!

Hundred eyes of poison needles have locked Mo Xie, the first leaf petal of the poison needles first stabbed out, dense, sharp and incomparable!

"Pffffffffffff !!!!!"

Mo Xie leapt backwards, and all of a sudden all the poisonous needles nailed the spot it was standing on, knocking a thousand holes in the land!

The second leaf petal and violently ejected, little Mo Xie claws climbing on the trunk, quickly upward, that series of poison needles to the bottom and upward, almost attached to the beautiful tail of the little Mo Xie nailed to the trunk, row by row, neatly!

"Cackle ~~~~~~~"

The tree was very fragile and finally collapsed after being pierced by the poisonous needle with a crisp sound.

The third leaf petal has the highest number of needles, and a ten-meter radius has been left open, and Mo Xie is completely exposed to the Hundred-Eye Palm's attack horizon.

"Pffffffffffffffffffff !!!!!"

Hundreds of poisonous needles sweep through, as if pouring slanting rain, madly slapping!


Mo Xie seems to be standing still in place, and the delicate and delicate body appears as a blurred shadow ...

All the poison needles pierced through Mo Xie's vague shadow, but it was like skimming through fog, flying unhindered to the distant trees!

Even if there is no moonlight, Moonlight Fox dodge skill can also be cast, but the effect will be somewhat discounted.

Of course, if mastered well, even without moonlight, Moonshadow can still easily dodge many powerful and harsh attacks.

Little Mo Xie's moon shadow was mastered at the first level, and now has mastered this skill to a late level, even without moonlight, dodging this level of attack is still not a problem.

"Okay, fix it!" Chu Mo floated a smile.

Little Mo Xie's figure faded to real again, his body ambled, quickly scampered out, without the use of any skills, sharp claws swept directly from the location of the Hundred-Eye Palm's stem and leaves!!!

Hundred-Eye Palm torso has been bent, Mo Xie claws a sweep, the root and leaf petals completely split, was viciously slapped down!!!

Hundred-Eye Palm's most vulnerable part is the stem and leaves, Mo Xie's last blow easily tore apart its stem and leaves, lost support Hundred-Eye Palm also finally collapsed, gradually lost signs of life ...

Chu Mo jumped down from the tree, gazed at Hundred-Eye Palm's corpse, stroked and caressed little Mo Xie's fluffy fur, and said with a smile, "Go and take out its soul core."
