Be not yet lukewarm to God. For if ye be lukewarm, God will spew thee out of thy mouth. God hates lukewarmness and it is by that that will cause anger. For it is written that a corrupt tree can not bear good fruit nor can a good tree bear bad fruit. When ye be lukewarm to God, it presents a conflict, a separation and a division between God.
It is the source of confusion. When I have pursued my journey, there have been many incidents where I have been lukewarm. I have tried many times to try and be hot for God, but there have also been many times where I have been cold. God wants you to be burned with the mightiest of the Holy Spirit and not to be cold. He wants you to walk by Faith and not by sight.
Lukewarmness goes against the idea of perfection. It is not the full picture nor the full truth. It is half the picture and goes against perfection and harmony with God. Ye can not sin and also do virtue. That isn't how God functions. The LORD our God functions in perfections. He doesn't fall into lukewarmness and goes against his Word.
For it is written that ye can not serve both God and mammon. Either ye love the one and hate the other. Or hold on to the one and despise the other. There are no two ways around his Will. There is only one path and that is the narrow path. He wants you to follow the narrow path for the broad path leads to destruction and there are many that go there at.
You can not be ravening wolves in sheeps clothing, ye must be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Or else ye shall be spewed out of thy mouth. Ye shall be deceived by the broad path because the deceiver, the enemy, the devil as a roaring Lion seeks others for whom to devour by presenting many paths. When there is only one path.
I have been deceived by such and decided to live in the shelter, which had inevitably led to my destruction and led me to sin in sloth and fall into many snares of the enemy. The enemy presents many paths but God offers one. Ye can not serve God and mammon. Ye can not be deceived by comfort. For if ye shall be deceived by comfort, and the lusts of the flesh there will be punishment.
Ye can not grapple onto the past. When one is born again they have to focus on the future. They have to walk by faith not by sight. The past is gone, it can not be attached. Your reward isn't attached to the old body but the new. It isn't attached by the past but to the future. The biggest mistake that you can do is to return to your past because you are presenting yourselves before God that you would rather walk in darkness rather than in light. It presents to the LORD that you rather decide to follow into the paths of darkness rather than walk in the light.
God provides one path but many choose to go multiple routes causing chaos and confusion. For example, speed. God favors patience over impatience and there will be many times that the enemy will try to use different routes and deceive many by leading my people to other routes. You must work faith by patience, for it is written, He that hasteth with his feet sinneth.
Ye can not skip the process of God. You have to follow his every footstep through patience and love and faith. Howbeit this goes out by prayer and fasting. Ye can not run back into Egypt and expect to gain any progress. Ye must walk through the Wilderness and follow all my ways. Ye must be blessed with wisdom and understanding by praying to me and meditating on my WORD day and night. By keeping the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus Christ.
For out of it comes the relief of confusion and to everlasting peace. The commandments of God had taken me up further and had guided me through the wilderness. For it is written God is not the Author of Confusion but of peace.
Through perfection a house is builded, but through Chaos is a house built in ruin.