
False Prophet 17: Be Prudent

Be Prudent. Think before what you do and after every action, do it. The LORD is always watching whether to see who is worthy or unworthy. The unworthy are rooted off and cut from the Earth but the others still have a chance.

Be thoughtful of the future and in all thy ways walk by Faith not by Sight. Do not look at the past and repent of your deeds by following LORD Jesus Christ. He that covereth a transgression, finds love, but he that repeateth a matter separateth very friends. True friends. Friends of Heaven not of the Earth. 

Be Prudent not about yourself but of others and of God. Truth is when one can see PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE. God sees all. The Will of the Father is not subject to time, it is subject to Him and Him only. It is not of the world but of Heaven.