
Secret App's

As excited as I was about finding the extra effects I knew it would be impossible to figure out right now. My Stats were just too low to right now to be able to notice anything abnormal.

Next I wanted to focus on my Strength I felt that It shouldn't be that far from leveling up and after that I would focus on my Agility. I didn't know how I should train my Perception and Charisma yet so I put those on hold. My Intelligence was already at 10 so I didn't even know if it was even possible to increase it any more. Which left Luck which I was pretty sure was impossible to actually train.

When I showed Aaron my increased Endurance he let me change to work out that was more focused on strength. I still ran and did a small number of pushups and crunches every morning, but I also started lifting weights that Aaron scavenged for me. After everything I had done before I felt that my Strength wasn't far from increasing so I put in extra effort during my training.

My intuition ended up being right as my Strength leveled up after only a few days. Now with my Strength at 5 I only needed to add points into Agility and Luck then all of my Stats would be at least at an average level.

During the day aside from the combat training he also had me start familiarizing myself with guns. After killing all of the bandits that used to live here I had a huge variety to start training with.

Most of the guns were simple 10 MM Pistols and Double Barrel Shotguns. There was however one Heavy Assault Rifle and two old Hunting Rifles. There was also plenty of ammo because apparently Aaron knew how to make them and was stocking up for emergencies.

You would think that with all these weapons and ammo that I would be having a blast but, no. I was banned from even going near a loaded gun until I could take apart and reassemble every single gun blind folded. It might sound like a huge challenge since some of the guns had quite a few parts and there was so much to remember. It was actually extremely easy to put them back together with my photographic memory.

The real problem was how clumsy I was. I never noticed it before but, I was a bit of a butterfinger. When I was rushing to put it together in a time that would satisfy Aaron I would always end up dropping parts and not being able to get the parts to fit the way I wanted them to it was incredibly frustrating.

In the end I decided to just try and see it as training my Agility because that was the only Stat I could see that would affect my hand eye coordination.

Months quickly passed and I was nearing my sixth birthday. My training was going well as I managed to finally upgrade my Agility to 5. When it increased I could immediately feel that my body was moving much faster than before and that it was easier for me to control. From then on I had no problems putting the guns together and was allowed to start practicing with them.

After wasting hundreds of rounds practicing my aim I managed to unlock 4 new Perks.


Iron Fist

Channel your chi to unleash devastating fury! Punching attacks do 20% more damage to your opponent.



Big Leagues

Swing for the fences! Do 20% more damage with melee weapons.




Keep your distance long and your kill-count high. Attacks with non-automatic rifles are now 20% more accurate.




Channel the spirit of the old west! Non-automatic pistols are now 20% more accurate.


These 4 Perks were a huge increase to my strength. The two melee Perks Iron Fist and Big Leagues were exactly like the game. They also worked a bit weird when I was throwing an attack I could feel that there was some kind of strange energy flowing through my body, making the attack stronger. I felt like this might be the Dark Matter but, there was no way to be sure.

With this energy I could do a fair bit of damage. My punches were strong enough to punch straight through plywood a broken and rotten one but, wood none the less.

The shooting Perks however were completely different than I was expecting. Instead of increasing my damage the increased my accuracy, when I thought about it made a lot more sense this way because changing the strength of a fired bullet was a lot more complicated in the real world.

My powers could have increased how strong the gun powder was but, then the gun might not be able to withstand that much. It also could change how massive the bullet was after it was fired which would also increase its damage. However that would also slow it down and make it less accurate. So maybe my powers just used the simplest way to make my shots more powerful.

They made it more accurate after all this was real life. No matter how strong someone is then as long as I shoot them in the head they will die unlike in the game where npc's could take headshot after headshot and still be fine.

With the shooting Perks I could reliably hit a stationary target from 200 feet(60 Meters) and a moving one from 50(15).

I could finally say that I wasn't completely helpless in the world now. I was ready to start exploring the world, going on adventures, and doing missions. Unfortunately some else disagreed and I was confined to stay in this little store.

I was starting to feel stifled, when I first was sent out into the wastes I was scared and curious about everything. Then I got addicted to my training and spent all my time doing that but, recently that was getting boring too. I had the feeling that unlocking higher level Perks and better Special Stats without leveling up would only get more and more difficult.

I asked Aaron if he could bring in more Radroaches for me to fight. He immediately refused saying that he only did that to show me how dangerous the world can be and make me more passionate about my training. I tried to explain to him about my abilities but, he looked at me like an idiot when I told him that I become stronger after killing.

He ended up walking away while saying "Who doesn't get stronger after fighting "sigh" children."

I knew that he had misunderstood me but, I also knew that once he decided on something no matter how much I begged him he would never change his mind so I was stuck.

The only thing that could relieve some of my boredom was playing with some of the games installed on my Pipboy. Those simple 8-bit games were a little fun at first, however they were too repetitive and I also got bored of those as well.

Time just kept on passing while I was stuck in my prison and my birthday soon came and went with nothing notable happening.

One thing of note though was that as I was messing with my Pipboy a few days after I turned six was that I found a decently hard word puzzle game. I had no idea where it came from because by now I knew every single thing on it and this game was not there the day before. It was exactly like the Hacking minigame from Fallout where a list of words appears on the screen and you only have four chances to find the right word.

When you picked a wrong word it would show you how many of the letters in the word you picked were in the same place as on the winning word. I spent a couple hours playing this game trying to beat the first set of levels it gave me. It got fairly difficult at the end as it started sending out seven and eight letter words. My 10 Int could only help me so much as there could be well over 50 words on the screen and I only had four chances. Winning in the game was about luck just as much as it was about skill and my luck wasn't good.

When I eventually won I got a shock when my Pipboy started playing a recording.

"Hello Daniel it's me Dante congratulations on completing my little test. I put this game in here to test your brains as well as patience and I'm proud to say that you passed. You didn't think I would just give you an ordinary Pipboy for your birthday did you? This one is special besides the normal functions that all Pipboys have this one has three more special features.

To find them you will have to pass the three tests I have hidden in it. You have already passed the first one but, that was nothing compared to the others It will probably take you years to solve all the puzzles if you can even do it at all" He laughed.

"Oh and I would like to wish you a happy birthday once again even though it has most likely been several days by now and remember that I and your mother both love you more that you could ever know."

By the time the recording ended I was already in tears. I hated this. I hated Aaron for keeping me locked up. I hated the Vault for taking my family away. I hated this stupid world for being so stupid and I hated whatever crappy god decided to reincarnate me for shits and giggles.

I cried alone there until the next day by then I had mostly calmed down. I knew that I couldn't let all of the bad feelings get to me and that I had to keep moving forward for Dante and for my Mom. I after letting everything out last night I was already feeling much better.

I wanted to know what kind of hidden function I unlocked in my Pipboy so I started flipping through it tabs and I noticed a new one. I said Motion sensor on it and showed the classic circle with a spinning line in it.

I was interested in how it worked and whether it was like Radar and worked with sound waves. I stared at the page looking to see if it had any other features but, all I could find was a way to change how often it scanned for movement and a volume option. Which made sense to me I would never want to be found by my enemy just because of a stupid beeping sound.

While I was lost in my thoughts the beeping changed and became higher pitched. I looked down at it and saw a red flashing dot on the screen. It was 100 feet(33 meters) to the north of me which was the entrance to the store. I got up and started walking to take a look.

When I got there 3 rapid knock banged against the door. It was the signal Aaron came up with to let me know he was back and that it was really him at the door. I was surprised because he would always turn invisible when he was coming back to the store to make it harder for people to find us.

I smiled this thing just got a lot better if it could even find cloaked objects. I could finally keep track of that bastard he would always turn invisible while in the store and scare me whenever he would think I was slacking off. Now I could keep an eye on him and stop that from happening.

Pulling off several latches and pushing aside the cabinet we moved to block the door I let Aaron in.

"Why are you back so early" I asked since he was supposed to be gone until sundown.

"Go get your weapons" He replied without answering me.

I didn't even care to ask again since it sounded like he was going to take me out side. I stopped thinking and ran to get my backpack that I had prepaid with all of my weapons and some food and water.

Not long later Aaron met me at the front door but, this time he had his backpack on along with two huge duffle bags under each arm.

"Where are we going" I couldn't help but ask again because I could see he was carrying more than half of our weapons and supplies in those bags. I was couldn't figure out what we were going to do he was carrying too much for a casual stroll and I didn't think that we were in danger and had to leave either he would have told me if that was it.

His only response was to say "There is a caravan."

Thanks for reading

9Lightningcreators' thoughts