
falling for you wasn't planned

she came at awrong time but met a right person with bad intentions so pure for him he could hurt her he just wanted to protect her from himself

sophiabliss · Sports, voyage et activités
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6 Chs

Am not going

Getting in the car in complete silence her dad didn't bother talking to her " but it's not fair dad " maddie said crossing her hands

" how isn't it fair and don't say because we are not letting you go to camping cause our answer still the same " the dad read her mind

" how dare you say what I was going to say , you don't know me " she looked out the window she still wondered how her parents could say what she wanted to say before her

" the world is dangerous baby , your just too pure for this cruel world " her dad added

" dangerous Pssssst am dangerous I watch serial killer .....okay it was one time for 5minutes it was just too terrifying " maddie said " but still I sat through it and later I called you to check under my bed for monsters but even adults get sacred and they say the strongest are the weakest " maddie wasn't giving up

" princess , we will continue the chat now go to ahead before your late "they were already in the school parking lot

" I know you dont love me but okay i will be okay" maddie sniffed and got out of the car

" I love you " her dad said as he saw his stubborn daughter and he shook his head and looked up to the sky and said " thank you lord for the wonderful thing you did for me and my wife "

" I love you too, dad " screamed out from the school entrance as she waved and everyone stared at her and quickly skipped in

maddie didn't care about what others thought and she wasn't ashamed of her parents like the others after seeing his daughter enter Steven drove off

" hey ,,, hey what on earth are you doing " she yelled out as she saw a squad of girls surrounding Maisie that was headed maddison the meanest of the mean

" oh look mummy is here to save you from the big bad wolf " the all sneakered

" what are you going to do Madeline Kevin , unfortunately you have an exact name as me" maddison said staring her up and down

getting out a pencil from her locker she put all her books in and set her bag aside and she pinned maddison onto the locker wall that made everyone in the hallway look in shock

" you she this pencil , I will shave it up your nose you will poop pens " Madeline said that made maddison scared and she quickly retreated with her possy

" thank you ,maddie " Maisie thanked her maddie jas always defended her since kindergarten and she just wished she was like her best friend

" so are you going camping " Maisie added

that maddie sigh in sadness

" you mean they all said no " maisie answered her own question

" they not only said no they said am irresponsible ,me am the mirror of perfect " maddie said walking next to maisie heading to class

" well, they are not wrong" Maisie said looking away

" they are " maddie said confused

" let the animals lose " maise added

" they called to me haaa you also don't believe me " maddie said

" we both know they didn't right " maise knew her best friend stubbornness

" anyway am not going " maddie said sad taking her seat