
Chapter 11_ My Coziness

I was still in bed when I heard the doorbell rang.

I get off her bed, put her glasses on and walks to the door. I opened the door and to her surprise, it was Skylar. He was standing outside looking handsome as ever with a flower in his hands.

"Hey" I muttered my eyes fixed on him.

"Hey. I guess I took you by surprised"

"Yeah" i nodded slowly still standing at the door exit.

"Can I come in?"

Then i realizes I was still standing at the exit. "Sure, come in."

Skylar walk in. "You look good."

"Really, is that flattering?"

"No, I mean you don't look weak and sick like the other day."

"Oh! Well thanks to God."

"Yeah, I got you flower." He said and handing the flower towards me.

"Flower? I…" I stopped when I remember how embarrassed I was when I told Liam I don't like flowers.

"You what?" Skylar asked

"Thanks" I collected the flower from him. "So why are you here this early?"

He sat down. "Let me say I finally give it a thought and decided to take the teacher advise and made you my tutor."

"And you decided to come with flowers? That funny."

"Well, I feel guilty for what they did to you the other day and I want to make it up to you."

"With flowers? Why are you feeling guilty aways?"

"I don't know actually. I notice you were mad at me the other,"

"What? Mad at you? I wasn't. Give me a reason I should be mad at you."

"Maybe they were mad at you because of me for some reason I'm not sure of."

So he thought about that too. I nodded my head in agreement.

"So how are you going to make it up to me?"

Skylar smiles. "I think I know exactly what to do." He stands up and takes my hand. "Come with me."

"And where are we going?"

"You we see."

"Okay, let me change into something else."

"That isn't necessary. You're okay with this. Let go."

Skylar stop his car at a spot. We had been driving for almost forty minutes before arriving at our destination. "Welcome to my coziness", Skylar said.

I view the place from inside the car, my mouth drop open. "Where in my mother name is this place?" I whispered in my heart as I observed even more. Only a tree with little yellow and pitch white beautiful flower on it could be seen around and flowers from the tree spreading all over the ground like some richly decorated carpet. Skylar get down from the car and open my side door, he stretches his hand to me, "may I?"

"Sure" I said amaze and giving him my hand. "Wow! It really cozy as said here. finicky and attractive." I said leisurely. "What's this place?"

"Welcome to Acacia, my comfort zone." I said raising his hands wide to the sky.

I Stare around amaze and was taken aback by the place. I have never been to a place warm, clam and peaceful such as this ever in my life. I notice a sudden bright smile on Skylar.

"Shall we?" Skylar whispered. His voice brought me back to reality.


We shattered beneath a tree on the flower carpet watching the beautiful peaceful, calm sky. Not a single voice was heard either the tone of birds singing beautifully around and the voice the waving trees jabbering.

"Do you often come here?" I asked breaking the silence.


"It's very nice here you know." I was force to made compliments.

"Yeah. That why it's my coziness."

"How did you discover this place?

Skylar exhale and look at me. "A long time ago, I use to come here frequently with my mom before she died. When my mom died, I stopped coming here. Three years back, I had a fight with my dad one day. I left and I had nowhere to go to. I suddenly thought of this place and I find my way back here. Immediately I arrived, I found all my troubles disappearing and again I could feel my mom beside me. Then I made here my coziness and come here anytime I'm trouble or had a fight with my dad.

"I'm sorry about your Mom."

"It fine." I said and lay on the flower carpet comforting his head with his hands.

"Why'd you often got into a fight with your dad?' I found myself asking.

"My dad…," he hesitated for a while. "Never mind. C'mon forget about the cold talks let just enjoy the peacefulness of the sky to the fullest. Here," he hit on his chest. "You permitted to make my chest your pillow. It comfy"

I smile and snug on his chest. It's really comfortable as he said. He removes his hand from his head and began patting on my hair softly.

I feel like I get nothing to worry about here. I feel free. "You know Sky, Sometime, I do think of giving up on my suppose in life, stopping half way the mission I was born for, running away from my family and search for a new memorable beginning." I found myself saying without thinking twice.

"Why do you want to run away, like running away from your family? I don't think your reason is worth it and I believe your situation is not even half way close to mine."

Is that supposed to be a word of consolation? I questioned myself. I smiled on the Skylar words. If only he knew.

"You can tell me. Maybe I can be of help to you."

"Never mind, I don't want to mess up this nice atmosphere."

"Stand up." He said gently.


"Just stand up."

I get off his cheat, sit up and I watch him amble forward a little and bellow.

I was surprise. I cover my ear with my fingers and continues. "What are you doing?"

"C'mon try it, it worked. C'mon!"

"Okay, okay." I stand up, walk to him and hesitated before screaming loudly. It truly works. I felt release. I didn't notices before giving him my brightest smile. He returned it and we continue, laughing, throwing flowers at ourselves and running like the sweet sixteen's.
