
Falling For The Queen Of Mean

Gorgeous, elegant, intelligent, these are words that describe Eden Moreno on the outside. But inside she is actually cold, ruthless and reckless. To achieve her goals, she is ready to use all possible means even if it means destroying everything in her path, that's how she received the nickname " Queen Of Mean ". She is the second daughter of Robert Moreno, CEO of the Moreno Group, one of the most powerful groups in the country and is based mostly on new technologies, and Helene Moreno, a fashion icon and considered the epitome of elegance itself. Eden has a big sister, Heaven Moreno, absolute perfection according to her parents, she has all the attention of her parents and is considered the "golden sister". There has always been a very big rivalry between the Lancaster sisters. Blake Hansen is the illegitimate son of Frank Campbell, CEO of the Firestone Group, which he had with his secretary Melanie Hansen. Blake only knew it after his mother's brutal death. His mother Melanie tried to protect her son from his abominable stepmother, Victoria Campbell, as she could but after her death, she couldn't no longer do it as Frank's men found him. Blake has therefore returned to the country and where he will live with his father. Before meeting Frank and before the death of his mother, Blake was a very nice boy and loved helping others but after that he changed completely from a happy and lively boy to a boy. cold and emotionless and feisty. What happens when the paths of these two people cross? Eden is the " queen " of Northview highschool where she controls almost everything and governs with an iron fist and while most of the girls hate her, most of the boys adore her. But Blake's arrival at Northview High School complicates things for her, since he is the only boy who didn't fall immediately under her spell and who always questions her authority even if it means humiliating her in front of everyone. Determined to teach Blake a lesson, Eden tries by all means to make Blake fall in love with her then to break his heart afterwards and humiliate him in front of everyone. Of course, Blake sees clearly in her game but decides to play it anyway. At the end, everything doesn't go as planned when feelings are born and the heart decides to add its little grain of salt.

GasyGirl · Sports, voyage et activités
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6 Chs

New home, new family

" I finally found Vicky " , Frank exclaimed.

" Who ? Who did you find, darling ? " , Victoria replied, confused.

" My son" , Frank told her joyfully.

" Your ... your ... sss...son ??!! " , Victoria repeated after him but with a frozen look and his left eye that kept blinking awkwardly.

" Yeah, isn't that great ? He is already suiting himself upstair " , Frank exclaimed happily.

" How ?? When ?? I mean that's great honey but why didn't you tell me about this ? I would have prepared a welcome party for him or at least cooked for him, well, I don't actually cook but at least I would have asked the head chef to cook something for him " , Victoria told him with a slightly shrill voice.

" Always caring about everyone. Thank you my love but that won't be necessary", Frank replied.

"How about his mother ? Did she agree to let you bring her son here ? Or … did you brought her here too ?", Victoria said trying to hide her frustration.

"Unfortunately, she died yesterday and Blake has nobody to turn to, as his father I had to help him and bring him back home", Frank told her.

"Aww! What an awful news!", Victoria replied trying to hide her joy now.

"Don't worry too much honey. Everything will be fine, our family is growing. Mr. Milestone please tell the head chef to add one plate to our table tonight " , Frank replied with a smile.

" Right away Sir", Mr Milestone said and then left.

" I'm going to take a bath, will you join me ? " , Frank suggested.

" Go ahead ! I will join you in a minute " , she said.

" Okay ! I'll be waiting for you " , Frank replied, gave a little kiss on Victoria's forehead and then left.

Victoria was now alone in Frank's office.

" How dare you, Frank, to invite this little bastard to my house ? It won't happen like that, this little prick won't ruin my plans " , Victoria muttered to herself.

After a hot shower, Blake didn't want to be alone in his big bedroom and decided to visit the mansion a bit, that's when he came across Sofia, his 14-year-old half-sister. Victoria and Frank had difficulty having a child but they still managed to have one 3 years after the unexpected departure of Melanie, Frank's mistress, who was pregnant with Blake.

Unfortunately, Sofia was born with a heart failure which means that her heart does not pump blood as efficiently as it should.

So she has been implanted with a pacemaker and she has to go to the hospital at least once a month for medical examinations. Because of her illness, Victoria forbids Sofia to stay out of the mansion too long or to leave the mansion unsupervised. So she doesn't let her go to class like the other children, thus, Sofia was homeschooled.

" Hi ! May I help you ? " , a little girl's voice from behind Blake said which startled him a little.

Blake turned around and saw a girl about 5 feet and 3 inches with dark blonde hair, wearing a sleeveless floral dress.

" Hey ! I'm Blake. I'm kind of new here. I decided to visit the mansion but now I'm a bit lost as almost all the doors look the same here " , Blake replied.

" Nice to meet you Blake, my name is Sofia. Fifih for my friends " , she replied with a big smile.

" Are you a friend of my dad ? " , she then asked curiously.

" And who is your dad ? " , Blake asked.

" His name is Frank and my mother's name is Victoria " , Sofia told him, still with a smile.

" He has a daughter !! Does that mean that you are my half-sister " , Blake muttered.

" Excuse-me ?! What did you say ? " , Sofia asked but before Blake could answer, a woman called Sofia with a loud voice : " Sofia ! Sofia ! Where are you again ? "

" It was really nice to meet you Blake but I have to go. If you want to go to the living room it's on this side and the dining room will be just behind " , she said while pointing to the right.

" I was glad to meet you too Sofia and thank you for your help " , Blake told her and then she left.

" Oh, finally you are here. Where were you again ? I already told you to not walk around alone " , Victoria said in relief and hugged her daughter.

" But I'm fine mom. I was going to the library when I met this weird boy, he was lost and I helped him to find his way " , Sofia said.

" What weird boy ? " , Victoria asked, surprised.

" He must be Frank's bastard for sure " , Victoria said to herself and then warned Sofia : " listen to me carefully Fifih ! Don't talk and don't come near this weird boy anymore. He is dangerous, he wants to hurt us. Promise me that you won't talk to him anymore "

" He didn't seem dangerous " , Sofia said to herself and then answered : " alright mom ! "

" Good ! Now go wash your hands, we're going to eat soon " , Victoria said and Sofia obeyed.

Blake managed to find the living room where he met Mr. Milestone again. Mr. Milestone told him to go to the dining room as they are going to have dinner very soon.

Blake went to the dining room, a long, well-stocked and well-decorated table was already waiting for him.

" Blake !! " , Frank called him, " come here, let me introduce you to my wife Victoria and our daughter Sofia. Sofia ! Let me introduce you to your brother Blake. " , he added.

" I already met him earlier " , Sofia said, always with a smile.

" It's a pleasure to meet you Blake " , Victoria exclaimed with a fake smile.

" Nice to meet you too madam " , Blake stuttered.

" Now that the presentation is done, let's eat " , Frank exclaimed.

" First of all, we are all here as a family. And what do we do when we are a family? We support each other, we help our family and we protect it no matter what, we don't abandon a family member " , Frank told them.

" Yes, Daddy " , Sofia replied cheerfully and Blake just nodded.

" You are totally right darling " , Victoria said, still with a fake smile and gave a cold look at Blake throughout dinner which made him a bit uncomfortable. Blake hardly said anything during dinner and Victoria too, it was mostly Frank and Sofia talking. Some maids then cleared the table after they finished dinner and everybody went to his room silently.

In Sofia's room, she was sitting in front of a mirror and Victoria was brushing her hair from behind.

" Mom ?! " , Sofia said.

" Yes, love " , Victoria replied with a big smile.

" Why did you say that Blake wanted to hurt us ? He seems very nice to me, moreover now he is my big brother " , Sofia told her.

" Blake's mother, a very hateful woman, hurt me and I suffered a lot. But luckily, I took care of her as she deserved and will never hurt me again. I'm afraid that Blake may become like his mother too " , Victoria replied.

" So, you are going to take care of him too ? " , Sofia asked.

" Yes, but everything has its time, sweetie and we have to be patient if we want things to go well " , Victorias answered and then gave a good night kiss to her daughter and then left.

In Frank and Victoria's room,

" Tell me something, Frank " , Victoria said.

" What is it !? " , Frank answered while sitting on the bed and reading a file.

" How did you manage to find out where Blake and his mother were ? " , Victoria asked while putting some cream in her hands.

Frank stopped reading his file and took off his glasses and then said : " Actually, it was the embassy who wanted to repatriate her body when she was declared dead. A friend of mine work at the embassy and warned me immediately when it happened"

" Oh! Is that so ? I'm really sorry to hear that Melanie left us already at such a young age" , Victoria said with a sad look on her face but in her mind she is very happy with the fact that Melanie was dead.

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