
12 – Un-break My Heart

CAROL glanced at her friend in sympathy. She gave her staff the last detailed instructions before approaching the princess.

She was in the Hibiscus Hall preparing for an event when she saw her friend enter the venue.

Yna gave her a sad smile.


Her friend nodded. They marched toward the hotel’s restaurant in silence.

By the entrance, a waitress guided them into a secluded area. Another staff delivered the coffee. She already mind linked the manager that they were coming. It was the reason why the service is readily available. Besides, it would be a shame to let the princess wait.

“How are you?”

“If it ain’t obvious, I’m on the verge of losing my mind,” Yna answered. She still smiled after she said that. Though the shadow of grief can be seen in her eyes.

“Where is she now?” Carol asked after a while.

Yna caressed the handle of the cup as she contemplated her reply.

“Probably at the casino or in a bar. I don’t ask for her whereabouts from the sentinel assigned to her. As long as she is alright I’m good.”

“Did you really not ask?”

Yna gazed at her but she turned her focus back on the cup she was holding between her hands. Her fingers started shaking.

“I don’t want to ask again, Carol.”

“What happened?”

Her friend sighed. Yna cleared her throat. She even blinked a few times before responding.

“She was with another woman. She stayed the night with her.”

The tears that fell from her friend’s eyes did not escape her attention. Yna sipped on her coffee after she wiped the tears away.

Carol blinked back her own tears. She had never been cheated on by her mate but she has an idea of how devastating it felt.

“Don’t worry. I never felt the pain when they had sex or whenever she was having sex. We’re not mated. I haven’t marked her yet.”

She was grateful that her friend and H were not mated nor marked or else, Yna would experience pain every time H would have sex with anyone. The pain is either a gift or a curse the moon goddess gave. Somehow, it gauges the faithfulness the werewolves have for their mate.

In werewolf society, when a werewolf recognized his or her mate a mating bond typically started the moment they were introduced. Sooner or later, they will mate and mark each other. When the marking is done, it will be until death or until the other one is dead. On the other hand, when the mates were introduced and they do not want to continue the mating, the rejection follows. When rejection happens, the mating and marking will not be ensued.

“What are your plans now?”

“I have no plans.”

“How about a vacation? We can visit your sister in Brazil.”

Yna gave her a quick look. “I’ll think about it.”

“Next weekend we’ll be in Brazil. I have to settle my affairs here anyway.” She grinned at her friend. “I bought new bikinis. I got one just right for you, too.”


“Bring a lot of bikinis, my friend. And please tell my husband to come along and volunteer as your sentinel. I want to have sex on the beach.”

For the first time today, she saw a smile forming on her friend’s lips. She has been trying to gauge every word that may come out of her mouth. She did not want to further Yna’s pain.

“Thank you, Carol.”

“You’re always welcome, You’re Highness. But I’m not kidding about having sex on the beach.”

Yna made a face. She chuckled at her friend eventually.

“A birdie told me that someone misses me.”


Carol beamed when she saw them embrace each other. It has been a while since these two saw each other. If she was not mistaken, it was when they went on a vacation and Willian was greeted with a punch in the face when they came home.

Years ago, William and Yna met at the university. They have the same undergraduate studies. Their friendship started when the two of them were grouped on the same project.

William has no idea who was Yna and he has no idea what he was. Apparently, William grew up thinking that he is human. Since he was brought up as one, he did not know the existence of the supernatural world and its hierarchy.

He treated Yna as an equal and the princess was very thankful that she felt normal for once. However, William’s wolf made himself known when they were sophomores. Because of Yna’s presence, it triggered the wolf inside him.

They learned that William’s father was a werewolf. Both he and his mom did not know that his biological father was a werewolf. With Yna’s insistence, they learned that his father died before he could return to his mate which was William’s mother.

“I hope I would go home with my face intact this time.” He said when he sits beside Yna.

“You would. Coffee, William?”

When he nodded, she waved to the waiter. She told him of a refill for her coffee and a new one for the guy next to her. She added a sandwich, too.

“By the way, we're going to Brazil on the weekend. Would you like to join us?”


“You never know, boy. Your mate could be wearing bikinis and sun tanning her smooth skin.”

“The jet can accommodate your ass, William,” Yna added.

“Is that an order, Your Majesty?”


“What time should I be here? How long?” She and Yna laughed at his antics. “Kidding aside, how long are we going to be there? My mom would be ecstatic knowing that I’ll be having a vacation.”

“Is your mom dating at the moment? Maybe she just wanted you to be out of the house.”

“Hey, I just got her from her latest boyfriend. She needs to recuperate from heartbreak.”

“She could come with us. My heart is bleeding, too.”

“Nah. My mom would push you to date every available guy. My mother is a bad influence on youngsters like us. I’m sorry, Princess.”

“She’s a cool mother.”

“I know, Your Highness, but I don’t want her to do that in my face. I mean, it’s fine that she’s dating but I don’t want to see my own mother flirting.”

“Maybe I could learn a thing or two from your mom, William.”

“Stop it, Carol.” He faced Yna. “We are going out tonight, Princess.”


“There’s a new bar in town. From what I hear, it was good.”

“I’m in.” Carol immediately answered.

“Can we stay in my penthouse, instead? I have a wide collection of wines.”

“We need to go out, Your Highness. You need to inhale a bit of human sweat and a cheap cigar.” She added.

“That’s no fun.”

“You’ll have fun.”

She and William stared at Yna until she nodded. They high-fived at their friend’s expense who made a face.

Carol hopes that they go to a human bar. It will help Yna take her mind off her mate. She also hopes that H would finally come to her senses and give their mating a chance.