
Falling For The Prince Of Hell

Dina finds love in the wrong person, she is unable to forget him even after knowing he is not human. He loves her but is not able to be with her because they are from two different parts of the world. Luciel is the second son of the devil, he has served his father all his life in hell. He was his father's favorite son among all his brothers, but everything changed when he defiled his father's order. “Who are you?” Dina trembled in fear as she asked the man in a black garment standing in front of her. “Your worst nightmare.” Lucifer moved closer to her as she crawled backward in the empty room. “ Don't come any closer.” Dina’s back hit the large wall as her entire body trembled. “Why, don't you want to know who I am anymore?” Lucifer finally stopped moving and then he bent down to her level. “What do you want from me?” Dina was able to bring herself to ask another question. “Why are you so scared of me, but not Luciel?” Lucifer finally revealed his face to Dina. Dina was so shocked when she saw his face, he looked just like Luciel. But a little older and more handsome. If she was to see them together she would think they are brothers. “Why so surprised?” Lucifer asked the obvious. Meanwhile in reality, on Luciel’s bed. Luciel woke up to find that Dina was sweating and looking uncomfortable while wiggling her body. Immediately he saw her face, a frown formed on his face. He closed his eyes and fell back on the bed. “Father, don’t get any closer to her.” Luciel appeared in Dina’s dream and stood not too far from them. “I wasn’t expecting you to arrive this late, son.” Lucifer stood up from his previous position and then turned to look at Luciel. “Father, stay out of this.” Luciel clenched his fist as he spoke to his father, as though trying to control himself. Dina could not believe what she was seeing, how did Luciel even get here, was the question lingering in her mind. Her head was spinning with questions; she didn’t understand what was really going on. But one thing she was sure of, was that nothing was happening in reality, it was more like a dream. “Why should I? You can’t lie to her forever.” Lucifer's voice echoed in Luciel’s head. He hates that he had to lie to her. “Or do you enjoy lying to her?” Lucifer continued. “Father, stop.” Luciel finally lost the little self-control he had left and yelled at his father. “Don’t you want to know what Luciel really is?” Lucifer ignored his son’s behavior and focused his attention on Dina. Dina could not open her mouth to speak because her mind was messed up and everything that was happening was so confusing to her. “I will take your silence as a yes,” Lucifer spoke. “You see, Luciel here is a…” Lucifer could not finish what he was about to say when Luciel cut him off. “Father, don’t. I will tell her myself.” Luciel eventually moved from his stop and walked towards Dina. Dina finally woke up, she held her chest tightly as she struggled to breathe properly. Her hair was wet from all the sweating in the dream and her eyes were dull. Luciel pulls her into his embrace as he strokes her back slowly to calm her down. Dina finally knows about Luciel, being a demon. Even if it took some time to accept the fact that she is in love with a demon, the devil’s own son. Her feelings towards him did not change even after knowing her life is in danger and the devil will stop at nothing to get her. " We can't be together Dina, let's go our separate ways and forget we ever met." Luciel let go of her hand after saying these hurtful words to Dina. "But I can't just forget about you like it's nothing." Dina was on the verge of crying. “Look Dina, me being with just will just cause you a lot of rm.” He said almost in a whisper. He clenched his fist as he said those words.

colourful_ercy · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
5 Chs


Dina and Chris were set to go for their dinner at Mrs. Wright's house, after they bid the other children in the orphanage goodbye they left. Dina was wearing an orange gown that was up to her knee, with a silver necklace with a butterfly attached to it on her neck, little black hair pins to hold her hair down, and on her lips she applied pink lip-gloss to make it moist and beautiful. While Chris was wearing a shirt and a pair of brown trousers.

"Taxi." Dina waved her hand to stop the taxi approaching their way.

"Where to ma'am." Said the Taxi driver.

"St. Paul villa." Dina opened the door for Chris to enter and then she also entered and close the door to the passenger seat.

Dina paid the driver after they got off the Taxi and thanked him for his services. After then, the taxi left, Dina and Chris went ahead to Mrs. Wright's house.

"WOW!! …. This place is beautiful, how is it possible to have the same house everywhere." Chris said while his eyes were surveying the whole villa.

Dina giggled at what Chris said. "Wait till you see the interior of her house then you will be amazed by it." Her face lit up at the imagination of Chris's face when he sees the house.

"So, you mean the inside is even more beautiful than this?" Chris almost tripped on his own toes after what Dina just told him.

"Yes ,it is." She answered shortly.

"Dina, what do I tell her when I get to her house?" Chris asked shyly while squeezing his hands together.

Dina giggled softly and took his hands in hers and said. "Just thank her straight from your heart for all the things she is planning on doing for you, that's all." Then she cupped his face with one of her hands.

"There is nothing to be scared about." She encouraged him.

"Okay, if you say so." He said as both of them walked along the road.

Dina and Chris got to the house in no time and went ahead to ring the doorbell.

*Ding, Dong*

Their door was immediately opened by a young man wearing a white shirt and a black pair of trousers. It was obvious that he was a helper in the house since Dina had seen many of the helpers in Mrs. Wright's wear that color code. But he was quite a handsome young man which Dina found really surprising, how could a man this handsome work as a helper. And how could a man be this good looking, these were the questions she was asking herself. She felt like just looking at the beauty of a man standing right before her eyes but it would be weird to do that so she blinked a few times and composed herself.

"Good evening, you must be Miss Dina." Said the young man.

Chris nudged Dina back to reality with his tiny elbow to answer the young man.

"Yes." Dina replied simply.

The young man bowed his head a little and made way for Dina and Chris into the house. This little gesture from him made Dina's cheeks burn hot from blushing too much. He led them into the main parlor to make them more comfortable in the house while he had a maid get them water.

"Please make yourselves at home while I inform Madam about your arrival." He left immediately he said that and went straight to Mrs. Wright's room which was on the highest floor in the house.

Chris was really amazed by what he was seeing at the moment. He had never been to such a huge house in his entire life.

The interior is in white and gold, with a huge golden chandelier placed in the ceiling of the main parlor, a golden table directly under the chandelier, white set of furniture which had a touch of gold on them etc.

Chris couldn't stop staring at every little thing he saw; it was as though he was in heaven but without angels.

"Madam, your visitors have arrived." The young man said from behind the door of Mrs. Wright.

"Let them know I will be on my way out soon." Mrs. Wright replied sweetly.

"Yes Madam." Then he left to deliver the message.

The young man delivered the message and soon enough Mrs. Wright emerged the stairs looking like a queen.

Dina could not deny that Mrs. Wright was a beautiful woman even though she was quite old. She couldn't really guess her age but from the looks of it she looked like 63 or 64 years old.

"Oh my! I must say, you really look beautiful tonight." Mrs. Wright complimented Dina ever so sweetly.

"Good evening, Mrs. Wright." Dina greeted her with a bright smile on her face.

"And who do we have here?" Mrs. Wright was referring to Chris who was standing next to Dina closely.

"Good evening Ma'am." Chris also greeted.

"Evening to you too." Replied Mrs. Wright with a lovely smile on her old face.

"Okay enough with the greetings, why don't we take the rest of the talk to the dinner table." Mrs. Wright said jokingly.

. . .

The trio were already sitting at the dinner table and being served delicious food by the helpers.

Different types of food were served on the table such as vegetable salad, beef, fish soup etc. Dina noticed how Chris was staring at the food with horror, this much food would probably scare him.

Dina wanted to let him know that it is not a must to eat all of it but Mrs. Wright beat her to it.

"You know, it's not a must you eat all of it, just ask her to dish out the food of your choice on your plate." Mrs. Wright chuckled after hearing what Dina said.

"Ooh okay." He said, still staring at the food.

"So, what is your name?" Asked Mrs. Wright Chris, curiously. Even if she knew his name, she felt the need to ask.

"Chris… My name is Chris." He answered steadily.

"Ummm… Chris." Mrs. Wright repeated soundly.

"And how old are you?" She asked.

"7 years old." He replied after taking a piece of vegetable salad.

Mrs. Wright laughed for a short moment before speaking. "Where are my manners? I keep interrupting your dinner."

"I guess it's because there is no one to keep me company lately." She said, looking saddened.

"But why is that, how about Bryan?" Dina finally spoke after a while.

"Bryan is in London for a school trip." She sighed after. "

He left this old lady all by herself" Mrs. Wright continued.

"Don't feel sad about it, he will be back soon." Dina tried to make Mrs. Wright feel a little better.

"Sad about what, I have Jeff with me and he takes good care of me." Mrs. Wright said with a happy smile on her face while looking at the young man standing not too far from the dinner table.

Dina turned to look at the person Mrs. Wright was referring to and accidently locked eyes with him. Her intentions were not to stare at him for long but Jeff also made it very difficult to look away because he was also staring at her intensely.

*Cough …Cough*. This singular act made Dina choked on her food. She was so busy staring at him that she forgot to breathe.

"Oh dear, what happened." Mrs. Wright asked, looking concerned.

"Mm… it's nothing, I just choked on a little vegetable. Can I use your restroom please?" Dina asked politely.

"Sure, you can. Jeff, please show her to the restroom, will you." Mrs. Wright said to Jeff.

"This way please." Jeff led Dina out of the dining area.

Jeff found it really funny how Dina was behaving, he knew quite well that she liked him but it seems as though she could not handle things properly. He noticed how she would take a quick glance at him almost every time during dinner which he found very cute though.

"So, I guess there is no need introducing ourselves, but for the sake of formality I have to." Jeff extended his hand towards Dina for a hand shake.

"My name is Jeffery Quinn." He introduces himself.

Dina accepted his hand before replying. "Dina Evans, Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too." He then retreated his hand back into his pocket.

Dina could not stop smiling inwardly. She could not believe she just exchanged hands with him.

"Today must really be my lucky day If he noticed me already." She said to herself.

"Why don't I have your phone number, so that we can get to know each other better. That's if you don't mind.". Jeff scratched the back of his neck a little nervously.

Dina was a bit shy because she never really talked to guys often, especially the ones she had feelings for. She was always good when it comes to controlling her emotions but it seems she lost her cool when it came to his particular man.

"Sure." Dina gave him her mobile number then went straight to the restroom as directed.