
Falling For The Prince Of Hell

Dina finds love in the wrong person, she is unable to forget him even after knowing he is not human. He loves her but is not able to be with her because they are from two different parts of the world. Luciel is the second son of the devil, he has served his father all his life in hell. He was his father's favorite son among all his brothers, but everything changed when he defiled his father's order. “Who are you?” Dina trembled in fear as she asked the man in a black garment standing in front of her. “Your worst nightmare.” Lucifer moved closer to her as she crawled backward in the empty room. “ Don't come any closer.” Dina’s back hit the large wall as her entire body trembled. “Why, don't you want to know who I am anymore?” Lucifer finally stopped moving and then he bent down to her level. “What do you want from me?” Dina was able to bring herself to ask another question. “Why are you so scared of me, but not Luciel?” Lucifer finally revealed his face to Dina. Dina was so shocked when she saw his face, he looked just like Luciel. But a little older and more handsome. If she was to see them together she would think they are brothers. “Why so surprised?” Lucifer asked the obvious. Meanwhile in reality, on Luciel’s bed. Luciel woke up to find that Dina was sweating and looking uncomfortable while wiggling her body. Immediately he saw her face, a frown formed on his face. He closed his eyes and fell back on the bed. “Father, don’t get any closer to her.” Luciel appeared in Dina’s dream and stood not too far from them. “I wasn’t expecting you to arrive this late, son.” Lucifer stood up from his previous position and then turned to look at Luciel. “Father, stay out of this.” Luciel clenched his fist as he spoke to his father, as though trying to control himself. Dina could not believe what she was seeing, how did Luciel even get here, was the question lingering in her mind. Her head was spinning with questions; she didn’t understand what was really going on. But one thing she was sure of, was that nothing was happening in reality, it was more like a dream. “Why should I? You can’t lie to her forever.” Lucifer's voice echoed in Luciel’s head. He hates that he had to lie to her. “Or do you enjoy lying to her?” Lucifer continued. “Father, stop.” Luciel finally lost the little self-control he had left and yelled at his father. “Don’t you want to know what Luciel really is?” Lucifer ignored his son’s behavior and focused his attention on Dina. Dina could not open her mouth to speak because her mind was messed up and everything that was happening was so confusing to her. “I will take your silence as a yes,” Lucifer spoke. “You see, Luciel here is a…” Lucifer could not finish what he was about to say when Luciel cut him off. “Father, don’t. I will tell her myself.” Luciel eventually moved from his stop and walked towards Dina. Dina finally woke up, she held her chest tightly as she struggled to breathe properly. Her hair was wet from all the sweating in the dream and her eyes were dull. Luciel pulls her into his embrace as he strokes her back slowly to calm her down. Dina finally knows about Luciel, being a demon. Even if it took some time to accept the fact that she is in love with a demon, the devil’s own son. Her feelings towards him did not change even after knowing her life is in danger and the devil will stop at nothing to get her. " We can't be together Dina, let's go our separate ways and forget we ever met." Luciel let go of her hand after saying these hurtful words to Dina. "But I can't just forget about you like it's nothing." Dina was on the verge of crying. “Look Dina, me being with just will just cause you a lot of rm.” He said almost in a whisper. He clenched his fist as he said those words.

colourful_ercy · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
5 Chs


"You are 2 minutes late, you know that, right?" A woman standing by the door in a seductive-looking dress said.

"Which means you got 2 more minutes to prepare for my arrival." He smirked wickedly and he pushed the door open.

"Luciel, I don't need to prepare. You know I am always ready for you." She closed the door behind her and moved closer to him.

Luciel pulled her by the hand and tossed her on the bed exposing her gorgeous thighs. Luciel didn't waste any time in removing his clothes except his tight black boxers which made his manhood very visible. He climbed onto the bed slowly with a devilish smirk on his face moving like a lion about to devour his prey. He took her right leg and kissed it up to her sensitive area, then in a blink of an eye, he tore the little fabric that she was wearing which cover almost nothing. She gasped at how fast he was in destroying the fabric.

Luciel captured her erected nipple with his mouth and started licking, sucking, tasting, and biting. That alone made Kelly moan out in ecstasy, she felt like she was in the clouds just from feeling his lips on her breast.

"Ahhhh …... Ahhhhh." She cried out loud, loud enough for Luciel to hear.

While sucking one of her nipples he let his hand slide down her legs and then into her flowery part. He pushed one of his fingers into it then two fingers. He moved from her breast to her mouth, he kissed her hungrily like he had been starved for days. He kept on pushing his tongue inside of hers and sucking her lips. Kelly grabbed onto his head and kissed him the same way even if she could not keep up with his pace. Now all clothes were gone and their naked bodies were clashing with each other. Luciel went inside of Kelly without warning, his long and thick shaft was moving in and out of her.

"Ohhh... ahhhh!! Faster, faster please." Kelly begged.

"With pleasure." He said and then he increased his speed.

"Baby … please… don't stop…" Kelly kept crying out.

"I am going to come." Luciel gave her a heads up before releasing inside her.

"Aahh…Yess… that's it… come inside of me." She arched her hips towards him receiving all he was letting out in her.

Luciel was a beast when it came to having sex. He always leave any lady he had sex with, with brushes and swore all over including Kelly. Luciel rocked Kelly harder and harder till she passed out. Most women pass out on him which made him unsatisfied. After Kelly passed out, he laid back on the bed, breathing heavily from all the exercise he had just done.

Luciel got off the bed and went straight to the bathroom to get cleaned up. While taking a shower the image of the woman he encountered before coming here appeared in his head. Those beautiful brown eyes complimented her brown hair, her kissable pink lips which looked so yummy to eat, and lastly, her smooth skin which he was sure would feel so soft.

"What the f**k." Luciel cursed at the realization that he was thinking of Dina.

Luciel quickly turned off the shower and grabbed a towel. He came off the bathroom looking like a god of beauty. His long-wet hair fell to his shoulders, his well-built masculine body was in full view and he had a white towel wrapped around his waist. Anyone who sees him at this moment would be totally astonished by his beauty.

He put on his clothes and fixed his hair properly after drying it with a towel. Then he wore his shoes and grabbed his car keys ready to leave the room but he stooped halfway when he suddenly remembered something.

"Did I just forget to pay?" Luciel questioned himself looking irritated at his own actions.

He dipped his right hand inside his pocket and brought out a huge amount of money in an envelope. He dropped it on Kelly's dressing tables then he left. Since Kelly was still sleeping, she did not notice any of these actions.

. . .

Dina and Andres spent the whole night celebrating their new wealth, they were so happy because with such an amount in their hands they would be able to clear a lot of things out. Andres was thinking of buying a bigger workshop and even producing some technical appliances on his own, while Dina had plans of donating to the orphanage.

"First thing tomorrow morning, I'll pay that good for nothing Dan his house rent," Andres said a little bit drunk from all the alcohol he consumed.

"You don't have to call him that, he has been very generous allowing us to live here without paying the house rent for 2 years." Dina was fully aware of what she was saying since she did not join her father in drinking any alcohol.

"Well … that's true but he is still a good for nothing because he has embarrassed us a lot." He stood up with a bottle of beer in his hands but eventually fell back down on the chair when he lost his balance.

"Okay, that's enough for tonight Father." Dina stood up from where she was sitting and then collected the bottle from his hand.

She helped her father get up and led him to his room. After leaving his room she returned to the living room to clean up.

Dina was already done with the cleaning when she suddenly remembers something important.

"Geez… I forgot to switch on my phone back." She hit herself lightly on the head after realizing this.

She went to unplug her phone that was being charged and switch it on.

*Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding…. *

"Can't I have peace in my life?" Dina yelled at the phone.

"How could she call me 16 times…. Geez?" She was referring to Molly who have called her number 16 times.

"4 unread messages…. Probably still her." While staring at her screen, she clicked the message icon to check the messages.

{Unknown number: Hey, it's Jeff 0_0.}

{Unknown number: Ummm…. I guess you must be busy.}

{Unknown number: We'll talk later then.}

{Molly: Are you home already, why aren't you picking up your damn phone.}

"I totally forgot about him, why did today have to end up like this" Dina said in uttermost tiredness.

"First, let me call Molly before she gets really angry with me." She went to her room and shut the door behind her.

She sat down on her bed and then dialed Molly's number.

*Ring… Ring*

"Dina Evans, how could you?" Molly yelled at Dina over the phone.

"Molly, sorry for not calling you earlier… my phone battery died," Dina explained calmly.

"You better be sorry for making me worry like that." Molly sounded more relaxed than before.

"I know, anyways I have good news," Dina spoke.

"What's that?" Molly said, sounding very excited over the phone.

"Hmm…I'll tell you tomorrow."

"What do you mean to tell me tomorrow, can't you tell me now?" Molly grumbled childishly over the phone.

"NO, goodnight." Dina laughed out loud after hanging up on Molly.

"Should I call him, it's quite late already or maybe I should send him a message." She thought within herself.

{Dina: So sorry for not replying to your message early, my phone battery died. We will talk better tomorrow.}

After typing the message, she sent it to Jeff.

It was almost midnight, so she guessed that he would be asleep but she thought wrong. He replied to her message almost immediately.

{Jeff: No need to be sorry, I understand.}

{Dina: Thanks^_^}

{Jeff: Goodnight, talk to you later.}

{Dina: Goodnight.}

Dina stood up from her bed and began to undress. She really needed to take a bath after all the work. She wrapped a towel around her body and went into the bathroom. She dipped her body under the shower and let the water fall on her face. It was as if the water could wash away all the sadness and tiredness at the same time. Then suddenly she thought about Luciel, the arrogant jerk who refused to lend her a helping hand which made her so furious.

"Ugh… why am I even thinking about that man." She said angrily while washing her body with soap.

"What a jerk… I hope I never cross paths with him ever again." She continued, still washing her body