
Falling for the bookworm

Peanut, an introverted and bookish omega, cherished his simple and solitary life. He found solace in the pages of his favorite novels, indulged in delicious snacks, and sought comfort in the company of his beloved plushies. His world revolved around these simple pleasures, shielded from the chaos and complexities of the outside world. However, everything changed when two charismatic and confident alphas, Michael and Jeremy joined his class turning his life upsidedown.

Ashley_Ashanti · Fantaisie
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31 Chs


It was a bright and sunny morning, and Peanut was determined to start the day off right. Armed with his favorite book, he strolled into a cozy café, ready to enjoy a peaceful reading session accompanied by a delicious cup of jasmine tea.

He found a quiet corner, settled into a comfortable chair, and opened his book. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, soothing his senses. Just as he was about to lose himself in the world of words, his phone buzzed with a message.

Curious, Peanut picked up his phone and checked the message. It was from none other than Levi, and it read: "Hey, you at the café?"

Peanut's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he replied, "Yeah? how did you know and why are you asking?"

Before he could get a response, the café door swung open, and in walked Michael, Jeremy, and Levi, grinning like they had just won a prize,and there goes his quiet time and him trying to avoid them.

Peanut's eyes widened in shock. "What are you guys doing here?" he asked in a small voice.

Jeremy shrugged "Thought we'd join you for some coffee?." he said tilting his head like a puppy looking down at the tea in peanuts cup trying to figure out what tea it was.

"But... I was planning to read and relax," Peanut protested weakly.

Michael plopped down in the chair across from Peanut with a mischievous grin. "Oh, don't worry. We won't disturb you. Just act like we're not even here."

Peanut sighed, realizing that his peaceful reading session had just turned into an unexpected hangout with the trio.why does avoiding them never go right for him,He tried to focus on his book, attempting to ignore their presence. But with every turn of the page, he could feel their eyes on him, their quiet chuckles making him more and more self-conscious.

Feeling a bit flustered, Peanut took a sip of his tea to calm his nerves. Unfortunately, his attempt at composure backfired when he accidentally spilled some of the hot liquid on his lap.

"Ouch! Oh no!" Peanut exclaimed, jumping up from his seat, his book falling to the floor,this is not peaceful at all.

The three boys were instantly on their feet, concern replacing their amused expressions. "Are you okay, Peanut?" Levi asked, worry etched on his face.

Peanut winced, feeling the liquid seeping through his floral dress. "I...i'm fine, just me being clumsy."

Jeremy quickly grabbed a handful of napkins and handed them to Peanut. "Here, pat it gently. It'll cool down."

As Peanut awkwardly patted at his lap with napkins, he couldn't help but think that this was turning into one of the most embarrassing moments of his life,at least the last time he did something embarrassing it was in his apartment and they didn't see but this time they actually saw him spell tea on himself just because of how flustered he was,And of course, his mind couldn't help but take a naughty turn, considering what he just reminded himself of.

Michael, seemingly oblivious to Peanut's internal struggle, chuckled. "Well, at least now you can say you've had a hot date at the café."

Peanut's face turned a shade of red that rivaled a ripe tomato.

"Really, Michael? Did you have to?" Jeremy says slapping him at the back of his head.

"it was perfect timing brother" Michael laugh.

Levi burst into laughter, and even Jeremy couldn't hide his amused smile at his brothers idiocy. "Sorry, Peanut. Couldn't resist," Michael said with a grin.

Peanut sighed, using the napkins to clean up the mess on his lap as best as he could. "I swear, you guys have a knack for turning up when I'm trying to avoid you,but it's fine I see now I can never avoid you guys"

"We aim to please," Michael quipped.

Finally, the situation was under control, and Peanut gingerly sat back down, his face still flushed with embarrassment. The trio settled back into their seats as well, their laughter subsiding.

"Well, at least this café visit won't be forgettable," Jeremy commented, his eyes twinkling with heart shapes in them as he looks at peanut.

Peanut rolled his eyes, but a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. Maybe this wouldn't be too bad having someone around to drink tea with as you read.