
Chapter 12: Mr Handsome.

After having their lunch , Herman and Alyssa drove to the mall and they were there by a quarter past the time. They went directly to the gown shop . Alyssa didn't know if David had made an appointment already so she asked the shop attendant if there was any.

" Yes Ma'am , Mr Wong made the reservation already. I will show you the gowns he picked. " The attendant as d leading Alyssa to the display.

After looking through all of them , Alyssa turned to Herman and asked.

" Which one do you think is the best for me ? " She asked happily.

" Aly , You know everything looks nice on you. So I don't know which you will chose to wear. " Herman said chatly.

" Really , What of this one ? " Alyssa said touching the off shoulder Cinderella gown that had golden stones all over it.

" Ma'am , Please try it. Am sure it will be nice on you. " The attendant said.

Alyssa nodded and walked to the trying room. Another attendant carrying the gown for her.

Herman was there waiting patiently to see her when a young girl entered the shop with another old lady besides her whom he took to he her mother.

" Mr handsome , Can I sit besides you ? " The girl said putting Herman in Surprise. How dare this little girl call her that.

" Sure pretty. " He said with a smile and extended.

" What's your name ? " The girl asked looking at Herman surprising him again.

" Am Herman , And you ? " He said friendly.

" Am Clere , But most people call me little one .." Clere said with a smile.

The old lady who was just talking on her phone ended the call after realising that Clere was conversing with a stranger.She shok her head in amusement before she walked where Herman and Clere were.

" Sir , Am sorry if she disturbed you. " The lady apologized and then looked at the girl.

" Clere , Your dress is ready. " The lady said.

" But Nanny Jenny ,. still talking to my friend . " Clere argued.

" You will be back soon , Remember you are also supposed to meet someone. " Jenny reminded.

" But Daddy isn't here yet ! "

" He told he will be here in ten minutes.." Jenny said.

" Then let's wait for him to come. " Clere said.

Herman looked at the girl and the lady enjoying their argument. He didn't but he really liked the ways of this little girl. They were like this when Alyssa finally came out dressed fully in the gown.

Herman got up on daze staring at the beauty that was right in front of him. He had been friends right Alyssa for very many years but he had never seen as as beautiful as she looked at the moment.

Clere and Jenny also turned their gaze to the lady in front of him. Alyssa made bows to the two strangers in front of her before locking her eyes at Herman with a arawAesdxdsmile.

" How do l look ? " Alyssa asked Herman with a grin.

Herman was out of words. He wished this woman was really getting married to him not to any other man .

" A...a..am.." He stammered.

" My Handsome , Is she your fiance ? " Clere asked lifting her head to Herman making his situation worse.

Before he could sat anything another man entered the room. He was Mr Wong himself.

" You guys are already here ? " David asked Clere and Jenny before turning to see the beauty queen.

" Mr Wong ? " Alyssa called surprised.

Jenny and Clere looked at David surprised. Did those two know each other ?

Herman on seeing Wong just understood he was here to meet Alyssa .

" Daddy , You are finally here ? " Clere asked running to hug David.

That's when Herman understood that this was his daughter. Alyssa was also surprised, She thought they David only had one child and that the child was his only son who is called Calcel. She had heard that in rumors but didn't know how that so called Calcel looked like.

" Did I delay ? " David asked looking down at her daughter.

" Of course not that. Shouldn't we no go to see the person whom I was supposed to meet ? " Clere asked.

" Of course dear. The person is right in front of you." David said turning his look at Alyssa.

Clere smiled and said. " Daddy , You mean Mr handsome's bride ? "

Clere's question put a frown on all of their faces. Herman's gaze was on David as he looked to see the man's reaction. For Alyssa she wondered if Herman had told the girl himself that she was his bride.

Knowing the hard situation they were in , Alyssa walked to Clere with a smile and cupped her cheeks.

" Dear , I think you misunderstood something. Mr Handsome is just my brother ..." She declared not to make David suspect anything.

" Then who is your groom ? " Clere asked.

Alyssa turned her gaze to David and said. " I want to be Daddy's bride , Will you accept that ? " She asked a little nervously.

Clere turned her gaze at her father a little confused. Though she was still young , At least she understood when Alyssa was trying to mean.

David noticed his daughter's perplexed face and bent closer to her when Alyssa leaned back.

" Yes dear. I want this beautiful lady here to be my bride , Are you fine with that ? " He asked.

Clere looked at Alyssa and then David with a frown.

" Tell me dear , If you don't want her . I will not take her ? " David asked.

" Daddy , If you really need her then there's no way I can refuse you. " Clere declared and turned to Alyssa .

" Miss pretty , What should I call you then ? " Clere asked.

Alyssa overwhelmed with joy leaned closer to Clere and said. " You call me Aunty Alyssa. " She said.

" Okay , Nice to meet you Aunty Alyssa. " Clere says.

" Nice to meet you too love. " Alyssa says before Hugging Clere.

David looked at this and became more proud of her daughter..He didn't think that things were going to be so easy like this. He smiled before the two parted from the hug.