

My Name is Ann nicky . Just an Average Girl with no parents . I had lived With My Aunt Who had loved children but barren .. Aunt layla Is pratically my mom . She been there for my highs and lows..

If not for her who took me in when I lost my parent to a car accident .

Finally am Going back to the city i had so many memories there ..

I will even get the chance to see my bestfriend mason I was pratically up last night thinking about him..

You guys will probably be wanting to know who mason is . Mason mickely the only son of mickely family .

The Most Handsome guy who i can never fall in love with because that guy is a control freak and pratically a play boy ..

But still am still exicted to see him because that control freak stood by me through everything when I lost my parent

I was down.other kids bullied me but mason stood by me . even though he got hurt in the process.

my parent only had one family member which is my mom twin sister aunt layla .

Now seeing the sky I felt good and exicted ...

Finally Home...

Hi guys this is my first novel in case of any issue pls let me knowYour gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

esie_babycreators' thoughts