
Falling for him

All my life ,I was always fine.I felt that I was supposed to be fine because i was surrounded by incredible people but still I felt empty,like something was missing but that was until him. He made me realize that I could be happy too. Whenever him & I were together , somehow the time used to stop and fly at the same time. When I was with him , each hour felt like a second. When I was without him, each second felt like an hour. He was so annoying yet peaceful at the same time. He used to drive me crazy and keep me sane at the same time. He filled a void in my life that I didn't even know existed. And now that I've seen what life is with him, I can't even begin to imagine a life without him. He made me realize I didn't have to be perfect because sometimes it's the imperfections that make people beautiful. I didn't like him. I mean I couldn't like him. He wasn't my type but I guess love & lust sees no type. I didn't want to fall for him as i knew falling for him would only break me & my heart.So I decided to be in denial of my feelings.I was honestly doing a really great job of being in denial but then a storm happened due to which him & I were struck together for 3 days. What happens when you're struck with someone alone, who you may like but are not accepting your feelings towards him? That storm went away but it messed up my life . It messed up my heart. It messed me up...........

_ashelle_ · Urbain
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21 Chs

Of Freaking Course

So, its finally the last day of my first week as a commercial pilot and wait for the best part, I have the weekend free i.e.. No more flying planes for 2 days. God, I've been waiting for this since Monday. I have to catch up on a lot of sleep. Like I've just been functioning on caffeine lately. To be very honest, sleep deprivation is killing me.

Oh, I almost forgot. I have a bad news too. Considering that the first week is about to end, I have to find a place to live too because the airline people are just going to pay for my stay here at the hotel for a week, which is about to end. And of course , I just realized this on Friday. Ughhhhh.....


Yayyy....I just finished flying the last plane of the week and I'm sitting in...….i don't know , let's just say some part of the airport .And I suddenly spot a familiar blonde walking towards me.

"Jen", "Gemma" . We both squeak at the top of our lungs and people around us give us a confused & annoyed expression as if to say ,'can you at least pretend to be normal.' We both just shrug as if to say ,'this is us being normal.'

Then she looks at me and asks,"hey girl, what you've been up to."

I reply casually , "other than questioning my existence right now , nothing much."

She laughs and asks, "why though?"

I say, " I don't know , maybe because this job hasn't left any time for me to have a social life."

She says excitedly, "woah, how about you go out with me and the guys. You can meet Jace too."

I just say , "as appealing as it sounds, I have to go on apartment hunting before the hotel people kick my ass out."

That's when Jen's eyes brim with excitement and she says , "Oh my god, you need an apartment? I need a room partner. Like, I just rented this beautiful apartment last week which has 2 rooms . so one room is empty. You can come live with me."

I laugh at her excitement and say ,"you sure. For all you know , I can be a serial killer " I try to say this with as much seriousness that I manage to gather with her looking like she'll almost burst with excitement.

She reciprocates my sarcasm by saying ,"ya , I mean why not. It'll be fun. And as Taylor Swift said 'there's a special place in hell for women who don't help other women'." She waits for a moment and adds, " And for all you know I can be a serial killer too." She says with arching an eyebrow upwards as if to question me. And we both burst out in laughter.


Its almost 8pm right now . today is Saturday, in case if you are wondering. I'm at Jen's apartment which as beautiful as she described it, if not better. Its spacious , clean and on top of that it smells so good. I'm so grateful that I moved in here. Yes , I moved in today. My mum already sent my stuff back from Texas which I've arranged in my room. I spent the entire day packing and repacking. And then arranging the stuff in my room. And now I'm standing inside my room , admiring the way I set it up. I'm really satisfied with the arrangement. I did a good job , but when do I not. Right?

I come out of the room and then Jen holds my hand and says, nahh shouts , "who's ready to get her ass drunk?"

"Not me" I say it with as much enthusiasm as I was asked the question in.

"Why?" Jen says with pouting her face like a baby who has just been denied ice-cream from her parents.

"I'm really sorry , but I'm drained out of every bit of energy that was there in my body. But I promise I'll definitely get drunk with you next week as being hungover on a Monday morning isn't gonna help with me flying the plane. Okayyy?" I say in my most promising tone.

Jen tries to open her mouth in order to debate but is interrupted by the doorbell ringing, so she just says, "this conversation isn't over but I'll check the door first."

I take this as my chance to elude from the situation and I immediately walk into the washroom that is attached to my room to take a warm, time-consuming bath so that by the time I'm finished Jen is gone .

I get out of the washroom exactly forty -five minutes later thinking its enough time for Jen to dress up and head to the bar. I head towards the closet and pick out a navy blue crop top & off white shorts. I unwrap the towel wrapped around my wet hair and I wear the apparel that I just took out. I go towards the dressing table and apply a moisturizer and look at my reflection in the mirror. And I'm surprised to say that I look amazing right now. I don't know why but I do. Dayym, when did I get this pretty.

My thoughts were ,of course, interrupted by a sudden thud on the floor. I look around but I see nothing . So I decide to go to the hall to check out what caused this sudden noise. I just hope it isn't a burglar. I honestly can't handle drama right now.

I open the door & walk towards the hall . then I go to the kitchen but find no one . I say out loud , "hello is anyone there ?" on hearing no reply I quietly tiptoe backwards towards my room but then suddenly I bump into someone and I trip. And that person falls on top of me.

Of freaking course , I had to bump into the burglar . I couldn't just quietly make it to my room. God, this is where my life has taken me.