
Chapter 18

* knock knock *

"Mom! Mom!!"

"Mom! It's me! your son's home!"

It was almost 4 am, everyone in the village was asleep. The atmosphere was calm and quiet, therefore small noises are heard so loud.

"Aunty Jade, someone's screaming outside, I wonder who that is? Is it your son? He screams saying, mom?"

"Let's go down and check honey. Come on."

While Zerrina was waiting never her front her leaning to the wall, Aunty Jade went closer to the person who was screaming and noticed that he was her son. She didn't hesitate to call him inside.

He removed his coat and gave it to his mom, waited while she hanged it in the hanger, and walked towards the living room.

"You?" he questioned out of nowhere.

"Gosh, Zender?" Zerrina jumped out.

"Wait you both know each other?"Aunty Jade questioned

"Mom! she knocked on me! While I was being so polite to her, she ran!" Zender spoke in a disgusting way.

"Sorry," she replied with her head down.