
Falling For Chase El Peters

After losing her boyfriend to her own childhood and best friend at the prom party; Athena’s life descends into chaos as she is turned from an Alpha queen to an antisocial loser after one night. As if her life is not miserable enough; the school supposed bad boy Chase never fails to rain on her parade and get under her skin but Athena realizes that there is more to Chase when they pair them up for a project.

TheSemiloore002 · Sports, voyage et activités
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5 Chs

Chapter One

Athena stared at herself through the mirror as she smiled satisfactorily. The make up on her face had been carefully done and she turned to her elder cousin to give her a big smile.

"Thank you Ellen" she said as Ellen dropped her brush while shrugging.

"It's no big deal. But Andrew would definitely be stupefied when he sees you" Ellen replied as Athena laughed while walking towards the gown that was hung at the other side of the room. She removed her clothes and quickly wore her clothes while Ellen helped her with her shoes.

"I certainly need to take some pictures for Instagram because you are looking way too good" Ellen said as Athena laughed again.

"Andrew should be here anytime from now right?" Ellen asked as Athena laughed as he turned to look at herself in the mirror again. She was beautiful, she couldn't wait to see the look on Andrew's face when he saw her.

It was the annual end of session party and Athena wanted to rock it to the fullest. She and Andrew also planned to win the Year King and Queen for the session and no doubt, of all the nominations, Athena needed no one to tell her that she and Andrew were going to be winning it.

There was a knock on the door and Ellen walked towards the door and opened it "Hi Aunty" she greeted with a full pledged smile as an older woman looking in her early thirties stepped inside the room.

"Hi Mom, is Andrew here already?" Athena asked as her mom shook her head.

"Not yet. I wanted to see how my daughter is doing for the party" she replied as Athena smiled at her mom.

"As you can see; I'm doing pretty much well" Athena replied as her mom nodded while patting her face softly.

"So I guess the crown is yours this year?" She asked as Athena nodded rather proudly.

"It's mine" she replied.

"Yours my ass" a voice said as Athena chuckled at her younger brother.

"You aren't going to the party are you?" she asked as the latter shrugged his shoulders.

"I'll levelling up with Mark. I don't have time for parties and stuff" he replied as Athena shrugged.

"Figures. So what are you doing here?" she asked him.

"To see how ugly you were looking" he replied as their mom turned to him slightly horrified.

"Jake!" she yelled lightly.

"Don't say that to your sister okay?" she said as he turned to Athena.

"Just look at how beautiful your sister is looking. Could you say she's ugly?" she asked as she folded her arms.

"That's not a nice choice of words are they?" she asked and without waiting for Jake's answer she continued.

"Apologize to your sister" she said as Jake turned to his mom with a dazed look.

"Apologize?" he asked as his mom nodded.

"Yes, apologize for calling her ugly. Else you won't be levelling up today because I'm going to seize the entire set" she replied as Jake blinked her eyes unbelievably.

"Wow" he muttered as he turned to Athena.

"I'm sorry for calling you ugly. You look very beautiful" he replied stressing the word 'beautiful' before walking out of the room and slamming the door.

"Mom, you know Jake was just kidding right?" Athena asked as her mom nodded while smiling. Her brother had always been the one to express myself using curse words. The more he liked something, he more he acted like he detested it, the more he liked someone, the more he tried to get on the latter's nerves and provoke them and Athena was more than used to it. She had only reported him to their mom out of jokes.

"Of course I know. He has to learn how to talk to girls. Not everyone can read his mind" she replied as Ellen burst into laughter while Athena shook her head lightly.

"I'm going to head back home now. I have a few assignments to submit at school tomorrow" Ellen said as Athena watched her carry her bag.

"Thanks Ellen. See you" Athena said as Ellen nodded while smiling at her.

"You have fun at the party" she said as she walked over to her aunty and gave her a hug.

"Call me when you get home" she hollered after her as Ellen made her way out of the room and down the stairs.

Ellen stuck in her ear pods as soon as she got on the bus. She opened her Instagram feed and quickly posted Athena on her feed.

Girl's ready for not just the party as well as the crown.

After posting she immediately started scrolling through her feed. As she had also went to the same high school that Athena went, she saw a lot of posts concerning the party. For many years, the annual party had always been a big thing. She furrowed her brows as soon as she saw a post.

"I just left the house not quite long. Did he come to pick her already? And even if he did that; how come they are at the party already?" she asked no one in particular as she chuckled.

"Just at what speed does Andrew drive?" she asked no one in particular again as she shook her head.

"Athena better do something about his driving speed or they'll both get killed one of these days" she muttered underneath her breadth as she continued scrolling. Her brows even furrowed further seeing a post on her feed. Athena definitely wasn't at the party yet so what was this post about? She clicked on the page as her brows kept furrowing more and more.

"What the heck?" she muttered underneath her breadth as she immediately dialled Athena's number. Unfortunately Athena was always calling so her number was busy and the call couldn't go through.

She cursed quietly under her breath as she dialled Athena's number again for the hundredth time in one minute.