
Falling Flowers

Abandoned. Despaired. Forgotten. Lin Meixing was forced to flee the country, leave behind everything she held dear to start life anew on another continent. However, she was not alone. In her womb, a little life was growing. This life was the source of her strength. It was like a piece of driftwood that appeared in front of a drowning person, and Lin Meixing held onto it for dear life. Her beloved son had become the center of her world, and she sacrificed many things for his sake. However, the secure life she had created in the foreign country did not last. Due to some circumstances, she returned home, and here she encountered the man who had made her feel helpless, sad, and heartbroken. Yet he seemed to have forgotten all about her existence; he behaved as if her agony meant nothing to him. ------ All rights to the Cover Image belongs to me. This is in the same universe as my other novel "Blossoming Flowers." The universe is called "My Life or Your Memory" Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tinalynge Website: https://tinalynge.com/ Discord: https://discord.gg/SrWNTb9 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TinalyngeWebNovels/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tinalyngewebnovels/

Tinalynge · Urbain
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12 Chs

Important Client

Lin Meixing started work. She was worried that she would run into Xu Jingchen again, but fortunately, he did not appear. The people at the workplace were all gentle and friendly. They were eager to help her settle into the work, and she quickly got used to it.

A week passed like this. Lin Meixing had gotten used to her new job, and she was well-liked as she was a hard worker, who never complained no matter what task she was given.

While she was busy working, Xu Jingchen was unable to forget about her. He was constantly thinking about her, even when working. When he had investigated Lin Meixing, he had also gotten a picture of her, the same one that she used on her ID card, and he had often taken it out to look at it.

Whenever he thought about her, he was reminded of the pain, agony, and sadness in her eyes, and he was fearful of finding her. If he saw the same emotions in her eyes again, he felt that his heart would be unable to handle it.

He was constantly uncomfortable, feeling that he was missing something important, but he was not sure what. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that they knew each other.

As such, he had no other option than to meet her. He called Assistant Lei. "Get me Lin Meixing's phone number," he ordered and Assistant Lei was suddenly stunned. He had thought that the CEO would not have anything to do with Miss Lin?

Oh well, he was just an assistant, so he hurried to find the phone number, after which he gave it to his boss.

Xu Jingchen was nervous when he looked at the number. He felt his heart beat rapidly whenever he thought about being able to hear her voice again.

Taking a deep breath, he called her. The phone rang four times before she picked up.

"Hello?" her voice was as gentle as he remembered, so soft and sweet that it made him feel at peace instantly.

"I wish to meet up with you, I have something I would like to discuss with you," Xu Jingchen said, not introducing his name, as he was not willing to scare her away.

Unfortunately, they had grown up together. Lin Meixing was very familiar with his voice, and she instantly became on high alert.

"I have nothing to talk with you about," she said, her voice full of anger before she hung up the phone.

Hearing the beeping sounds on the phone, Xu Jingchen was taken aback. Had he ever experienced a woman hanging up on him like that before? He could not remember it, but while he should be angry, he felt it quite endearing instead.

It was clear that this woman had no interest in having anything to do with him. She was furious at him, but he had no idea what he had done.

Lin Meixing was feeling aggravated. Every time she tried to forget about Xu Jingchen, he would appear in her life and cause her extra pain and suffering by making her remember the abandonment.

Shaking her head, she began working again. She was buried in some designs when the secretary came into her office.

"Lin Meixing, there is a client who is waiting for you at Jin Ying Restaurant. The room number is one hundred and eight. He is an important client, so you need to be serious with this job. He specifically requested you to be his designer. I think it might be because of the experience you have gained overseas."

Lin Meixing was slightly excited. Although she had been making designs recently, she had not gotten her own contract yet, but if this customer was interested in her designs, she could have her own project and make her own designs again. That was what she was truly passionate about.

"I will leave now then," Lin Meixing said with a gentle smile on her face as she thanked the secretary for bringing such news to her.

Jin Ying Restaurant was the most upscale restaurant in the capital. Although Lin Meixing would never go there usually, she was not against spending money if it meant she could get a contract.

She did not have a car, and thus she hailed a taxi which drove her to Jin Ying Restaurant where she entered.

She was wearing a suit made for women, and it was accentuating her shapely figure. Although she had previously given birth, her body was still immensely attractive.

Lin Meixing noticed that many were looking at her, but she just went to the counter. "I have a meeting with a client in room one hundred and eight." she introduced.

She was suddenly aware that she had not gotten the name of the client, but it should be fine.

"What is your name?" the manager behind the counter asked, and Lin Meixing took out her ID card, "I'm Lin Meixing," she said, and after confirming it through the card, the manager became much more polite.

"Please follow me," he said, as he led Lin Meixing towards the room. Lin Meixing was excited, and as she arrived, the manager knocked on the door, and after hearing a reply from inside, he opened the door.

Lin Meixing said her thanks to the manager before she walked into the room. However, the gentle smile on her face froze, and her eyes turned misty when she saw the man inside.

This was no customer, this was Xu Jingchen, who was waiting for her. Looking at her, he felt his heart palpitating, and he could not wait to reach out and drag her into his embrace.