
Falling Fallen

What happens when the world you live in was not the same. When you see your reality shatter right in front of you, your ideals, your common sense, everything shatter. Then a dragon came out of the hiding who was living in your house for quiet a long time. then after that you were attacked by a Vampire, then from a werewolf and then everything you can think off. "What the fuck just happened". That's the only he could say. ================================== ================================ Get Daily updates on my P.atreon Link:- https://www.pa.treon.com/Daoist0TtDC5 You can also support me PayPal :- https://paypal.me/Daoist0TtDC5?country.x=MY&locale.x=ms_MY Give me Ko-Fi :- https://ko-fi.com/daoist0ttdc5 Join my discord for Photos :- https://discord.gg/kkMJyNvvgD

Daoist0TtDC5 · Fantaisie
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13 Chs


In a two story house located on Staten Island which is a borough of New York City, coextensive with Richmond County, in the U.S. state of New York. Located in the southwest portion of the city, the borough is separated from New Jersey by the Arthur Kill and the Kill Van Kull and from the rest of New York by New York Bay. With a population of 495,747 in the 2020 Census, Staten Island is the least-populated of the boroughs but is the third-largest in land area at 58.5 sq mi (152 km2).

Luckily the bastard got this home out of luck which he will never know was because of someone.

In the house, one of the rooms a man in his thirties sleeping soundly like a little baby with a dorky smile on his face, he was happy for some reason "AChOO" and he sneezed well that didn't last long. The man opened his eyes and tried to get himself out of the bed and just as he was about to take his arm out, something grabbed it, and his other hand was also grabbed by something but all and all the thing that grabbed his arms were 'Soft' and just as he about to force his hand out.

"Booom" a loud explosion was heard and a Big Green Lizard with wings came flying in. His half story building was already destroyed. Due to the wind pressure created by the explosion, the furniture flew everywhere mssing him just a centimeter, the blanket was also flown away and low and behold there were two woman's sleeping there, one with a crazy smile and the other with a sensational look.

Then it "ROOOOAR" with his mouth and the two woman's who were sleeping quickly got up they looked at the Lizard, First they were surprised then cautiousness take hold of them "What the fuck is that! A big Green Fucking lizard." Thought white haired lady.

'How the Hell?? Did that fucking thing find' thought the brown haired lady. She was trembling there was something in the back of her mind telling her to run away, but she will not.

Grayson was in a standstill, wondering is this life an illusion, one moment you saw ice coming out of air and the next moment you saw a dragon destroying your house. Well what could be worse, then he saw his hard drives filled with modern Technological advancements being crushed by a Brick, yes a fucking brick. 'NOOOOOOO' now what be the point of living anyway' his thoughts change so quickly.

My Hen***i you get the picture. Suddenly his eyes which should have round shape iris have taken the shape of slit marks.

Melisa who was still thinking what the hell is going on got in a standstill when she saw her darling he was enraging the type of pressure that shouldn't be emit by a normal salary man, was now emitting, the pressure of the wolf what the hell happened. She was worried how can her poison work now when she injected him when he was just a child.

His body is weird no matter how much pressure you emit at him he would not even flinch but once you try to endanger him from unknown substances his body will absorb them without batting an eye.

Why do you think he was even alive until now.

Everyone's attention was on him,' then they heard "ROOOOOAAR" a Monstrous roar which should not be possible by a Human.

Melisa goes towards him, worried sick if you look at her face she was crying then she his face, which she was not suppose to see. It was 'Life Less' something is happening with his body he wouldn't have reacted that way before. What is happening!

"Darling" she called out to him but he didn't listen and Grayson looked at her but she was not his target, attacked the dragon in his frenzy state, that is his target.

The dragon was also in shock, wondering is it the same man as before. How can he change so much before and after meeting. Then she smell something she didn't know were possible the smell of a wolf, Vampire and a Human? THIS is insane. Before she could do anything!

He was already in front of her, last night she was not able to transform back into a Human but now she can and she did that, transform herself into a human.

A green cloud of smoke was released and Grayson also went in there wanting to punch that thing. When the cloud of smoke was dispersed an unbelievable spectacle was happening in front of them.

The overgrown lizard which had transform herself into a human was kissing him for some reason or was forced too of you looked at their stance.

"What the fuck?" Both girls said at the same time in unison. Grayson hair was also calming down and before he could said anything he unknowingly bit her neck with his newly grown Fangs.

"AAA" she also released a Moan. The stimulation that she was feeling from her neck was somehow was very pleasant. The pleasure is too much.

She remembered her father saying, "My daughter, when a Vampire bite your Neck, for blood it will feel like you are on heaven, don't let them fool you, They will only do that for their loved ones only, but to their Enemies they usually ripped there throat"

When she remembered, she suddenly jerked tried to get him but couldn't budge him, she was feeling her blood moving at unimaginable speed towards her neck, he was drinking her blood and also giving something in return something her body whole heartedly accepted.

Gloria seeing that knew what is happening, she remembered last night what happened when she bit him on the neck to save his life. Now these are the after effects of the vampire bite.

"You bitch" When Melisa saw this she was already on the verge on collapsing she could NO longer watch it. There will Blood, there will be Massacre and there will be Death. She will kill everyone that will come in her way. And guess what, they will not be the first one. She had killed before and she will now.

Melisa jumped without thinking, Her target the orange haired bitch. But as she got close, suddenly her darling moved not towards the side but in front of her, and she froze, stopping her Claw in that moment but that was her mistake, she forgot he was not in his right mind.

And got grabbed by Grayson due to the force behind Melisa's attack they moved in a circular motion, and in that motion she got Bit by him, she was also feeling the same tingling the pleasure, she was not in a good state, she also felt something moved inside her and going out.

"AAA" she also released a Moan. Her legs were drenched with juices of unknown origin.

Gloria seeing this knew she had to flee. And flee she did.

But as always MC had his ways with his damsels, she tried to run but he was already in front of her, waiting.

And she also got bitten.

That day only moans was heard from that half destroyed house unaware that people were gathering outside.


"So….he looked towards the three woman's, one looking at him with annoyed expression that is Milli the second looking at him with expression less eyes he gulped his gulped saliva she looks intimidating and lastly but not least the weird woman with horn coming out from the both sides of her head looking at him with weird looks…..can I ask what happened?" he finally finished his question still unaware about what happened moments ago.

"NO" the three woman said in unison. When they saw they were saying they looked at each other and 'HMMP' and moved there head away in annoyance.

"Now that's just bullying" he said in demure voice but didn't said it out aloud.

Melisa listening to this looked at him "Darling, do you REMEMBER what happened!" Emphasizing the word Remember.

"Why, What happened?" he did not remember what happened here moments ago, only fuzzy memories seems to appear in his head.

"Well you turned into a vampire and attacked that bitch and ME and also that bitch who got also stuck into the fry." what a pain, my darling is just a pain one moment you left him and the next moment he will attract the attention of Horny Harlots. And guess what she can't even kill these bitches. "SIGH" she sighed out aloud.

"Wait a minute I'm a vampire really how is that possible! are vampires real!" he asked more confused with each passing questions.

"I suppose that's where will I come" said the brown haired woman "But before that, I think the introductions are in order"

"My Name is Gloria Akeldama, part of the destroyed Clan and working for a organization known as Union." she may be talking like that right now but that was only a business face that she had erected for Others.

In the inside she was panicking 'wah wah wah wah what is happeing" she was confused by all the coming events but one thing is for sure 'That person standing infront of him was her mate' and no one and I mean no one will have him but me. {Another}

When she said that and looked towards their faces only one of them seem to understand what she was saying "HMM" she cleared her throats and continued "I was given a m…"

But as she was about to speak to him "Hey! Aren't you supposed to keep that a secret" Melisa interrupted her.

She give him the stink eye for interrupting her and ignored her and start telling her tales but again she was "Hey bitch, you didn't answerer my question" Interrupted.

Her mind was already a mess and this bitch is ANNOYING HER, Fuck This. "Shove it bitch and stick it to your ass these useless questions of yours." She said that in rather threatening persona.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY!" a venomous voice was heard she already had enough with this bitch and punched him in the face. "BOOM" a booming sound was heard and the Gloria bitch vanished from her spot.

Grayson was speechless; he was still recovering from his earlier endeavor and now this and unbelievable sight right in front of him.

"What in the fuck!" he said that without any concern. SHE Vanished, right infront of his eyes.

Gloria can be seen traveling at high speed with red cheek but the next moment it vanished.

Before Gloria could crashed into the wall which has just been Restore due to some Unknown Methods she got crashed into something else, yep a barrier had been erected before she could crashed or was it was always there.

Gloria was also surprised she expected herself to embedded into the wall but what happened that she only crashed into the air "Seems like that lizard still had the barrier just in case" yep this is not the only time that happened she was already at odds with that Wolf-Bitch and this is not the first fight they had before.

She lept back her target Wolf-Bitch detected, she stretched her hand behind and "SHUN" claws pooped out from her fingers and was ready to punch that bitch which was distracted for some reason. No matter it her time to Fly Away.

The Horn woman who was standing there sighing and thinking what type of madhouse she got herself into.

Then she looked towards the human still wondering how that smell ceased coming from him like it was never there in the first place. Now there is only one smell and that is Human.

"Interesting" she may have stumbled upon on something that is only considered myth in her world or an urban legend. But with what she has observed so far Now that is what she called a Lucky.

Then Melisa also got punched in the face and Flew away, For Grayson it only Happened in second, First that woman Vanished Now Melisa too. He is confused! Wondering is her still alive.

"Children" the horn woman said it out aloud and smirked, Then she again heard something she heard a crack with whimpering sounds soon following behind and when she looked behind her, the two woman's flying early writhing in pain at the moment. And when she saw where they where they it didn't take a genius to guess what happened here she had been punched in the face.

These bitches are trying to involve me too 'Well who said I don't like to fight.'

She smiled crazily seeing that their attempt has been futile. And cracked her knuckles and was already moment away from punching them in both of their face.

"Will you all give it a rest?"…..

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