

The night was silent, although you could hear some monster roar, it seemed as if they themselves tried to keep it quiet. Not being able to sleep at night. Nainoa had decided to browse the Mana Heart manual that he had bought from the system. The manual had explained how Mana heart works and the theory behind mana itself. Mana is the energy that surrounds everything, it could help life thrive, but can also take away life. The only difference being the users if mana. Mana heart is when one gathers the mana around them into their body, and then create a ring around their heart. This ring can store a certain amount of mana. Increasing the size or density of this ring can cause stress on the heart, which results in heart attacks, and other heart-related disorders. Thus being the most dangerous way of increasing one's mana. Also if one creates more mana rings then the heart can handle, it will also result in heart-related disorders. Thus training body and mana control is a must before creating a mana ring. Thus putting Nainoa at a pause for creating a mana ring. Even though his body has gotten stronger because of the system, he wasn't confident in controlling mana. Mana was talked about throughout his family, and some members of his family had the ability to tell when one of us had died. He had never believed any of it thinking that they were saying some random cultural Hawaiian thing. Looking at everything around him, he starts to wish that he had this power. So that at least he could tell if looking for his family wasn't just a wild goose chase.

When the light started to peak out into the night, Nainoa had just woken up, even though he had slept for only a couple of hours, he still could function. Years of camping on the beach and only sleeping for a couple of hours waiting for the fish to bite finally paid off. "D*mn morning already?" Seeing that the sun hasn't completely risen, Nainoa decides to look for some food. He goes house to house, of course being extremely careful, looting every cabinet, and every fridge. As he gets to the houses that live further from the entrance, he sees something that might be life-changing. Solar panels in the backyards of some of the bigger houses. Even if the electric generators are down Solar panels can help preserve food. It can power the stove or microwave to cook raw food that has yet to spoil. 'Living here would be a lot more beneficial since its further from the main road and has solar panels. It also has more room compared to our current house. But I also don't want to leave the house I grew up in.' Though my family isn't the best, I still have many fond memories their.... screw it. System can you scan the solar panels for their blue prints?'

"Host has yet to unlock such function"

'Had a feeling you were gonna say that.'

Nainoa started to explore around the community more, when he heard a cry. Hearing this Nainoa start to walk towards the source, one of the bigger houses on the block. It was three stories, and had a very expensive looking car in the car port. Immediately Nainoa got cautious, hearing cries could always be a trap but listening closely it sounds like a girl crying. Soon as the door opens a foul smell invaded his nose. Looking around Nainoa can see human remains, all over the place. Hearing the crying stop, Nainoa calls out "Hello... anyone alive?" After a few seconds passed little bit of tumbling noises could be heard from upstairs and then a teenage girl peaks over the stairs. Seeing her, I immediately notice that she's dehydrated and has dried up tears on her face. She must've cried for awhile. "Who are you, and what're you doing here?" Asked the girl in a threatening way. "I heard someone crying and wanted to see if anybody was here. Look you can have some water." When hearing that a little girl came rushing over to grab the bottle water. She seemed to be around 10 years old. While the other seems to be around 16-17 years old. "My name is Nainoa I lived a couple of houses down. If you need anything just let me know." Though I'm unwilling to share my loot, having more people around can really help me not go crazy from just talking to Blue. Seeing that I have no ill will towards them the teenage girl comes out and says "I'm daisy and this is my little sister Is. Our parents died and we don't have much food here, only snacks." They must eat out all the time, must be nice being that wealthy. Though it doesn't matter now. "Do you wanna come with us, we started a small farm and could always a little bet of help. Plus if should be better then staying here all alone." Daisy starts to contemplate what I had said "Yea, we'll go with you but give us a minute to gather our stuff." As soon as she says that she goes upstairs and I can hear a suitcase roll around and after a half an hour of waiting Daisy came down with a suitcase full of close. This suitcase wasn't small by any means either, it was 8ft tall and 4 feet wide. "Do you have the whole house in there?" I jokingly said. "Of course not, though I wish I had a bigger suitcase." She realizes that we only live less then a mile away, right?" Well at least Daisy is kind of cute.... look I would've invented her no matter how she looked, but with her attitude I hope she can at least work on our garden a bit. When I take a good look at Daisy, I start to notice somethings, one she is shaking, I believe it's probably from the dead bodies earlier. They might've been her parents or guardians. Two going somewhere with an 18 year old boy is kind of scary in itself which is understandable and I don't take offense too, though it kind of stings a bit if that's the main reason she's shaking. Also I start to notice her curly hair is a little dirty, and her clothes that she is wearing has bit of blood stains on it. "Do you have a wound?" I ask her.

"I do but I already cleaned and bandaged it" she said with a bit of fear in her voice.

"Was it anything deep or big?"

"No, nothing to serious"

Okay welp luckily I didn't have to continue that awkward conversation, as we already near our home. Cooper immediately jump towards me and as he was about to land, a force had stopped him. Of course Ralts was the cause of the mystery floating Cooper. Seeing this the two girls start to freak out a bit, but I explained to them that these two are my pets. Hearing this they start to calm down but are still wary of the two beings in-front of them.

"Nainoa, you got food? I'm starving here, who knew that working in the garde.... who are they?" Blue asked with a confused tone.

"I found them alone and invented them to stay with us, we have a room open for them to stay, plus you have an extra helper to take care of the house." I said in a half ass way of convincing him.

"Alright, I guess it could help a bit...." seeing that he really can't do much in this situation he agreed to let them stay.

"Hey I'm Blue, like the color."

"Daisy and this is Is. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too. Nainoa let's eat I'm starving." We head inside and I start to prepare an actual meal seeing that these girls haven't eaten in awhile. After eating I show them to a room, which is used as my older brothers room but since he barely comes by, it's pretty much empty. "This is your room the bed the dresser is here you can just throw the clothes outside and I'll move them somewhere later." As I said that I walk out I go meditate and try to think of our next move for tomorrow.