
Fallen in love with the Loli Princess in novel story

Narumi Amakawa is a prodigious magic engineer renowned for his expertise in building giant mechs and advanced war weapons. He possesses a brilliant mind and has garnered attention and invitations from various private companies and the Imperial Army responsible for safeguarding the galaxy. Despite the numerous opportunities presented to him, Narumi remains undecided about where he should ultimately devote his talents. However, Narumi carries a secret that he has never shared with anyone: he is an avid fan of a series of literature known as "Loli Princess Novel". These novels feature adorable princess characters, and Narumi, in particular, is infatuated with one character named Christina Aurestear. He empathizes deeply with her tragic story and the sacrifices she made to protect her people. Narumi's favorite scene in the series is the one in which Christina meets her unfortunate demise, a scene that deeply resonated with him and many other fans. Narumi harbors a genuine love for Christina Aurestear and fantasizes about piloting his giant mech to protect her and fulfill her unfulfilled wish. However, he recognizes the limitations of her existence as a fictional character confined to the pages of a book. On a fateful day, a mysterious event takes place that Narumi cannot comprehend. A massive warp hole materializes, prompting Narumi to make a decision to venture into it, carrying the Loli Princess Novel book he held and his giant mech. Little does he know that the destination of this unexpected journey is none other than the world depicted in the novel, the very world Narumi has longed for. Story tags : science fantasy, robot anime, technology invention, mix bathing, co-sleeping, seducing, no NTR, happy ending, polygamy, transported to novel world. Character tags : loli, loli-oppai, princess, litte sister, maid, tsundere, innocent, jealous, magic engineer, loli pilot, alluring, naked. === Recomment === Hello everyone! I'm excited to announce that I've published to the end of 1st volume, I'm here to recommend it to all the fans of isekai harem! Here are a few things to keep in mind before diving in: The main focus of this story is on romance and the development of relationships between the protagonist and the heroines. If you're looking for action-packed battle scenes, you may not find them here. Instead, expect a deep exploration of emotions and connections. While this story falls under the sci-fi fantasy genre, it deviates from the usual isekai tropes. There are no elves, dwarves, or beast girls, and you won't find an adventure guild or a slave shop. So if you're seeking a different take on the isekai formula, this story might intrigue you. I hope you give this isekai harem story a chance and enjoy the journey of romance and exploration it offers. Happy reading!

EvilcatNarumi · Fantaisie
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101 Chs

Chapter 54.5: The Royal Castle Maid's Night Tea Party 4

At night, a group of young maids gathered in the cozy tea room of the servant quarters. It was their usual night tea party, but tonight held a special treat as they had a new luxury drink called fruit smoothie. The cold and sweet beverage provided a delightful respite from the summer heat, making this hot summer night even more enjoyable.

As the maids settled into their seats, their conversation naturally turned to the recent dinner in Narumi's room. One of the maids leaned forward with a mischievous smile. "Did you all notice the way Lord Narumi looked at our princess? It was as if she was the center of his world. Their connection never fails to bring a smile to my face whenever I see them together."

Another maid nodded in agreement, her head bobbing up and down. "Yes, their bond runs deep, even without the need for words. And our princess, though she may put on a tsundere facade, her true feelings for Lord Narumi are unmistakable." She pressed her palm against her own blushing cheeks, mimicking Christina's reaction. "You can't miss the way her cheeks flush whenever he's near."

A maid with a gentle demeanor chimed in, her hands cupped together, symbolizing her delicate nature. "Let's also acknowledge Amelia-sama. Beneath her playful exterior, I could see the sincerity in her eyes when she expressed her love for Lord Narumi." She gestured toward her heart, indicating deep emotions. "It's evident that she deeply cares not just for him but for others as well."

Another maid, with a more serious expression, spoke up, her index finger raised as if to make a point. "It's truly fascinating to witness such profound connections among them. As for Valentia-sama, her feelings may be enigmatic in this complex web of emotions. However, what remains certain is my unwavering support for Lord Narumi and his pursuit of happiness." She placed a hand over her heart, expressing loyalty.

A new recruit maid, with youthful innocence shining through, added her perspective. "All I want is for Lord Narumi to find happiness. Whether it's with our princess, Lady Amelia, or anyone else, as long as he's joyful, I will always offer my support." The other maids nodded in agreement, "You are truly a good girl, aren't you? Ufufu," they said, their smiles filled with understanding and appreciation for her words.

As the maids continued their conversation, the topic shifted to the heightened security measures in the royal castle. One maid raised the issue, her brows furrowed in concern and her arms crossed tightly across her chest. "Have you noticed how strict the royal castle security has become lately? With so many people from different countries visiting, they're taking extra precautions," she remarked, her voice filled with worry.

Another maid leaned forward, her eyes wide with intrigue. "Have you heard about all the people trying to force a connection with Lord Narumi? It's as if everyone wants a piece of him." As they exchanged stories, one maid excitedly gestured with her hands, mimicking a sneaky figure trying to infiltrate the castle. "There was this one person who actually managed to sneak in and reach Lord Narumi, but they were swiftly caught by one of the female knights. She's incredible, I tell you!"

The maids gasped in awe, some clasping their hands over their mouths while others leaned in closer to hear more details. One maid, known for her skepticism, raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. "But how could an amateur even think they could reach Lord Narumi? That female knight must be incredibly strong and skilled," she stated, her voice tinged with admiration.

In response, another maid leaned forward, her eyes shining with mischief. She brought her index finger to her lips, making a shushing gesture. "Have you heard the rumor of a mysterious princess from Elsummer Kingdom?" She glanced around, ensuring no one was listening. "Maybe if it's her, she would have managed to slip in and meet Lord Narumi. Many people are talking about her ability to go unnoticed."

The other maids exchanged surprised glances. One maid couldn't contain her curiosity and asked, "Is there really a princess like that? Will she be sent to Lord Narumi too?" Another maid nodded, affirming the information. "It's highly likely, considering the other four kingdoms have already sent their princesses to Lord Narumi. Elsummer Kingdom can't be left behind." The maids nodded in unison, their joined hands with the other maids, their palms coming together in agreement.

Then the conversation turned to the remarkable magic bangle that Narumi had invented and gifted to them. One maid proudly raised her left arm, showcasing the gleaming magic bangle, and marveled at its intricate design. Her eyes widened with admiration as she spoke, her voice filled with awe. "You know, this magic bangle is truly extraordinary," she exclaimed and rotated her arm in a circular motion, causing the bangle to emit a vibrant red glow, symbolizing its ability to identify mana signatures. "It can identify mana signatures, rendering it useless if stolen. Lord Narumi truly thought of everything."

Another maid eagerly joined in, extending her hand and creating a transparent shield in the air with her palms. "And it has an automatic energy shield function too," she added, tracing her fingers along the outline of the transparent shield. "It's like having a protective barrier around us at all times." She pointed to her wrist, indicating the bangle's location identification feature. "And the 3km radius for location identification is also a brilliant addition. We can always call for help if needed." She gently tapped her finger on an emergency button, emphasizing the bangle's emergency communication capabilities.

"Lord Narumi not only dedicates himself to fighting colossal biomachine monsters and protecting the world, but he also genuinely cares about each one of us, even though we are just servants. I am truly at a loss for words when it comes to expressing my gratitude," one maid spoke with a heartfelt tone. The other maids collectively nodded, their hands clasped together as they shared the same sentiment. Their hands then moved to their hearts, a gesture of respect and deep appreciation for Narumi's care and consideration for their safety.

Inside the cozy tea room, the conversation continued to flow, accompanied by the sweet taste of fruit smoothies. The maids' bond as servants of the royal castle grew stronger, fueled by their unwavering admiration for Narumi and the shared experiences they had encountered in their duties. With every passing moment of the night tea party, they found solace in each other's company and took comfort in the knowledge that they were supported and protected under the ingenious inventions of Narumi.